« on: March 20, 2019, 11:39:11 PM »
Hello Scott,
Thank you for replying.
When I do the road trips in the US (also in the UK and Europe) I generally locate and drive the Scenic Byways which are a feature of the US road system. I take lots of photos and by various means record the locations the photos were taken in the IPTC metadata location fields (eg Country, State, City, Location). Because I get this data from geonames and google and it can be slightly different I also use the IPTC Contact Location fields. So a subset of those metadata fields, if brought across when importing photos using Photofusion, could potentially be displayed on the photos when related to tracks n Topofusion.
Alternatively the IPTC metadata field Description could be populated by me with other software and if that field was available it would serve the purpose to a large extent.
I have thought of the following workarounds able to be used in Topofusion as it stands:-
1) I could title the photo files with the data required and that would appear in Topofusion and/or
2) I could watermark the photos with the data.
Secondly what I was looking for with the map export is to see the map (usually with photos) on screen or on a printout. Such a map could also be used as a slide in a slide show to indicate where the other photo slides are located. Since I wrote this I have realised you have provided an "export current view" function and it gives a .jpg copy of the map with photos which pretty much meets my needs in this area.
Thanks for a great program. And for your emailed response; I have now purchased the program (Pro version).
Best regards to you and support staff and other users and forum members,