Author Topic: A question of maps  (Read 2769 times)


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A question of maps
« on: December 01, 2010, 11:51:08 AM »
I needed to edit a track list yesterday, but I have a problem with it.  The track was mapped at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA.  The problem that I have is that none of the maps available in TF (4.05) are high-enough resolution that I can clearly see the path that I need to move the points into.

The best that I could find is Color Aerial, but as you can see in the attached map, that leaves alot to be desired.  Urban Aerial cannot map this area, it says "Unable to display map for this location and tileset".  B/W Aerial would be sufficient resolution, but the B/W map is so old that it still shows the woodland that used to exist there, before the lower campus was developed - I cannot even guess how old that must be, that development has been there for at least a decade!  And of course, no other maps actually show the campus details that I'd need for this purpose.

Google Maps/Google Earth show excellent images for this area, so what I did for now was an iterative process; move some points in TF, save as kml, load into Google Earth and view, rinse and repeat.  That has proven sufficient for my current needs... but it would be better if there was a better map in TF.


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Re: A question of maps
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 01:45:40 PM »
Yep, google imagery is sometimes better (sometimes worse, esp. in remote areas!).  In urban areas it is tough to beat, but they pay for the imagery and protect it as well.

One thing you can do is grab a screenshot of google earth or maps, then import it into TF using the "User Maps" feature.  However, at the scale you're looking at it'll be hard to calibrate it finely enough to do the corrects you want to do.

A little bird told me that there's an easier way to get google tiles into TF.  Drop me an email about it.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion