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TopoFusion Pro / Can't open Garmin FIT file (Error reading file).
« Last post by brian.r.hamilton on December 14, 2024, 12:25:51 PM »
I've found that I can open some FIT files but none from Garmin.  I suspect Garmin has added something that doesn't agree with TopoFusion.  Maybe just tags or whatever that TF doesn't recognize but should\could just ignore?  I'd be happy to send an example file or help in any way I can with resolving the issue.

Here's the error message I get from TopoFusion:  Error reading file: (full path\filename).
TopoFusion Pro / Land Owndership maps
« Last post by jimbowilly on November 16, 2024, 08:21:47 AM »
I just upgraded to the new version, 5.8,  but I cannot get either of the land ownership maps to download.

I've tried "Land Ownership BLM" and "Land Ownership US". I'm trying to view areas in central and SW Arizona

Firewall is wide open for Topofusion. No Proxy server. Other maps work fine, its just these two. They start and then downloading becomes disabled and I get that dialog box.

Is there a know issue for this?
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Solved: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« Last post by derelict on October 14, 2024, 03:33:22 PM »
Yes, it's been cruising around for many years now!!  I initially registered in 2007 (sadly, the registration email doesn't say what version it was...),
though I'd been using Basic version for some time before that...

When I came back to TF recently, I was *really* pleased, nae excited, to see that you had managed to incorporate Google Earth maps
into the program!!  That is so cool!!  I still have copies of emails that you and I exchanged,
back in January 2011, that started out with this post from you:

This is a friendly chirp from a little bird that if you download the latest TopoFusion beta, from here:
[ deleted ]
There is a hidden feature.  Access it as follows:

Help->About (loads up about screen)
On the keyboard hit Shift-D
A note about "Debug dialog" pops up
Open the Debug Dialog on the main menu
Enable the checkbox at the bottom of the dialog

Keys 7,8,9 now give access to new map types in TF.

It *did* work, but was rather touchy - yet I was grateful for it at the time!!
But now, it's just part of the program!!  That is an awesome accomplishment...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Solved: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« Last post by ScottMorris on October 11, 2024, 09:53:39 AM »

TF is still alive and well. Even as it is aging...
TopoFusion Pro / Re: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« Last post by derelict on October 10, 2024, 12:33:41 PM »
Ahhh!!  Thank you!!  It was set to Track Shading was set to Elevation... I changed it back to OFF, and that is fine...

I also needed to move a few of the points around... that took me a bit to figure out, but I got it!!

It's so cool to be back in TF again!!
TopoFusion Pro / Re: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« Last post by ScottMorris on October 10, 2024, 12:18:06 PM »

Pretty sure what's happening is that "track shading" is on. It overrides what a track's color is. You can find the toggle for it in the Toggles menu. Toggles->Track shading.

Sorry about the confusion. I'll have to check that it's off by default. I thought it was.

Thanks for reporting the spam post here, too.

TopoFusion Pro / Solved: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« Last post by derelict on October 10, 2024, 09:31:39 AM »
I recently wanted to edit a .gpx track file, captured with my Garmin GPS 66sr ...

I load the .gpx into TF, it displays correctly, but I cannot edit the file at all; I cannot even change the track color...
it *shows* the track color changed, in the file list, but it doesn't actually change on the display.
I was initially using V5.78, but upgraded to V5.80, but this issue is not affected.

Is there a fix for this??  I checked the file (which is enclosed with this message), and it is *not* read only...
I've always used TF to correct anomalies in my track files, so I'm surprised to see it not working now!

I am using Windows 10 Pro

Derell Licht
TopoFusion Anouncements / Site updated to SSL
« Last post by ScottMorris on August 22, 2024, 10:57:37 AM »

Finally got around to adding an SSL certificate to and going full https.

We don't collect or interact with anyone's personal data so there wasn't much need for it (purchasing the software has ALWAYS been secure).

But browsers started complaining, so it was time.

Do let me know if you notice anything wonky on the site anywhere. There are probably some regular http references around still, causing 'mixed content' errors.

Thanks for the support everyone. Nice to see some purchases still coming in.

TopoFusion forever!
TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: Landsat maps temporarily out
« Last post by ScottMorris on December 19, 2023, 10:30:36 AM »
There's a beta with the fix:

(for registered users only at this time. Full release soon)
TopoFusion Anouncements / Landsat maps temporarily out
« Last post by ScottMorris on December 18, 2023, 12:27:21 PM »

The server that gives TF the Landsat tileset has changed it's access method. So it is temporarily not able to load in the latest version of TF.

An update will come soon. Thanks for the patience and happy end of 2023!

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