Author Topic: GPX Name text on map?  (Read 1832 times)


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GPX Name text on map?
« on: October 02, 2017, 03:21:20 PM »
Is there a way to have imported GPX files list the name or any other text field directly onto the map? 
I'm currently loading GPX files from MTBProject over a hybrid map with contour / OSM.   I then export a KMZ file and use Garmin basecamp to send to my Edge cyclometer for custom maps.  However I can't seem to find a way of displaying the individual trail names (text) from the gpx files. 
Also, if what I'm doing generally has a better way (or a better format to use), I'm open to ideas. 


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Re: GPX Name text on map?
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2017, 07:32:08 PM »

Seems like a pretty good strategy to me.  There isn't a way to display the name of a file in the map in TF, unfortunately.  You could certainly add such text as waypoints, but that might be tedious if you have a number of files loaded?

A toggle that shows the names (and numbers, when there are multiple tracks per file) is a pretty good idea.  I can't guarantee it wouldn't get cluttered in some cases, but it would help for your projects and also in identifying tracks. 

Thanks for the post.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion