Author Topic: Pro Version 3.12 Released  (Read 3161 times)


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Pro Version 3.12 Released
« on: July 02, 2007, 05:55:38 PM »
This was actually released over a week ago, but it was released just before a trip, so we never sent the announcement.

3.12 is a major improvement over previous versions of TopoFusion PRO.

Changes since the latest full release (v3.07) include:

3.12 - [6/21/07]  (Full release)

Fixed "automation error" when simplifying a track multiple times
Fixed bug popping up area calculation and edit track introduced in 3.11

3.11 - [6/15/07]  (Beta)

Added custom symbols.bmp and sprites.bmp ability
  (download and place in default tracks directory)
Added "Delete Track" to track right-click menu
Added all available GPX symbols to dropdown in waypoint dialog
Fixed intermittent "unknown exception" on finishing track download
Fixed multi-track playback in landsat tiles
Fixed multi-track playback "author" text label placement
Fixed some problems with deleted points and photos
Improved waypoint clipping
Fixed intermittent black squares in upper corners of map (since 3.03)
Increased opacity of photo thumbnails
Fixed pan/zoom between tracks in landsat
Fixed crash with D3D_OUT_OF_MEMORY at startup

3.1 - [6/6/07]  (Beta)

Added waypoint symbols!  (icons)
Added "split track" function to simplify/spline dialog
  --Used for splitting a large track into smaller chunks for
    for upload to a Garmin's "saved tracks"
Fixed some problems across zone boundaries
  Fixed scale bar in landsat tilesets
  UTM coordinate display now changes zones
  Fixed draw (pencil) distance in landsat
  Fixed dropping waypoints across zones
Improved .kml import (waypoints)
Added "Map" menu
  Allows switching to all map types without changing zoom level
  Also provides menu options for all map state toggles
  Reworked a few minor keyboard shortcuts
    Profile tool is now "F" key
    "O" key now switches directly to Combo Maps
Added "Make New Folder" button to Photofusion HTML directory chooser
Other Misc. fixes

3.09 - [5/31/07]  (Beta)

Added shapefile import
Improved .kml import
Added basic .kml export
Added GPS config dialog to GPS transfer dialog
Added confirmation dialog (y/n) to file renaming
Added purchase links to installer
Added "run TopoFusion" option to installer
Changed "no map" message for tiles outside UTM zone
Added "zoomed too far out" message

3.08 - [5/22/07]  (Beta)

Split profile/merge tool into two tools
  Profile now only profiles tracks
  Merge tool is used to join tracks
Added support for GT-3 USB GPS
Fixed possible crashes in NMEA live tracking
Fixed problem editing/selecting tracks/points when map
  display is disabled
Fixed problem reading UTM text files (from TopoUSA)
Fixed crash editing track properties

Head on over to

To get the latest demo.  For registered users, refer to your registration email for the URL to download the full version.
