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Messages - tdcarter

Pages: [1] 2
Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:02:11 PM »
Hi Scott,
Using 3.04

I'll try the latest beta, 3.05 later tonight.


Archived Support / Screen contrast changes
« on: April 19, 2007, 07:35:40 PM »
Hi Guys,
Okay, I know you had a problem at one point with the new pro version causes Windows to brighten it's display. Now, it seems to be changing the tileset contrast when a window pops in front.

If I right click on a track, then contrast changes soon as the profile window pops up. Once I touch the mouse,the screen changes back.

I noticed the same thing happens when I pull up the "Help/About" screen. While the About window is up, contrast is up. Once I clear it, the screen washes out.


Hopefully those pics post...


Feature Requests / track Multiple GPS' - SAR application
« on: April 09, 2007, 08:21:46 PM »
Sorry guys, haven't had any time to try and play with the rhino's and see if we can pull the data via live tracking on the output. The father (big owner) of the company has tasked me with ground school and getting a pilots licensce... this overrides the sons task of getting track data from a rhino.

Scott, offer still stands if you want to play with a pair.


Feature Requests / New unit of measure
« on: March 27, 2007, 06:54:56 PM »
Hi guys,
Okay, I switched companies and outside of keeping tabs on all the computers at the office, I have to learn to navigate and use the computers in the company planes. Yeah, this company brings new meaning to multi-tasking.

But the owner is also getting into bikes. So some of our trips will include bikes, and I'll be dragging along my Edge to track the trips.

So... is there any chance of getting nautical miles as a unit of measurment in Topofusion? We got the plane icon for the track playbacks... how about the matching legends on the graphs?

Thanks for considering it,

Feature Requests / track Multiple GPS' - SAR application
« on: February 13, 2007, 01:05:45 PM »
Scott, Shoot me an e-mail off forum. I lost your address.

I could probably get a couple of units in the mail to you if.. you thik it might be a reality. And if you have time between the real job and rides.

New toys!!!! and would be a good niche to fill....

Let me know,

Feature Requests / track Multiple GPS' - SAR application
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:19:53 AM »
Hi guys,
Heard all the greats things about 3. Haven;t had a chance to snag it yet.. I'll wait a bit and let the server traffic settle down.

Okay, I switched job and on of the owners at the new comapny is a somewhat gps techie, he is also involved in a local search/rescue.

So you know the next question... is there any way to get Topofusion to track multiple GPS units. But it's not realy multiple inputs I'm thinking of, more specifically is there any way to read the data stream out of a Rhino and track the contacts. I'm not 100% sure the contacts are on the data stream, but it does keep track of the other GPS units...(ie contacts) so it might be?

Any help or thoughts always appreciated.


Beta Testing / 3D buttons
« on: January 18, 2007, 11:47:04 PM »
Saw the reply about the failure and quick fix.


Hopefully, I shall never have a slow net connection and need to notice it again.

How was the trip? Any ride reports?

Beta Testing / 3D buttons
« on: January 07, 2007, 09:19:13 PM »
Hi again,
Okay after loading the newest version and trying 3D I got an error message about not being able to connect to the 3D server.

I am in a hotel in N'Awlins and the upload connection is fairly slow, so I am not faulting TF.

But I got the error message that TF could not connect and it kicked back into 2D mode. Wich is fine. But.. the 3d button stayed depressed. I've seen the online button do the same, course that was in ealrier 2.98 betas.

Subset of log is...
TopoFusion 2.990 Log Begin
Setting internet settings..
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600  " (ati2dvag.dll)
Direct3D : Display properties - 1280x800, Format=22, Refresh = 60
Free Texture Memory = 315621376 bytes
Direct3D : Hardware supports rendering after flips (is relatively fast)
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX7
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX9
Direct3D : Hardware supports anisotropic filtering.
Direct3D : Hardware supports ALPHA pixels in textures.
Direct3D : Hardware needs textures sized on powers of two.
Direct3D : Hardware doesn't support antialiased lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports alpha blended lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports textured lines.
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Width: 2048
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Height: 2048
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
Direct3D : Hardware supports color conversion.
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 1071755264
Physical Memory Free: 590528512
Memory Load: 44 percent
Tile Cache Size = 553
Free Texture Memory = 314572800 bytes
Setting gbLotsOfVideoRam
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 926
Time to sort index file: 0.00 seconds
Initialization Complete

Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
GetHTTP(#6): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#10): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#1): Error in connect(), error=10060
~~~~~~~~ (etc....)
GetHTTP(#15): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#9): Error in connect(), error=10060
DirectX shutdown, resources freed.  Frames = 9


Beta Testing / 3d view crashed
« on: January 07, 2007, 09:06:18 PM »
Okay... just realized I'm not on the latest beta.

I'll try and add myself back to the beta mail group list.
But it was a pretty current beta.


Beta Testing / 3d view crashed
« on: January 07, 2007, 09:01:45 PM »
Hi guys,
Okay using the latest version.. I think.

Following a track I made the other day through the bayou... when all of a sudden it just disappeared. Haven't used the 3-d mode much lately, so couldn;t really teel ya if it was a one time thing. Just thought I'd post it here and let ya know.... FYI.

Here is the log... post crash.
TopoFusion 2.98 Log Begin
Setting internet settings..
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600  " (ati2dvag.dll)
Direct3D : Display propertes - 1280x800, Format=22, Refresh = 60
Free Texture Memory = 311427072 bytes
Direct3D : Hardware supports rendering after flips (is relatively fast)
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX7
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX9
Direct3D : Hardware supports at anisotropic filtering.
Direct3D : Hardware supports ALPHA pixels in textures.
Direct3D : Hardware needs textures sized on powers of two.
Direct3D : Hardware doesn't support antialiased lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports alpha blended lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports textured lines.
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
Direct3D : Hardware supports color conversion.
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 1071755264
Physical Memory Free: 491696128
Memory Load: 54 percent
Tile Cache Size = 921
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles...
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 694

Time to sort index file: 0.00 seconds
Initialization Complete

Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles...
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces

Caught Exception:
 Function: Unhandled
 Exception: Access Violation

Thanks for all the improvements and keep up the good work.

Beta Testing / Live tracking error in 2.98
« on: November 07, 2006, 07:53:25 PM »
Hi Scott,
Yep, nope, and others...

Not splitting the feed. I have it set for just a single com port. I have successfully used it for Garmin Nroute, DeLorme Street atlas (that database is scary), and MS Streets and trips.

One of them gets a little goofy when you use the Edge, it wasn't reporting the number of satellites correctly. But it did work. I don't really remember wich got goofy as I mostly use Streets and trips.. not nearly as bloated a program as the others. (MS not bloated.. did I say that?) '<img'>

The Fanson software may not be perfect....but I do like being able to just drag the Edge along and use it as a USB GPS for trips. Hmmm... I need to see if there are any patches for the program I guess.

As always guys.. love the program and the changes.. keep up the good work. I'm getting ready for a ride from Key Largo to Key West... so I'll be sure to track it all and use the updated photo-fusion soon.


Beta Testing / Live tracking error in 2.98
« on: November 03, 2006, 07:02:17 PM »
Hi guys,
Out doing some running around the eastern mid-west and thought I'd play with the laptop/gps while someone else drove.

Well the speed on the live tracking window reports we were doing 120 mi ph while we were behind a state trooper. His crown vic might have been able to maintain that speed... but our rental Sebring is probably not capable of that for a very long period.

Actually... the speedometer said we were doing in the upper 70's/lower 80's, and that was confirmed on the display of my Edge 305. But TF had a whole different set of numbers. Also of note... no speed or times were recorded in the tracklog when I saved the track from the live tracking.

On another note.. maybe similar, maybe not. I tried using this feature about a year ago with my 201 and got similar results. I atributed it to the fact that I had to use a USB-serial adapter between the 201 and my laptop.

Yes? No?

Ohhhh... I also tried running my Edge through Franson GPS gate and then using the serial input to TF. No joy. I saved the logs if it'll help. Mostly the signifigant message was:
Initializing Com2 at 9600 baud.
NT: The operation completed successfully.

GetLastError = 0
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 171 - 50
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 220 - 50
checksum error coming from GPS, retrying, checksum/pchecksum 11 - 10....etc....

Okay it might be two seperate issues. If so, let me know and we'll track it seperatly... or not at all if I seem to be the lone wolf here.


Beta Testing / TopoFusion Direct3D - 2.98
« on: October 31, 2006, 09:27:50 AM »
Regardong Intel® 82830M Graphics Controller
What 2D/3D Graphics Features are Supported?

3D Graphics Features:
Compatible with DirectX* 9.0, 8.x, and 7.x
    * Not all of the new features of DirectX 9.0 are supported.

Intel Solution ID: CS-009492


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: October 30, 2006, 02:08:36 PM »
Okay... old problem is still there. I was hoping it would go away when I rebuilt the laptop.... but it hasn't. It still exists with the 2.98 beta D3D.

Problem is occasionaly *poof* during downloading mode. Fire them program back up, and it usually gets it the second time. Once it did take a few tries, three I think.

But either way, I have the logs, but they both start the same way, then once just abruptly ends in the middle of the download.... and I have a bunch of those "Bogus cadence or HR point....." iun both logs.

If you have a debug version with full logging ya want me to try, let me know.

Other then that, like the new D3D.

Thanks guys,

Beta Testing / TopoFusion Direct3D - 2.98
« on: October 19, 2006, 06:22:17 AM »
So far Beta has been running beautiful on the laptop.

XP home sp2, AMD amthlon64, x600 ATI graphics.

Thanks for another wonderful set of improvements

Beta Testing / New self install package
« on: September 21, 2006, 09:26:40 PM »
Okay guys, like the new self install package.

But... there is always the but, is it also beta?

If so.. or if not so, in the next version...

Options to:

1) Not create new start menu group. You know us old dos-babies. Once the start menu is re-organized, I don;t want program upodates moving or creating new things. If a TF shortcut already exists, don;t create a new group. Or.... just make it a check box option, or since most folks won;t notice, make the checkbox a negative value option.

2) Allow options to place map data/dem/gis stuff in other directories besides the standard default layout. I do see that it did ot mess with my previous directory layout, but I can't move the GIS directory.

All in all I like it. Just a few suggs for ya....

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

Beta Testing / CitySearch
« on: September 21, 2006, 09:15:47 PM »
Hi guys,
Cool, like the GIS data download stuff.

Did the full set of downloads. Tried to search for a city, couldn't find it......

Seems to be only searching the big city file, not the enhanced downloaded version.

Yeah? Nea?  I loked in the TF log to see if there was any notes, but your not writing anything there I see, least noy city search stuff.

But cheers on implementing some new goodies.


Archived Support / Limit of 250 points?
« on: August 21, 2006, 07:35:24 AM »
Check to see if there were 2 'tracks' or maybe 2 laps recorded. The 250 waypoints is a known number... thats what some of the garmin units narrow down old tracks to. The new/current track can hold more points, but old ones are limited to 250.

Just a thought,

Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 17, 2006, 12:13:34 AM »
Such a dilemma you face… whether or not too buy a new toy… errr… tool, to continue working and be a part of Topofusion development. Hmmm.. isn’t that a tax deductible thing?

 Well, in my humble opinion, I love the Edge and the heart rate monitor is nice. I got the cadence unit also… but now debate it’s merit. It was nice being able to verify my cadence was in the range that it should be, but now I rarely use it. It also does double duty as a speed sensor if the GPS should lose lock and needs to have a means of input, but with the sensitivity of the SIRF receivers… I have yet to lose lock on any but the rarest of occasion.

Okay… out of my opinion mode.

The good news, I have not had any crashes after the ones I reported. So maybe just a momentary fluke thing? I did recently pick-up, install and use Franson GPS gate… but it wasn’t loaded or running when the crash(s) occurred.

But also.. when it did blow away... no error message, no notification, no note in the log.

So.. I’m happy with closing the problem report for now.

No problem here occifer.

And if other priorities prevent you from buying an Edge unit with accessories… I’ll be happy to keep feeding ya data from my unit.

Thunderstorms and lots of climbing at 11,000 feet, yep, that sounds like a Disney vacation. Hmmmm.. why would anyone not give life and limb to do that for two weeks. Yeah, some things just get old if there isn;t a solid goal at the end.

Thanks, no really, thanks for all you guys do, TF is awesome and getting better all the time.

Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 03, 2006, 08:58:32 PM »

Sorry to bring up old and bad memories.

Enjoy the trip and post up some files of interesting tracks and the things we mere mortals won't be able to see.


Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:08:43 AM »
Okay.. just did a ride up here in the backwoods of Kentucky and downloaded the ride data. Uggg.. riding the bluff up and out of the Ohio river valley is not fun in heat.

But on a more signifigant TopoFusion note.... upon downloading,
Crashed once. Worked on second try.

Was on v2.92.

The log just shows lots of the bogus cadence/hr messages.
Guess you changed the amoung of logging between 2.91 and 2.92

Let me know what I can do to help....


PS If it matters, unit is Edge 305 with cadence and HR, software is 2.7 with gps 2.6.

Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 03, 2006, 07:11:31 AM »
Hi Scott and all,

This probelm might not appear or has been fixed in beta 2.92. I'm still on 2.91. If so please disregard....

Got in last night and tried to download data from my Edge 305. Progressed about 1/3 of the way through the downlolad when TF blew away. Did this twice in a row. Three was a charm.

Saved the logs, but don't see anything signifigant.... least not in my feeble mind.

Lots of this...
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940
getpacket, usb = 1
1m_hCom = 940

I am downloading 2.92 and will try it.

If you want the logs from the crash(s), let me know.


Beta Testing / New Beta - v2.91
« on: July 25, 2006, 04:25:20 PM »
Sorry Bob, but 2.91 is working for me, really like the speed shading feature. I need to start playiung more with PhotoFusion.

But for your in-operative program, to start, check in your TopoFusion program directory for the log file. TopoFusion.log

Open with any text program and see what ya got. Any error messages or where is it hanging?

Not sure how much more I would be able to help ya, but it's a start...


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:00:35 PM »
Hey... that PS just clicked.

There are tracks in my units memory that have no detail data. Will that cause a problem for TF? I don't see those days showing up in the save track dialog box.


Archived Support / Losing GPX files, Garmin USB problems?
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:52:10 PM »
garmin did recently update the driver. It was included in the latest firmware patch. The created date on the the file was March 13th.

This one does seem to be more stable then the previous.... or are you also using the new one and it still seems flaky....


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:37:21 PM »
Thanks for asking... but my week of riding probably wasn't anywhere near as thrilling as yours. The most exciting thing was what didn't happen.
Spent the week riding (and camping) the Katy trail across Missouri. The female companion (who is not into camping) is still speaking to me after the ride. It's some of the small victories that are important.

For TF and the beta 2.88B



The download didn't die out part way through. I even tried it a few times to make sure.

Ohhh crud... it did just die during a download.

Okay, here are the starts and ends of the log,

Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=1594, Height=963, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=1994, Height=1363, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Unit type = EDGE305 Software Version 2.60
Supported protocols/data types:
P - 0
L - 1
A - 10
T - 1
A - 100
D - 110
A - 201
D - 202
D - 110
D - 210
A - 302
D - 311
D - 304
A - 500
D - 501
A - 600
D - 600
A - 601
D - 601
A - 700
D - 700
A - 800
D - 800
A - 801
D - 801
A - 902
A - 903
A - 907
D - 907
D - 908
D - 909
D - 910
A - 918
D - 918
A - 1000
D - 1009
A - 906
D - 1011
A - 1002
D - 1008
A - 1003
D - 1003
A - 1004
D - 1004
A - 1005
D - 1005
A - 1006
D - 1006
A - 1007
D - 1007
A - 1008
D - 1012
A - 1009
D - 1013
newTrackLoc = 22
Number of Records = 11967
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 0
length = 24
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
length = 24
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
length = 24
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
length = 24
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
length = 24
packet[17] = 0
packet[18] = 0
packet[19] = 0
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 0
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
length = 24
packet[17] = 74
packet[18] = 0
packet[19] = 64
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 0
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
length = 24
packet[17] = 129
packet[18] = 227
packet[19] = 64
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 32
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
length = 24


length = 24
packet[17] = 7
packet[18] = 189
packet[19] = 70
packet[20] = 107
packet[21] = 66
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
length = 24
packet[17] = 67
packet[18] = 189
packet[19] = 70
packet[20] = 112
packet[21] = 79
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255

Caught Exception:
 Function: Unhandled
 Exception: Access Violation

--# FV EIP----- RetAddr- FramePtr StackPtr Symbol

  0 .V 1003cea5 1003cef3 0d71f554 0d71f4ec getPacketUSBGarmin +373 bytes    Sig:  ?getPacketUSBGarmin@@YAHPAEPAK_N@Z
    Decl: int cdecl getPacket(unsigned char *,unsigned long *,bool)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\serial.cpp(480) +17 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  2 .V 1003e479 1002b746 0d71fa9c 0d71f4ec downloadGarmin +1449 bytes    Sig:  ?downloadGarmin@@YAHFPAUlayer@@_N11@Z
    Decl: int cdecl gpsComm(short,short,short,short,char *,bool,bool,bool)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\master.cpp(3304) +17 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  4 .V 1002c233 100a6871 0d71ff14 0d71f4ec GPSThread +179 bytes    Sig:  ?GPSThread@@YAIPAX@Z
    Decl: unsigned int stdcall _AfxThreadEntry(void *)
    Line: thrdcore.cpp(112) +5 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  6 .V 1008d0d9 7c80b50b 0d71ffb4 0d71f4ec beginthreadex
    Decl: __beginthreadex
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  7 .V 7c80b50b 00000000 0d71ffec 0d71f4ec GetModuleFileNameA +436 bytes    Sig:  GetModuleFileNameA
    Decl: GetModuleFileNameA
    Mod:  kernel32[C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll], base: 7c800000h
    Sym:  type: -exported-, file:


So there is the latest error... and it looks like the 180 lat is still showing up, are you just dumping it now? Now that I think about it... I do believe there are some 'unwanted points' that are thrown out in the download into Garmins programs. Hmmm.... I'll have to look into those logs.

Okay... I also tried download from the older 201. Seems to be working beautiful. Tried three downloads, no faults.

Looks like there was considerable progress on the last round. Muchas Gracias.

So where was your week of riding at?


PS Now that all the tracks are on the download screen without me having to do a bunch of merge/deletes, I see that I exceeded the 10,000 points after three days of riding. So I guess it makes sense that it dumped the detail data of the previous 2 days rides. Course I'd rather see it cut it down to maybe the 250 ponts of the older series then just dump it all. Sigh.

Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: June 29, 2006, 01:57:44 PM »
Okay, installed the latest beta.

Same ressonse ion the download log...lots of broiken out track points and after merging the tracks I get some of those 180x180 lat/long cordinates.

I won't post the whole log, as it's 1.2 meg. If you want I can zip and send it to ya.

The first few lines, till it starts getting repetitve, are...
TopoFusion 2.88 Log Begin
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing DirectDraw
Color Info : BBP = 32
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
DirectDraw : Driver "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X600  " (ati2dvag.dll)
DirectDraw : Total Video Memory : 318133312
DirectDraw : Free Video Memory : 318133312
DirectDraw : Hardware supports blits
DirectDraw : Hardware supports asynchronous blits
DirectDraw : Hardware supports colorfill on blits
DirectDraw : Hardware supports stretchblit
DirectDraw : Hardware supports colorkeying
DirectDraw : Hardware supports source colorkey
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=186, Height=363, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=586, Height=763, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 1071755264
Physical Memory Free: 678125568
Memory Load: 36 percent
Tile Cache Size = 1270
634 surfaces created in (local) video memory
636 surfaces created in system memory
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 3962
Time to sort index file: 0.00 seconds
Initialization Complete

Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=1274, Height=563, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=1674, Height=963, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Unit type = EDGE305 Software Version 2.60
Supported protocols/data types:
P - 0
L - 1
A - 10
T - 1
A - 100
D - 110
A - 201
D - 202
D - 110
D - 210
A - 302
D - 311
D - 304
A - 500
D - 501
A - 600
D - 600
A - 601
D - 601
A - 700
D - 700
A - 800
D - 800
A - 801
D - 801
A - 902
A - 903
A - 907
D - 907
D - 908
D - 909
D - 910
A - 918
D - 918
A - 1000
D - 1009
A - 906
D - 1011
A - 1002
D - 1008
A - 1003
D - 1003
A - 1004
D - 1004
A - 1005
D - 1005
A - 1006
D - 1006
A - 1007
D - 1007
A - 1008
D - 1012
A - 1009
D - 1013
newTrackLoc = 22
Number of Records = 11967
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 0
packet[17] = 0
packet[18] = 0
packet[19] = 0
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 255
packet[22] = 1
packet[23] = 255
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
packet[17] = 0
packet[18] = 0
packet[19] = 0
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 255
packet[22] = 1
packet[23] = 255
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
packet[17] = 89
packet[18] = 4
packet[19] = 105
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 255
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
packet[17] = 89
packet[18] = 4
packet[19] = 105
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 255
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
Bogus Cadence or HR point? Lat = 180.000000
packet[17] = 0
packet[18] = 0
packet[19] = 0
packet[20] = 0
packet[21] = 0
packet[22] = 0
packet[23] = 255
etc...... etc.......etc.....
and then..........
Recieved last point. Finshing up
curPont = 0, curTrack = 162
Transfer complete!
Checking for deleted (zero point) tracks, numtracks = 162
Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=730, Height=305, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=1130, Height=705, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces

Let me know what else I can do.
Hope you enjoyed the ride, I was also out all of last week on a ride. Found out that if your using the cadence and HR monitor, the stored data gets dumped and it just save the summed data for the overall run. Oh well, another thread and not a TF problem.


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 23, 2006, 10:05:25 PM »
Thanks for the updates you have done.

If you need some sample data, or a beta beta tester... holler at me.


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 22, 2006, 10:02:24 PM »
Hey folks,
Not sure if this is indiciticve of a problem on my end/my windows installation. Or if this is releated to the whole issue of downloading from the Edge 305 w/ cadence and HR data.

But... I dug out my Forerunner 201 and used i the other day (seems the Edge dosen't like preassurized planes) and when I download from the 201, it also breaks the track up into lots of individual points. Ya know, like a 1000 active logs.

Also.. again not sure what it points too, but I keep getting some datum points that have lat/long of 180 and 180, respectively.  ;)


Archived Support / Time
« on: April 15, 2006, 01:00:15 AM »
The time date stamp is part of the exif data tagged into jpegs.

For a 'nearly' free program the you can manage the metadata (EXIF/IPTC) of pictures taken by digital cameras, try...

Exifer for Windows


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 13, 2006, 07:19:33 PM »
Okay, got home and tied the Edge to the bike and myself.

And as you thought, something dosen't like something in either the HR or cadence.

Log file shows...
Number of Records = 4757
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 0
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 2
Recieved last point. Finshing up
curPont = 1, curTrack = 7
Transfer complete!
Checking for deleted (zero point) tracks, numtracks = 8
Checking for deleted (zero point) tracks, numtracks = 8

First time I tried to download, it blew away. I fired it back up before I thought of looking at the log.

This time when it did succesfully downloaded, the track was broke into a few different segments. It wasn't a long ride, tomorrow I'll try and get some more data trials for analysis

WOW! 3 hour ride gets ya 9,000 points. I did 2,500 miles and only got 4,500 points.

PS If I download to TC before TF, I don;'t have to do the reset. I guess TC is doing a reset for us? Oui?

Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 09, 2006, 11:17:54 AM »
I did turn on HR data, also I have tha cadence sensor.

Tried doing the update to beta, no joy.
Get error message of wrong GPSMASTER.ocx. Looking for 2.85, found 2.86.

Yes I did overwrite, I even tried the beta users version.

PS I didn't beleive you earlier when you said it was a problem in TF,  after I saw the message of chunked data. So I did a hard reset of my Edge. Guees what, well, you already know.

Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 04, 2006, 11:09:22 AM »
More info...
When it does download, here is the log entry...
handling chunked data, bufsize = 8384
writing out response.txt
found chunked in data
curpos = 238057690
curpos = 238057727
chunksize = 4096
moved past chunked line, outpos = 80
chunksize = 4093
moved past chunked line, outpos = 4176
chunksize = 0
processed chunks
Number of Records = 10509
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 0
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 2
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 3
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 4
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 5
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 6
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 7
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 8
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 9
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 25
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 569
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 688
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1214
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1593
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1693
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1776
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 2447
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 3522
Recieved last point. Finshing up
curPont = 1, curTrack = 3974
Transfer complete!
Checking for deleted (zero point) tracks, numtracks = 3975

Is the chunked data the problem?
The save/merge screen shows 9 saved tracks and thousands of active tracks.


Archived Support / Downloading from Edge305
« on: April 04, 2006, 11:03:44 AM »
Using the upgrade version of TF- 2.85. Upgraded from 2.7... I think.

When I download tracks from my Edge 305, ocassionaly the program dies out.

Occasionaly it works, but a different problem then... the last few tracks are broken up so that every trackpoint is a seperate active track.

TF.log shows...
DirectDraw : Hardware supports colorkeying
DirectDraw : Hardware supports source colorkey
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=186, Height=363, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=586, Height=763, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 1071755264
Physical Memory Free: 694571008
Memory Load: 35 percent
Tile Cache Size = 1301
650 surfaces created in (local) video memory
651 surfaces created in system memory
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 30429
Time to sort index file: 0.02 seconds
Initialization Complete

Releasing other Surfaces
Creating Surfaces
BackBuffer: Width=1274, Height=563, was created in Video Memory
TileBuffer: Width=1674, Height=963, was created in Video Memory
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
handling chunked data, bufsize = 8384
writing out response.txt
found chunked in data
curpos = 246446298
curpos = 246446335
chunksize = 4096
moved past chunked line, outpos = 80
chunksize = 4093
moved past chunked line, outpos = 4176
chunksize = 0
processed chunks
Number of Records = 10509
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 0
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 1
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 2
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 3
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 4
Starting new track - header received, curTrack = 5

I was going to try and remove and re-install TF, but my topofusion.msi file is missing and I can't uninstall automated cleanly.


PS I can load the data into Training Center with no problem, and see the data in the unit itself cleanly via history.

Archived Support / Active log isn't the active log?
« on: March 20, 2006, 08:47:41 PM »
Hey folks,
Long time no talk, wich is a good thing in the support world.

Got a new Edge 305. Doing some playing, and it dosen't seem to download my just finished trip until I reset the lap/timer.

Also... this is my first Garmin with USB, and it seems to be rather flaky on the port. Sometimes when I go to download it'll say the port is taken by another program?


PS Yep, still a good darn program.

Archived Support / Aerial photos
« on: October 17, 2005, 01:49:57 PM »
Fade? Like the combo maps with overlay of aerial/topo?

Archived Support / Garmin Forerunner 201
« on: October 15, 2005, 10:33:58 PM »
I don't work for TF, but from the results of the response to Garmins Logbook, I can pretty much gurantee you that they won't be supporting TC either.

Garmin as of late has started to take on this whole privacy and not wanting to share data with outside developers. SO with these proprietary formats of xml and hst, Garnmin is locking you into their software, or some of the programs that people are writing on their own.

For the commercial deverlopers, it ain't worth their time to try and decipher the crud. Not till Garmin monopilizes the market.

I do use a FR201, and as noted above, I download each run after copmpletion and get the track. If I can't download on that schedule, as say I'm on a multi-0day trip wothout pc access, I don't reset till after the trip is over, then download the one big run and manually break it into the indvivual runs. While I might lose some data, it's better then limiting my runs to the 250 point format they created.

Least, my 2 pence.

Beta Testing / gps communication
« on: September 15, 2005, 11:20:06 PM »
See posted reply in

Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64

thread. Also located in Beta forum.

Good day,

Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: September 15, 2005, 11:18:02 PM »
Well Steve, enjoy the ride off into the sunset.

Cause when you get back, we have a few more errors to work out. But otherwise.. it downloads!!!! Yeah, only 6 betas to fix something that was really not broken, but then it was, then it wasn't, then it was....

Okay, like I said, works with one little glitch. But key thing, it works.

Only glitch, and it might be just part of the beta/de-bug routine.

In the log...

Initialization Complete

GetHTTP(#7): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#5): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#3): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#2): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#10): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#6): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#1): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#0): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#4): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#9): Error in connect(), error=10060
GetHTTP(#8): Error in connect(), error=10060
Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
The operation completed successfully.

And then it started downloading and recorded all the trackpoints in the log. The http lines didn't show up on initalizing the program, just when I started the download.

Okay, so it's maybe not really a glitch, as the normal user wouldn't see those lines in the log, from the general program interface, all appears beautiful.

Heck, you can write dozens of those errors in the log, just keep it working.

Thanks for working hard and dillegently at it. Enjoy some time off at your 'real' job, or go find a new track and map it with a Maggie. Now my Garmin can get a day or two off.

Thanks again,

Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: September 05, 2005, 07:32:19 AM »
Can post. This is actually the log from 2 attempts to download, one, I failed to have the GPs unit on, the second, unit on, but program blew up.


Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
sending handshake on command
Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

start of readString, doAck = 0
failed to get a byte read from com port!
did get 1 bytes
bytesRead = 0
result = 1
The operation completed successfully.

GetLastError = 0
Error from read string while trying to get ack
Error writing baud command
Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
sending handshake on command
Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

start of readString, doAck = 0
after readfiles, doAck = 0
readString = $PMGNCSM,4B
after checksum, doAck = 0
before start of Ack, doAck = 0
read ack string
Caught Exception:
 Function: Unhandled
 Exception: Access Violation

--# FV EIP----- RetAddr- FramePtr StackPtr Symbol

  0 .V 1008dd0c 1008824d 0475f258 0475f004 output
    Decl: cdecl DbgLog(char const *,...)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\master.cpp(173) +0 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  3 .V 1003c4c7 00000000 04000000 0475f004 writeString +247 bytes    Sig:  ?writeString@@YAHPAD_N@Z
    Decl: int __cdecl writeString(char *,bool)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\serial.cpp(2157) +17 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX



Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: September 04, 2005, 08:51:25 PM »
If it matters, I just tried a second download, not remembering that I had turned the unit off, and it did give the proper error messgae of failure to communicate.


Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: September 04, 2005, 08:47:22 PM »
Allrighty.... now I don't have a real track to download, I just did a quick loop around the street.

When I did try the download, no failure message, it just blew the whole thing away.

From the log...


Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
sending handshake on command
Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

Entering write string..
writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

start of readString, doAck = 0
after readfiles, doAck = 0
readString = $PMGNCSM,4B
after checksum, doAck = 0
before start of Ack, doAck = 0
read ack string
Caught Exception:
 Function: Unhandled
 Exception: Access Violation

--# FV EIP----- RetAddr- FramePtr StackPtr Symbol

  0 .V 1008dd0c 1008824d 0475f258 0475f004 output
    Decl: cdecl DbgLog(char const *,...)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\master.cpp(173) +0 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX

  3 .V 1003c4c7 00000000 04000000 0475f004 writeString +247 bytes    Sig:  ?writeString@@YAHPAD_N@Z
    Decl: int __cdecl writeString(char *,bool)
    Line: C:\GPSMaster\checkout\GPSMaster\serial.cpp(2157) +17 bytes
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: CV, file: E:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX


I have no idea what it all means, I hope you do.


Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: September 04, 2005, 08:24:32 PM »
Not to nit-pick, but shouldn't the beta be at... and is at....


Beta Testing / gps communication
« on: September 04, 2005, 08:23:17 PM »
Not to nit-pick, but shouldn't the beta be at... and is at....

Topo Beta


Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: August 27, 2005, 08:36:29 PM »
Nope, I got one of them dinosaurs and still have native serial support.

I just droipped in the latest 2.7 version, and tried again.

No joy on one half, but it didn't reset my baud rate.

error log is as...

Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
sending handshake on command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

readString = $PMGNCSM,4B
read ack string $PMGNCSM,4B
mChecksum = 75, checksum = 75
sending get track command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,23
read ack string $PMGNCSM,23
mChecksum = 35, checksum = 35
Point 0
readString = $PMGNTRK,5205.454,N,10640.882,W,00491,M,223124.60,A,,010805
day,month,year = 1,8,5
lat = 52.090900,lon = -106.681367
Point 1
failed to get a byte read from com port!
did get 1 bytes
bytesRead = 0
result = 1
The parameter is incorrect.

GetLastError = 87
Error reading string from unit

Okay, I un-installed 2.7, re-installed 2.01, downloads beautiful on the same machine.

At tail of log...

day,month,year = 2,8,5
lat = 49.889683,lon = -97.134067
Point 394
readString = $PMGNCMD,END
writing string: $PMGNCSM,3D*12

cmd = END
Transfer completed succesfully
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDOFF*3E

readString = $PMGNCSM,3E
read ack string $PMGNCSM,3E
mChecksum = 62, checksum = 62

I then unpacked the 2.7 update, copied into the folder and re-fired the program. I verified the GPS settings were the same, com2 and 115 kbaud, and end up witht he same 'failed to get byte' message in the log.

SO i just tried another Mag map unit I have, has the older firmware still.

Luck, no... same cottin pickin error message.


Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: August 21, 2005, 01:13:18 PM »
Nope, still not working.

Tried at both 115,200 and 4800 baud. When it carps out at the 115 speed, it rests itself to the 4800 speed.. is that by design?

Erorr message in log follows...


Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 115200 baud.
sending handshake on command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

readString = $PMGNCSM,70
read ack string $PMGNCSM,70
mChecksum = 112, checksum = 75
writing string: $PMGNCMD,BAUD,115200*4B

readString = $PMGNCSM,4B
read ack string $PMGNCSM,4B
mChecksum = 75, checksum = 75
sending get track command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,4B
read ack string $PMGNCSM,4B
mChecksum = 75, checksum = 35
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,23
read ack string $PMGNCSM,23
mChecksum = 35, checksum = 35
Point 0
readString = $PMGNTRK,5205.454,N,10640.882,W,00491,M,223124.60,A,,010805
day,month,year = 1,8,5
lat = 52.090900,lon = -106.681367
Point 1
readString = $PMGNTRK,5205.454,N,10640.882,W,00491,M,223124.60,A,,010805
day,month,year = 1,8,5
lat = 52.090900,lon = -106.681367
Point 2
failed to get a byte read from com port!
did get 1 bytes
bytesRead = 0
result = 1
The parameter is incorrect.

GetLastError = 87
Error reading string from unit
Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 4800 baud.
sending handshake on command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

sending get track command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,70
read ack string $PMGNCSM,70
mChecksum = 112, checksum = 35
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,23
read ack string $PMGNCSM,23
mChecksum = 35, checksum = 35
Point 0
readString = $PMGNTRK,5205.454,N,10640.882,W,00491,M,223124.60,A,,010805
day,month,year = 1,8,5
lat = 52.090900,lon = -106.681367
Point 1
readString = $PMGNTRK,5205.454,N,10640.882,W,00491,M,223124.60,A,,010805
day,month,year = 1,8,5
lat = 52.090900,lon = -106.681367
Point 2
failed to get a byte read from com port!
did get 1 bytes
bytesRead = 0
result = 1
The parameter is incorrect.

GetLastError = 87
Error reading string from unit

Let me know what else I can provide....


Archived - Feedback and Comments / 3D and dual monitors
« on: August 21, 2005, 01:08:47 PM »
I use dual monitors, but I use dual video cards, different chipsets..

I get that error message if I have the resolution set too low, or the color bit depth is dropped.. I forget wich.

The only problem I've encountered is if I fire up TF on one monitor, thgen move it to the other.

Now you got me wondering what would happen if I stretch the window over both screens? If we had the 3-d playback going that would be truly kewl.

Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: August 16, 2005, 12:50:12 AM »
Sorry, been north of the border and out of cell and internet range. Will try the new version and see.

Will post once bags are unloaded and the chores are caught up... thanks,

Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: July 17, 2005, 03:41:37 PM »
Yep, or nope, no *poof*.

No, I don't normally use 4800 baud, just seemed to last the longest... (if 4 out of 1800 track points is long).


Beta Testing / Unable to connect to Magellan in 2.64
« on: July 16, 2005, 08:20:21 AM »
Hey, what do ya know. This is the unit with enhanced log output... so why not look at the log and post it for the bug-fixers.

Section from last download attempt...

Downloading Tracks
Initializing COM2
Initializing Com2 at 4800 baud.
sending handshake on command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,HANDON*70

sending get track command
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,70
read ack string $PMGNCSM,70
mChecksum = 112, checksum = 35
writing string: $PMGNCMD,TRACK,2*23

readString = $PMGNCSM,23
read ack string $PMGNCSM,23
mChecksum = 35, checksum = 35
Point 0
readString = $PMGNTRK,3844.662,N,09022.089,W,00179,M,133020.62,A,,070705
day,month,year = 7,7,5
lat = 38.744367,lon = -90.368150
Point 1
readString = $PMGNTRK,3844.662,N,09022.089,W,00179,M,133020.62,A,,070705
day,month,year = 7,7,5
lat = 38.744367,lon = -90.368150
Point 2
readString = $PMGNTRK,3844.662,N,09022.089,W,00179,M,133020.62,A,,070705
day,month,year = 7,7,5
lat = 38.744367,lon = -90.368150
Point 3
didn't get 1 byte read from com port!
bytesRead = 0
result = 1
The parameter is incorrect.

GetLastError = 87
Error reading string from unit

Hope it helps,

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