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TopoFusion Pro / Weird 'topic reply' messages...
« Last post by derelict on October 14, 2023, 05:47:35 PM »
I've been getting some strange messages from TopoFusion support forums...
It started a week or two back, I got 2 (I think) messages, they both had subject lines of:
Topic reply: <some subject line>

and body starts with:
Code: [Select]
A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by wystra2.

Since then, I've gotten about half-dozen or so more of these messages...
*all* have been referring to valid threads that I *did* post...
Also, most if not all of them have been dated 08/30/23

However, when I go to look at those thread replies, there are *not* replies from that date!!
Furthermore, I cannot find an existing user named 'wystra2' ...

Does our software master, or anyone else, have any idea what is going on??
I just got two more of them today... I'll include an image of the screen for context...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« Last post by ScottMorris on September 25, 2023, 09:46:03 AM »
TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« Last post by St3v3 on September 12, 2023, 04:01:02 PM »
Ahh, OK that fixes the problem. I was trying to just use a beginning point and an end point. Intermediate points makes it work as expected. Thanks!
TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« Last post by ScottMorris on September 09, 2023, 03:56:07 PM »

How long of a distance are you drawing between the points?

You'll need some intermediate points in order to get a profile and accurate elevation gain/loss. There's an interpolate feature or just hold down the mouse button while you drag towards your end point.

Hope that makes sense / helps.

TopoFusion Pro / How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« Last post by St3v3 on August 05, 2023, 03:38:15 PM »
I'm doing something wrong

Select Track Tool, Left click begin point, left click end point, right click>Save as...
Select Hand tool, right click track, Profile
The profile shows 0 Climb and 0 Descent.
The distance seems correct.

What's the correct procedure?
Feature Requests / Garmin GPSMAP 67
« Last post by neilwoody on June 11, 2023, 04:40:35 AM »
TOPOFUSION 5.76 does not support the latest Garmin handheld GPSMAP 67. Hopefully a software update or patch can be added to remedy this issue. I prefer Topofusion but now use ExpertGPS which does support the GPSMAP 67.
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Version 5.76 does not start
« Last post by ScottMorris on April 30, 2023, 11:41:54 AM »
Sorry that I missed this post.

The "reset" option that installs with the software is a good option when things go awry. It resets the config file so that settings go back to default but sometimes more importantly it removes all GPX/KML files from the 'to load' list at opening. My guess is that the software was hanging on one of the files you had loaded previously. Maybe one with photos attached or something along those lines?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Version 5.76 does not start
« Last post by Kent on April 04, 2023, 11:43:50 AM »
The problem might be solved...?
The v5.76 installation package included two new tools 'Topofusion Diagnostic Log' and 'Reset TF to Default Settings'
The 'TF Diagnostic Log' gave
TopoFusion 5.760 Log Begin
SizeChanged : Not initialized, aborting
Setting internet settings..
SizeChanged : Not initialized, aborting
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...

And next 'Reset..." seems to help. TF starts as normal and I can display my tracks correct again, also after a restart.
Any comments on the result of the log? The CPU-load was about 35-45% when I was waiting these 40 minutes.
BR Kent

TopoFusion Pro / Version 5.76 does not start
« Last post by Kent on April 04, 2023, 11:18:02 AM »
Hi, The SW does not start on a new installation on a new computer (Win 11 pro). The download and installation is OK. The Initializing window has been on for approx 40 minutes. My location is in Sweden if that is an issue. I'm a long time user and have never seen this behaviour before. Any suggestions?
BR kent Lindgren
Feature Requests / Select Points tool - can it select waypoints also?
« Last post by fulmar2 on September 24, 2022, 04:42:09 PM »
If it's not too difficult to add, I was wondering if the "select points" tool (the one that has the dashed square with an arrow in the bottom right) would be able to select waypoints.  Right now, that tool selects tracepoints, but it would be helpful for "batch deleting" waypoints.  My use case is that I sometimes download multiple GPX files to put them together into one route.  Sometimes there are a lot of waypoints that I don't need which are off of the route.  If it is a long route, that can mean I exceed the 200 point limitation. It's possible to manually delete them one at a time, so this is kind of a low priority ask...  But if it is easy to implement, it would be helpful.
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