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Messages - Jack_Glendening

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Map Calibration & Library
« on: March 10, 2011, 03:22:14 PM »
PS: I also note that the "default" calibration, i.e. that which occurs when the map is first loaded, prior to any user calibration, seems to be to fit the opened TopoFusion window.  This means that its aspect ratio differs from that of the original map, often times making it difficult to work with.  It would be nicer if the original map aspect ratio were retained by the "default" calibration.

Jack Glendening   

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Map Calibration & Library
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:13:46 AM »
Regarding my first request/hope, I later realized that perhaps the calibration process can only use certain image types, hence the selection process requires one to select only an image of those types.  If so, I can understand then leaving things as they are.

Jack Glendening

TopoFusion Pro / Map Calibration & Library
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:40:44 PM »
First a big THANK YOU for the map calibration feature using 3 points!  I've been using that very often to investigate hiking trails which show up on some old maps but have been unused and overgrown.  It makes geo-referencing of old maps relatively easy and precise, unlike Google Earth's crude stretch/move methods. 

In using that and the "User Map Library" I have come up with some requests/hopes:

() In the User Map Library, when opening a file it would be nice to have an "all files" option - at present I have to remember/guess whether I created the map as a JPG or a PNG

() In the User Map Library, allow one to change the filename - sometimes I afterwards think of a better way of describing/naming that file but I can't change the filename because then I would have to re-do the map calibration

() When "calibrating" it would be nice to be able to first do a rough calibration and then refine it.  Currently after a calibration, when one
tries to refine it using "Calibrate Point" the existing calibration is lost so one has to go hunting all over to find the points again.  My idea is that it should be possible to first do a rough calibration, then zoom in on one of the calibration points, click "Calibrate Point" and have the map overlay unchanged at that point, so the overlay and background points will still be within that zoomed area.

Again, thanks for all your fine work, which has allowed me to do some things which other software cannot.

Jack Glendening

User Projects / Network Routing and Metrics
« on: July 16, 2010, 12:17:56 PM »
I'm posting this here because of TF's tool which creates a trail network from a batch of gpx files and because I know others here have an interest in trail networking.  I've taken a network of gpx trail files for my local hiking area (Big Sur) and created a web tool which, given a start and finish trail location/intersection, will give the shortest distance routing and also its metrics (total distance, net elevation gain/loss, and cumulative upward elevation gain).  I suspect I may have re-invented the wheel and would be interested if anyone knows of something similar, so I could check it out and hopefully improve my own tool.

Ventana Trail Route Metrics

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Reversing a profile
« on: June 08, 2010, 02:40:15 PM »
OK, I'll use merge.  Personally I have to wonder how a reversal of a profile can be confusing to people!  To me it's more confusing to use a "Merge" tool to simply reverse a profile of a single track (when no merging is actually being done!) and I only happened to try that by accident, when I was doing a case which did involve a track merger.


TopoFusion Pro / Reversing a profile
« on: June 08, 2010, 12:42:23 PM »
I gather from reading the manual and searching the forums that it is possible to reverse a profile, but what I read there does not match up with my experience.  The manual says (under "Profile Dialog"):

"When using the profile tool a blue dot will continuously cycle through the track, in order, on the main map window. This shows the current direction of the track. To reverse the direction of the track right click in the main window and select Reverse Last Segment."

Selecting the Profile tool I left click on a track and a profile appears.  But I don't see any blue dot cycling through the track.  I then try right clicking on the main window, both on the selected track and elsewhere - after the former the yellow highlighting around the track disappears but I can see no other change (the profile window is still displayed), whereas the latter has no effect at all (and no popup selections appear).

I was able to get something like the above (e.g. cycling blue dot and merged tracks) by first opening a profile a then switching to use of the Merge tool.  Was that supposed to be implied in the manual or is my "Profile tool right-click" inoperative for some reason.

Also, I read a forum post saying "... I know I can use the "v" key to do this with the Profile Tool".  But when I try hitting the "v" key -- both when the profile window is active and when the main window is active --  it has no effect.  (And for good measure I also tried the "r" key).


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Tileset downloads fail
« on: May 07, 2010, 03:17:32 PM »
Thanks, the WMS tiles now work for me.

TopoFusion Pro / Tileset downloads fail
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:24:26 PM »
I have been using the TopoWMS tilesets without difficulty until today, when I could not get the finer maps to load and began getting a  "Topofusion is having trouble contacting one or more of its map servers" popup message.  And "Map Downloading" kept getting toggled off.  So I tried to switch to the "Topo..." tileset using the Tileset selector on the toolbar line.  I can get a display at the Topo16M level but when I try to go to a smaller scale I just get the "Downloading Checkmark" images displayed - and after awhile I again get the popup and "Downloading Disabled" appears.  My internet connection is OK and I have not made any Topofusion changes since my last usage, except for the tileset change.   Is the problem truly at the server (in which case others should also be having problems) or really at my PC?  Can I be sure that I am now really using "Topo4M" server rather than my previous TopoWMS server?     

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