Author Topic: Unable to download most maps  (Read 2398 times)


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Unable to download most maps
« on: June 10, 2017, 06:18:34 PM »
Hi - I just purchased the pro version and am having issues downloading maps.  I had the same issues on the demo version but wanted the app regardless to merge and edit GPS files.  I was hoping someone might point me in the right direction here, or let me know if this is normal for all users for the time being?

Currently, there are a large number of maps failing to load.
These will not work:
-Topo (all) - 2m, 4m, so on...
-Aerial (all) - 1m, so on...
-Urban (all)
-Tiger (I understand these are now gone)
-Land Ownership BLM (all)

MyTopo seems to be working.

The error window pops up (Screenshot attached):

Downloading disabled
Sorry, TopoFusion is having trouble contacting one or more of its map servers.  A few things that might be happening:
(possible issues listed here) - I currently do not have any firewalls blocking access.  Router is set to allow port 80 for apps.  No proxy server.
I'm on the most recent 5.43
I've disabled (renamed) my topofusion.ini file.  App reset to initial settings...  the ini file was not recreated upon re-launching the app (does not currently exist). 
Full-uninstall / re-install did not fix the maps issue. 
I've tried changing the 'Internet' settings down to 1 connection (slow) up to the highest and back.
Re-enabling map downloading will continue to fail until I go to a map not listed above.

-I forgot to mention, I'm in the mid-west USA (this is the location I'm attempting to load.)


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Re: Unable to download most maps
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2017, 06:27:03 PM »
Hi there,

Thanks for the post.  Unfortunately all of the maps you have listed are now deprecated -- the servers are gone.  MyTopo and Color are the most reliable tilesets to use.

I have tried to find a replacement for the BLM ownership layer, but they have not brought that service back online yet.

I will be removing the older Topo, BW Aerial and Urban tilesets from future versions of the software (people who have those tiles will still be able to use them, but they won't show up for new users).  I had hoped maybe MSRmaps server would come back, but it would seem not.

In short, nothing is amiss.  Look around at the other map types!  Oh, there is a watermark issue (API needed) on the open cycle map tiles that I will investigate this week.

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: Unable to download most maps
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2017, 06:29:16 PM »
Thanks for the quick reply - that's what I wanted to verify.