Author Topic: DEM accuracy in Africa?  (Read 2515 times)


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DEM accuracy in Africa?
« on: April 02, 2016, 10:07:21 AM »

How accurate is the DEM data that Topofusion uses when I click "Correct Elevation using DEM"? What is the source?
I have a trail run track in Cape Town, South Africa and from what I can figure out, the most accurate free DEM data for Africa is the SRTM1 30m data that can be downloaded from the USGS website.

Is this a similar sort of elevation accuracy that the same track would get from some websites that use the Google elevation api to source DEM data?



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Re: DEM accuracy in Africa?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2016, 08:19:49 PM »
Hi Alistair,

Thanks for the post.  The source for TF is the same SRTM1 30m data available from the USGS.  It's the best free source I know of for outside the US.

I am not sure if google's elevation service is any better for SA or not.

Hope that helps.
Scott Morris - founder and co-author of TopoFusion