We are happy to announce the release of version 4.0 of TopoFusion Pro! The software has come a long way since v3.0, the last major revision, and we hope you are as excited about the improvements as we are.
Since the latest release (v3.973) we have added several map types, including new topo maps courtesy of myTopo.com and street maps from the Open Street Map project. The partnership with myTopo is particularly beneficial for TopoFusion users, since they are both more up-to-date and better quality USGS topo maps than the standard topo maps available in TopoFusion since v1.0 -- those from Terraserver (now MSRMaps.com). Here is a quick comparison.
Terraserver (old maps):

And new maps from myTopo, only available in TopoFusion Pro v4.0:

Note the higher quality scan and also the addition of forest road and trail numbers -- very useful when planning your next foray into the outdoors.
We want to thank the good folks at myTopo for the partnership, and encourage all our users to check out their map printing services. Head over to
myTopo.com, or use the "Order Printed Map" command, available in the File menu in TopoFusion, to jump into myTopo's easy to use map ordering engine. They produce a nice product!
There are other new features in v4.0, like a fully functional "Combo" mode that allows GPS mappers to blend any two map types -- including myTopo, color aerials and open street maps, allowing for some very unique views. Check it out and help us spread the word -- TopoFusion 4 is here!

Head over to the
Download Page to try TopoFusion out, free of charge.
Registered users refer to your registration email for the download link, or go
here to request your code and the download URL.
<h1>Full list of changes</h1>
For a complete list of changes see the
Revision History