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TopoFusion Pro / Can Track labels be toggled off?
« Last post by KenF on May 09, 2021, 11:37:38 AM »
Track label functionality seems to have changed in some recent version. I can't find a way to get rid of them when they are blocking a portion of the view.
What am I missing?
My sense is that toggling them on/off with a right click on a blank portion of screen would be intuitive to me.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Adding a Track to an Existing File?
« Last post by gcorth on March 26, 2021, 12:41:47 PM »
Excellent!  Thanks for quick response!  g
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Adding a Track to an Existing File?
« Last post by ScottMorris on March 26, 2021, 12:03:42 PM »

Yep, there's another way to 'merge' files which is at the file level.  If you select any number of files in the Active File List you can then right click and choose "merge files and save as..." which will combine everything: tracks, waypoints and all.

TopoFusion Pro / Adding a Track to an Existing File?
« Last post by gcorth on March 26, 2021, 11:40:20 AM »
Is there an easy way add a track to a file without it joining/merging existing tracks.  The only way I've been able to do it is using Notepad.  For example, I have one file with 36 distinct tracks (derived from a shapefile) that I want to add additional tracks without connecting them.
Feature Requests / Re: Correction for wrong date, Garmin Geko 301
« Last post by Larry on March 14, 2021, 05:18:20 PM »
Thanks Scott!

What's odd is that my Geko 201 has always worked properly since I got it ~2004 I as I remember. (I've kept the software current.) It sill works just fine with TF using the current 2.70 software. I've tried re-installing the current software in the 301 but the date problem remains.

The  301 has a barometer / altimeter and an electronic compass both of which work very nicely so I'm thinking of using the 301 on the trail from now on.


Ps: the date displayed by the 301 is wrong and it is that date that TF also displays.  For whatever reason the 201  unit displays the correct date
Feature Requests / Re: Correction for wrong date, Garmin Geko 301
« Last post by ScottMorris on March 14, 2021, 05:02:21 PM »
This is amazing because it's vaguely familiar.  I think this bug was there from the beginning with the Gecko and there may have even been something in TF to deal with it.  I don't see traces of it any more, but I can dig a little more.

It's correcting for the timezone when it shouldn't. 
Feature Requests / Correction for wrong date, Garmin Geko 301
« Last post by Larry on March 13, 2021, 02:42:07 PM »
Hi Scott,

I recently found a Garmin Geko 301 as a backup to my trusty Geko 201 which I still find is the best GPS for what I do in the Cascades.  Although the 201 works as it should, the 301 gives the wrong date in spite of updating the software to the latest version (2.70) with the Garmin Web Updater.  The problem is as described here:  Geko 201 Time and Date are Incorrect | Garmin Support

Otherwise the unit works perfectly.

I can manually edit the .gpx file generated by TF to correct the date but it's an inconvenience.  It turns out that if I import the file into Excel and add 7 x 1024 = 7168 to the Excel date, the correct date is generated.  I know this is a minor issue but it would be great if there were a way to correct or change dates (not the time, just the date) from within TF.
Or perhaps there is another solution I have overlooked.
Thanks so much for your continued work!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« Last post by VaTrailRider on January 25, 2021, 05:02:40 PM »
Thanks for the work!
TopoFusion Anouncements / v5.72 released
« Last post by ScottMorris on January 25, 2021, 04:46:51 PM »

Released a new version of the software today.  The PADUS version one data set seems to be going away.  Land owner will be restored with this version and also be more up to date.

Plus the below changes.

5.72 - 1/25/21

Upgraded support for US Landownership layer to PADUS_2 - the most current data
  Old data may become unavailable in for older versions of TopoFusion
Fixed 'downloading' toggle not shown on 'disabled' dialog
UTM and LL grid lines can now be disabled by setting grid width to 0 or grid
  alpha to 0
New 2021 Splash Screens
Fixed inconsistent climbing elevation in Profile Window.  Profile mouse tool
  was not using box filtering, vs right click - Profile and active list were

5.71 - 6/9/20

Fixed intermittant crash when panning/downloading maps, introduced in 5.7
Fixed swapped UTM East/North coordinates in waypoint dialog
Returned 'D' shortcut key for Draw Tracks Tool
Fixed about screen to display Basic version
TopoFusion Pro / Re: No GPS Live Tracking with Windows 10
« Last post by ScottMorris on January 25, 2021, 04:44:21 PM »

Send me an email and I'll send you a debug version of the software.  We'll go from there.

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