Author Topic: How to Measure Existing Track Segment?  (Read 3584 times)


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How to Measure Existing Track Segment?
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »
Hey Scott,

Hope you are having a good winter.  I can't find an answer to the following:

Is there a way to find out the length of a segment of a track without having to draw using the pencil?  In other words, is there a way to click at some point on an existing track, then click farther along on the same track and get a readout of the track distance (not the straight line) between the two points? For example, if I ride a lollipop loop, with one way in and out (the "stick" of the lollipop), it would be nice to be able to get a measurement of the loop without the "stick", or vice versa.



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Re: How to Measure Existing Track Segment?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 01:17:55 PM »
Hey Jim,

Hard to have a bad winter in Tucson...

There's no specific function to measure part of a track.  Here's what I do, though:

Quick estimate -- just use the profile tool to mouse over and find the start/end.

To get a precise number:

1) cut the track at the desired start and end points (2 cuts)
2) profile the newly created track and note distance/climbing/etc
3) right click on the file and choose "reload file" to revert to the saved version

I think the main reason there isn't something like this is difficulty choosing which part of a track (esp. when it loops or overlap) you are choosing.  If you have any thoughts as to how you'd expect a function like this to work, I'd love to hear them.

Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion


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Re: How to Measure Existing Track Segment?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2009, 01:55:08 PM »
It should be easy to implement (says the non-coder  :) )

Just click on a point to select with the select point tool.  Then click (crtl-alt click?)(crtl-shift click?) on another point farther along in the same track.  As long as the two points are located sequentially in the same track, the segment of track would then be highlighted and it should be fairly easy to get the track distance between them.  If necessary, the first point would have to be earlier in time than the second, which is indicated by the handy new directional arrows that you put in a few releases back.  For selecting, one just has to zoom in really tight to be able to select the right point on the track.

In the meantime, though, I'll do the snip and profile.