GPX Maps
Welcome to TopoFusion's free GPS data pages. GPX is an open GPS data exchange format. It is the primary data format used by TopoFusion and other GPS mapping programs. The following GPS maps are in GPX format and can be viewed with any GPX capable program. You may need to select Save as.. in your browser to download the files.Appalachian Trail GPS
Complete GPS data for the Appalachian Trail can be found on the TopoFusion Appalachain Trail GPS page. Includes elevation data, google earth files and shelter waypoints.
Fantasy Island

View Fantasy Island Map in Jpeg format.
Download Fantasy Island data in GPX format.
NOTE: A state trust land permit is required to ride at Fantasy Island. For information on state land permits, see State Land Permit. Moab Riding
The following are a collection of tracks during a short trip to Moab, UT during Thanksgiving 2003. Trails included: Sovereign Singletrack, Amasa Back, Porcupine Rim (partial) and Slick Rock (partial).
Download Moab Thanksgiving in GPX format.
Mt. Kimball

View Mt. Kimball Aerial Map in Jpeg format.
Download Mt. Kimball data in GPX format.
See the Sierra Club's description of this hike.
Wasson Peak

View Wasson Peak Aerial Map in Jpeg format.
Download Wasson Peak in GPX format.
GPX Networks
The following GPS maps were generated automatically from overlapping input tracks by TopoFusion's network algorithm. Each segment in the networks is a single track and trail junctions are labeled with waypoints. These files will load successfully in other GPX supported software (as well as in TopoFusion). To get the full benefit of displaying, profiling and creating new routes with these networks you need TopoFusion.All of the maps available here include descriptions of each trail segment and waypoint. Right click on a segment in TopoFusion and choose "Edit Track Properties" to see the description.
Brian Head

Download Brian Head Network in GPX format.
Starr Pass

Download Starr Pass Network in GPX format.
Other Free GPX map resources - Free GPX files and guidebook info with a nice MS virtual earth map interface - GPX files and route info for long distance bikepacking trails
Travel by GPS - Very high quality GPX data and info for all types of adventures - One of the best sources for quality GPX files, especially if you are a mountain biker. - A user submitted database of GPX files. - User submitted tracklogs with google maps interface - User submitted bike GPS files in Conneticut
Salt Lake Cycling - Road bike routes around SLC in GPX format.
Water Trails - User-edited water trails for kayaks and canoes in the San Francisco Bay Area
Mountain Bike Directory - check the GPS / Mapping category
Links to other excellent places for Southern AZ trail information
Scott Cherba's Adventures in Tucson Mountain biking. - Excellent trail guide and pictures.
SDMB's trail descriptions and maps - Good descriptions of many popular rides in the area. Most of the maps were made from GPS data, but the data itself is not available.
SAMBA's maps - A few good maps, but many contain trails traced by hand--not collected with GPS data, so I would not trust them. No ride descriptions.
Virtual Tucson Magazine - Some writeups and pictures from local popular rides.
Last, but not least, Tucson Bike map from Pima county. Find the best routes to ride to the ride--even Mt. Lemmon trails can be ridden to with a little effort.
NOTE: You may need to right click and select Save As... also, your browser may add the .xml extension to the files. The correct extension for the files is .gpx