New release – v5.51 – Elevation data fixed
August 6th, 2018
elevation tiles on Parkview Mtn, Continental Divide Trail
Version 5.51 is now out, which restores access to critical piece of TopoFusion’s magic: Elevation Data!
We are extremely lucky to be able to continue pulling data from a number of public domain and free data sources. That means that TopoFusion can still be a ‘one time’ pay type of software with no recurring costs — as it has been since 2002 — 16 years!
The time may come in the future when in order to continue with key features like USGS topo tiles and elevation DEM data, that we either need to charge a yearly subscription or users pay for subscriptions to other map servers. But that day is not today! We’re going to do our best to keep it that way.
Update your TF and check out the new version (full list of changes below), or if you are new to TopoFusion, go ahead and try the demo. And as always, let us know what you think, especially if you have a suggestion for a new feature or different way the software should work.
Team TopoFusion
Scott Morris
Version compiled and distributed from a small Scamp Trailer in the woods
Head over to the Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.
Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.
Full list of changes
For a complete list of changes see the Revision History, or keep reading here for what has changed since the last public release:
5.51 – 8/5/2018
Fixed ‘no map’ tiles in US Topo
Improved Elevation server downloads
5.5 – 7/23/2018
Restored access to Elevation data and LANDSAT tiles
Removed Juicy Trails layer from map menu (server removed)
Updated hidden sat tiles
New 2018 Splash Screen
5.48 – 11/16/2017
Restored access to USGS Imagery due to server change – expanded coverage?
Added support for “Dark” colors in gpxx:displaycolor – read/write
Fixed hang/crash in “goto coordinate”
Updated hidden sat tiles
Fixed hang in loading many photos at one time (looped linked list)
5.47 – 8/21/17
Fixed Runtime error in Batch Download tool
Added help/explanation to Batch Download tool
5.46 – 8/11/17
Fixed SSL refcount error
5.45 – 7/25/17
Further work on SSL refcount error
Further work on SSL through proxy server
5.44 – 7/16/17
Added API key for Open Cycle Map tiles (removing watermark)
Added support for “Basic” type authenticated proxy servers
Fixed ‘divide by zero’ in mercator tilesets when at extreme latitudes
Improved error checking for lat/lon ‘Goto-coordinate’
Added “Toggle Downloading” to the Toggles menu
Restored access to Juicy Trails maps
Changed Tileset dropdown to always be in ‘simple’ mode (removing 0.003, 0.062
numbered tilesets), for easier use.
Increased precision of track distance, in File Properties dialog only.
Removed menu options and tileset dropdown for old style Topo/BW Aerial maps continues to be offline, does not seem to be coming back
To enable on legacy copies of TopoFusion, edit TopoFusion.ini file and change
UseMSRMaps=0 to UseMSRMaps=1
5.43 – 4/17/17
Fixed elevation download (server now requires HTTPS)
Fixed waypoint symbols in KML files with spaces