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Messages - sprock

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« on: June 30, 2011, 08:18:31 AM »
Hey Scott,
Removing the ini file worked for me also.  I've made a lot of changes to the settings over the years and wanted to keep my settings, so I started poking around in the new and old ini files. What I eventually found was that in my old ini, use (DXT1) compression was turned off, and in the new one it was turned on.  So I brought back my old ini file and turned on the DXT1 texture compression and all the tiles are now downloading fine with my original ini file.  That got it working for me, so maybe the answer lies somewhere in the "use texture (DXT1) compression" setting.
Hope that Helps!!
Thanks Joe

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Openstreet Map Not downloading
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:02:20 PM »
Open Street Maps (S) and all the newer maps tiles, MapQuest (A), Open Aerial (I), Open Cycle Map (Y) do NOT work for me either.  I have tried pointing to a new Map Data Cache directory thinking maybe a start clean would help, and still all the other tiles download fine, but these four (S,A,I,Y) show a check mark and the word downloading but never show up.  I'm really hurting for something that shows street maps. HELP!

Try Eastern Pennsylvania or New Jersey, I still get the "cannot by displayed error" for B&W photos

Color works now, topo works now, but I still get this error on all the Black & White Aerial Photos

TopoFusion Pro / 3D Sky
« on: October 08, 2009, 06:22:19 AM »
How do I change the sky in 3D mode back to black.  Can't seem to find a setting ?  Thanks

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Color Aerials
« on: April 20, 2009, 07:26:44 PM »
Just to end the confusion, these "color" aerial photographs are infrared aerial photographs. Below is a short description copied from here.  My guess is these states probably haven't re-flown the state with newer photography yet.

The primary use of color infrared photography is vegetation studies. This is because healthy green vegetation is a very strong reflector of infrared radiation and appears bright red on color infrared photographs.

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