Author Topic: How to get others to see Topofusion project?  (Read 2573 times)

river wanderer

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How to get others to see Topofusion project?
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:14:04 AM »
I'm new to this. It may really show with this question. How can I export or some how make my projects available to to others?
 I am marking and photographing access areas dams and points of interest on rivers in my state. I would like to share this with other canoers and kayakers. How do I do this?     


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Re: How to get others to see Topofusion project?
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 10:18:02 AM »
Depends on how you want to share the data.

You could simply use the 'export view' function to export a map, even high resolution, in jpeg/png/bmp format.  What you see is what you get on the main TF map.

Or, use PhotoFusion to create an interactive HTML page that you could post if you have a web site.  This would allow people to see a thumbnail of the photos you took and be able to click on them in the map.

Finally, if people want access to the actual data so they can examine in high detail, just share a GPX file with the photo locations with them.  Then they can open that up in TopoFusion or other GPS software.

Hope that helps.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion