Archive for August, 2009

Pro v3.85 released – batch map downloading!

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

TopoFusion Pro version 3.85 is out now, in both full and free forms. The biggest feature addition is the wholly revamped Batch Download Tool. This tool allows you to automatically grab massive amounts of map data and store it locally for use offline, or just for use in general. The tool provides space and time estimates and allows you to select which map tilesets you want. Included in this release also is the ability to batch download color aerials as well as maps from any WMS server.

We also added color aerials for the state of Maine, bringing our high resolution color imagery coverage in the United States to all but 5 states. See Color Coverage for more info on color aerial coverage, including an updated map. These aerials come from a variety of servers.

Head over to the Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.

Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go here to request your code and the download URL.

Full list of changes

For a complete list of changes see the Revision History

Colorado Trail Race live tracking

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

The Colorado Trail Race starts Sunday August 2nd, 2009 at 6am from Denver, Colorado. Mountain bikers will race self-supported for some 470 miles, nonstop, until they reach Durango, Colorado. Taking between 4 and 8 days, this is an epic singletrack ride like no other.

TopoFusion author Scott Morris will be there testing his endurance. He also wrote the SPOT tracking software that will be used to view the race unfold, online. A new site has been launched,, which features exclusive use of the TopoFusion SPOT tracking system.

To follow along with the Colorado Trail Race, go here:

About 40 racers will carry SPOT units.