Feature Requests / Re: Easy to Implement Improvement to Track Simplification
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:39:46 AM »
The acceptable error would be up to user judgement based on:
1. the faintness of the trail (smaller error means less chance of losing it), and
2. the tightness of curves, especially switchbacks (if adjacent trail segments in a switchback are closer together than the allowable error, the switchback will entirely disappear when the track is reduced - not good).
For example, with the new option I'm advocating, if I can see that adjacent trail segments in a switchback are as close as 5 meters apart, I could set the acceptable error to 3 meters and know that the switchback would not disappear. Using only the current option of how many points to reduce a track to, it is much harder to guess what that number should be.
1. the faintness of the trail (smaller error means less chance of losing it), and
2. the tightness of curves, especially switchbacks (if adjacent trail segments in a switchback are closer together than the allowable error, the switchback will entirely disappear when the track is reduced - not good).
For example, with the new option I'm advocating, if I can see that adjacent trail segments in a switchback are as close as 5 meters apart, I could set the acceptable error to 3 meters and know that the switchback would not disappear. Using only the current option of how many points to reduce a track to, it is much harder to guess what that number should be.