Released a new version of the software today. The PADUS version one data set seems to be going away. Land owner will be restored with this version and also be more up to date.
Plus the below changes.
5.72 - 1/25/21
Upgraded support for US Landownership layer to PADUS_2 - the most current data
Old data may become unavailable in for older versions of TopoFusion
Fixed 'downloading' toggle not shown on 'disabled' dialog
UTM and LL grid lines can now be disabled by setting grid width to 0 or grid
alpha to 0
New 2021 Splash Screens
Fixed inconsistent climbing elevation in Profile Window. Profile mouse tool
was not using box filtering, vs right click - Profile and active list were
5.71 - 6/9/20
Fixed intermittant crash when panning/downloading maps, introduced in 5.7
Fixed swapped UTM East/North coordinates in waypoint dialog
Returned 'D' shortcut key for Draw Tracks Tool
Fixed about screen to display Basic version