Author Topic: This info is for anyone getting notification that TopoFusion is malware.  (Read 2373 times)


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This info is for anyone getting notification that TopoFusion is malware.

I was reinstalling TopoFusion on a new computer and Zemana kept deleting the install exe because it identified it as malware.  I looked on the Internet and couldn't find much info, but did find a different site that is alleging the TopoFusion installer is malware too:

I finally found this info that suggests that some real malware tries to hide using the topofusion filename:

Based on the above I overrode the Zemana actions, but wanted to let others know just in case they ran into this. 

For TopoFusion, recommend that you explicitly scan and document that your downloads are malware free.  The only reason I ran the executable was because I downloaded directly from your site and found the information above.



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Thanks for the post, this info helps.  Quite a few scanners out there (avast, norton) will complain about the TopoFusion installer, especially in the first month or so after we release a new version.  The reason is it's a 'rare' or 'new' file that they haven't seen yet.

So, yes, please scan it and force install, or report as whitelist, whenever possible.  That does help us (and other TF users) out.

Downloads of the software are direct from our site, and only compiled on one development computer that I always maintain anti-virus on.  There is almost no chance that any of our installers would be malicious in any way.

I generally fill out the whitelist request form with Norton which each new version, but it is tedious and sometimes I forget.

Again, thanks for the post!

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion