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Messages - ScottMorris

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TopoFusion Pro / Re: Solved: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« on: October 11, 2024, 09:53:39 AM »

TF is still alive and well. Even as it is aging...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: TF 5.80 - cannot edit gpx files?
« on: October 10, 2024, 12:18:06 PM »

Pretty sure what's happening is that "track shading" is on. It overrides what a track's color is. You can find the toggle for it in the Toggles menu. Toggles->Track shading.

Sorry about the confusion. I'll have to check that it's off by default. I thought it was.

Thanks for reporting the spam post here, too.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Site updated to SSL
« on: August 22, 2024, 10:57:37 AM »

Finally got around to adding an SSL certificate to and going full https.

We don't collect or interact with anyone's personal data so there wasn't much need for it (purchasing the software has ALWAYS been secure).

But browsers started complaining, so it was time.

Do let me know if you notice anything wonky on the site anywhere. There are probably some regular http references around still, causing 'mixed content' errors.

Thanks for the support everyone. Nice to see some purchases still coming in.

TopoFusion forever!

TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: Landsat maps temporarily out
« on: December 19, 2023, 10:30:36 AM »
There's a beta with the fix:

(for registered users only at this time. Full release soon)

TopoFusion Anouncements / Landsat maps temporarily out
« on: December 18, 2023, 12:27:21 PM »

The server that gives TF the Landsat tileset has changed it's access method. So it is temporarily not able to load in the latest version of TF.

An update will come soon. Thanks for the patience and happy end of 2023!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Weird 'topic reply' messages...
« on: December 18, 2023, 12:26:10 PM »
Sorry about those!

That user was a spambot account that I deleted. So all the posts went away but not before sending out a bunch of topic reply messages. Thanks for the patience!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« on: September 25, 2023, 09:46:03 AM »

TopoFusion Pro / Re: How to draw tracks for elevation profiles?
« on: September 09, 2023, 03:56:07 PM »

How long of a distance are you drawing between the points?

You'll need some intermediate points in order to get a profile and accurate elevation gain/loss. There's an interpolate feature or just hold down the mouse button while you drag towards your end point.

Hope that makes sense / helps.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Version 5.76 does not start
« on: April 30, 2023, 11:41:54 AM »
Sorry that I missed this post.

The "reset" option that installs with the software is a good option when things go awry. It resets the config file so that settings go back to default but sometimes more importantly it removes all GPX/KML files from the 'to load' list at opening. My guess is that the software was hanging on one of the files you had loaded previously. Maybe one with photos attached or something along those lines?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Fatal Error: Cannot Read MapIndex.dat
« on: April 19, 2022, 12:24:34 PM »
Interesting.  Sounds like you are on the case and will get it to work. 

Thanks for the nice compliment on the software.  It's going to be 20 years old later this year!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Fatal Error: Cannot Read MapIndex.dat
« on: April 12, 2022, 03:22:41 PM »
Hi there,

That is an odd one.  My hunch is that there's some difference in the filesystem or something that exceeded 32bits in XP vs 64 in your W10 machine.

50 Gb is quite a tile cache, strong work!  How big is the mapindex.dat file? 



TopoFusion Pro / Re: Tilesets
« on: March 25, 2022, 07:50:27 PM »

Hey KF!

Last time I checked the terms of service on Bing were prohibitive for TF using them unfortunately.  They wouldn't be WMS but under TMS which TF does support.  TF just doesn't have a custom TMS server capability.... yet.

There isn't a quick way to determine compatability unfortunately.  WMS is pretty good but has so many options and projections that it can be pretty arcane to really figure out what a server has.  Best way is to go to the dev console on your browser (f12 usually) and see what a site is using for a full query.  That's where I usually start.


Awesome, thanks for the post!

Glad you found that something you already had (TF) did exactly what you needed.

Keep up the good work.

Interesting, thanks for the report!  My laptop only goes to 1920 so I can't test the 2200 width.  Will have to figure out another way.

I don't see any wonkiness when maximizing, but maybe it's not quite wide enough on my machine.

Thanks as always!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: FIT files revisited - no waypoints
« on: June 27, 2021, 05:34:12 PM »
Interesting.  I'll admit that the FIT input/output routine is not super robust.  It needs some work.  Very complicated API, unfortunately.

Might be able to fix this issue though. Thanks for reporting it.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Remove PhotoFusion option
« on: June 21, 2021, 09:33:06 AM »
Hey Larry,

Glad to hear you are finding PhotoFusion useful!

So by remove PhotoFusion do you mean to delete the waypoints with photos in them?  The placed photos are just waypoints so you can go to "File Properties"->"Waypoints" and even sort by 'type' to see all the "Photo" ones, then shift click to select them all and hit the delete key.

I could see having a handy 'remove button' in the PF dialog, I guess, especially if you are doing multiple tries or just want to clear the file.  Wouldn't be too hard to add.  Thanks for the post.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Can Track labels be toggled off?
« on: May 09, 2021, 03:54:12 PM »

Hey Ken,

I need to default the track label to off.  It seems the way to toggle it is not obvious.  It's on the toolbar or in the toggles menu.  "Show Track Names."

Next version I'll have it default off.

Thx for the post and for continuing to use TF!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Adding a Track to an Existing File?
« on: March 26, 2021, 12:03:42 PM »

Yep, there's another way to 'merge' files which is at the file level.  If you select any number of files in the Active File List you can then right click and choose "merge files and save as..." which will combine everything: tracks, waypoints and all.

Feature Requests / Re: Correction for wrong date, Garmin Geko 301
« on: March 14, 2021, 05:02:21 PM »
This is amazing because it's vaguely familiar.  I think this bug was there from the beginning with the Gecko and there may have even been something in TF to deal with it.  I don't see traces of it any more, but I can dig a little more.

It's correcting for the timezone when it shouldn't. 

TopoFusion Anouncements / v5.72 released
« on: January 25, 2021, 04:46:51 PM »

Released a new version of the software today.  The PADUS version one data set seems to be going away.  Land owner will be restored with this version and also be more up to date.

Plus the below changes.

5.72 - 1/25/21

Upgraded support for US Landownership layer to PADUS_2 - the most current data
  Old data may become unavailable in for older versions of TopoFusion
Fixed 'downloading' toggle not shown on 'disabled' dialog
UTM and LL grid lines can now be disabled by setting grid width to 0 or grid
  alpha to 0
New 2021 Splash Screens
Fixed inconsistent climbing elevation in Profile Window.  Profile mouse tool
  was not using box filtering, vs right click - Profile and active list were

5.71 - 6/9/20

Fixed intermittant crash when panning/downloading maps, introduced in 5.7
Fixed swapped UTM East/North coordinates in waypoint dialog
Returned 'D' shortcut key for Draw Tracks Tool
Fixed about screen to display Basic version

TopoFusion Pro / Re: No GPS Live Tracking with Windows 10
« on: January 25, 2021, 04:44:21 PM »

Send me an email and I'll send you a debug version of the software.  We'll go from there.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« on: January 25, 2021, 04:42:48 PM »
Just a note, I did not get to full declination / grid options.  But you can now turn off the grid lines on the map and just have the labels in the latest version (released today).


TopoFusion Basic / Re: Printing maps
« on: January 19, 2021, 02:10:37 PM »
Hi Jim,

The best way to do this is using the 'Export View' function found in the File menu.  It will produce a JPG (or BMP for better quality) map of the current view, but if you increase the size of the export it will keep the same view and export a high res image.  Depending on your video card it might go as high as 16000x16000 which is quite large (some hardware will be limited to 8192x8192).

Once you have the file, use some image software to print it out.

Feel free to ask further questions.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Pro v5.71
« on: January 19, 2021, 02:06:35 PM »

Sorry about the confusion -- there's a new feature that shows the track names at the start of tracks in order to help identify them.  It defaults to on but probably shouldn't for existing users.  Look for the toggle on the toolbar or in the toggles menu to shut it off.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: No GPS Live Tracking with Windows 10
« on: January 19, 2021, 02:05:18 PM »


Apologies for missing this post somehow.

There must be something slightly different in the NMEA string being produced by that GPS.

If you want to try to debug it send me an email at and we'll take a look.


Feature Requests / Re: Waypoint icons
« on: December 30, 2020, 10:27:03 AM »
Colors of different sized dots would be nice, yep.

Have you changed the size of *all* waypoints icons under Options->Preferences->Fonts->Waypoint icon size?  With the smallest size the city small is quite a small dot.

I'll think about some smaller dots or perhaps colors.  That may not be too hard to add.


Feature Requests / Re: Waypoint icons
« on: December 28, 2020, 12:31:51 PM »


Thanks for the post -- it's not out of the question but not a priority either.

Which would be more helpful, custom or a bigger library?  I guess custom is the most versatile.

Are you looking to export or print maps with the icons on them?  Just curious what the end product would be.


Feature Requests / Re: Windows 10 Internals GPS receiver
« on: August 01, 2020, 03:15:12 PM »

If the internal GPS supports emulating a serial (COM) port and shooting out NMEA format, it will work in NMEA mode with TF.  Some people do that.

If there's a newer windows API for accessing the internal GPS, though, we should add support for it, for sure.  Thanks for the nudge.


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the post.  Hello Columbia indeed!

This issue was fixed in v5.71 -- update and let me know if you notice anything else amiss!


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Virus Detected?
« on: June 19, 2020, 12:36:26 PM »

I got a report back already and they say nothing was detected in it.  May take a while before that rolls out in the new virus definition, though.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Virus Detected?
« on: June 19, 2020, 10:37:28 AM »

Yep, I allowed it on my computer and it stopped removing it.

I'm submitting to Microsoft as a false positive for a trojan that doesn't exist.  Hopefully they will whitelist it.  Apparently it's somewhat common for this to happen with the installer package I'm using.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Virus Detected?
« on: June 18, 2020, 12:39:13 PM »

Ugh.  There is no virus it's just a false positive.

It happened on my computer too.  I'll look into it as soon as I can.  May need to submit the files to Microsoft as false positive.

Thanks for the post.  If you can force it to install it will run. That's what I did.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Combo View
« on: June 09, 2020, 11:28:39 AM »
This crash when panning/downloading should be fixed now in v5.71 just released.  It is only a minor update mostly to fix that crash.  Thanks!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Combo View
« on: May 26, 2020, 10:03:55 AM »

It is possible that the "blend" slider bar in the Combo dialog is pulled fully to one side or another so that only one shows.  If you hit the 'reset' button in that dialog it should come back.

I see the crash report from panning and downloading tiles, thank-you.  I am working on tracking that new one down and have another user that reported it too.

The crash shouldn't be related to Combo from what I know right now.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« on: May 19, 2020, 04:16:49 PM »

Thanks for the detail here -- Juicy Trail *was* a cool one but unfortunately that server is shut down for good.  It's removed from the main map menu but I see it needs to be removed in a few other places, too.

Land ownership is loading for me today and yesterday.  If you use the 'A' key you can toggle land owner on/off comboed with the current map mode you are viewing.

Also try the "G" USGS map which is often different than myTopo.

Thanks for trying printing.  I will give it some thought as to what is going on.

Oh, and thanks for buying a copy!  Much appreciated.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« on: May 18, 2020, 11:48:31 AM »

Thanks for the follow up here.  For some reason I didn't get the notification of new posts.

I just pushed out a new version with new USGS maps and the "advanced track tools" dialog, among other things.  Have you found the land ownership blend mode?  It might be of interest.

Yes, the grid lines would be true north--no correction for magnetic north.  There is a small scale bar you can add to the map and to all exports, yes.

In the next development cycle I'll look at making full grid lines an option you can turn on/off, as well as declination -- perhaps a more full and standardized scale bar as in your example there.  That would be a wonderful export style to have available.

I can't recreate the crash when printing to landscape mode, so I'm puzzled on that one for now.  I tried it on all my various printing devices.  I believe that error has been reported before, so I need to hunt it down.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Questions about Pro
« on: May 12, 2020, 02:32:26 PM »

For printing I recommend using the 'export view' function to output a BMP or JPG file, then printing that.  You can get a higher resolution export that way.

Freezing in the print dialog isn't a demo limitation -- let me look into that.

TF doesn't have tick marks or any declination option.  So would the current grid option work just without the lines that go across the map?  I haven't looked at declination but adding a diagram probably isn't too hard -- have it as an option for printing and exporting.

Hope that helps, and sorry about missing some orienteering options.  Perhaps we can add them in the near future.


Beta Testing / Re: Beta 5.61
« on: May 01, 2020, 12:44:31 PM »
Thanks for the feedback -- glad you like it.

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 5.61
« on: April 30, 2020, 01:32:37 PM »

Got a new beta out -- v5.62 with persistent noise coloring (and also re-computation if you use the checkbox).  I changed one color to yellow so that the default 'highlighted' point color is visible (so you can see what you are editing).  In this version it should be a lot easier to inspect and remove any noise it finds.

Now delete won't remove everything it finds but that was probably too much anyway.  You do have to go in and select/edit what you want.

Give it a whirl if you're interested.  Thanks!

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 5.61
« on: April 29, 2020, 09:53:54 AM »

Sweet, thanks for trying it out.

It's surprising how many little bits of noise there can be in what looks like a clean track!  I was thinking about adding a checkbox to the noise feature "Keep Noise Highlighted" that would keep you from having to keep pushing the button.  It does disappear pretty quickly (hitting delete will remove all the highlighted points, though).  I'll try it out.

Beta Testing / Beta 5.61
« on: April 28, 2020, 11:56:02 AM »

Got new NZ/OZ/Tasmania maps and a new 'advanced track tools' dialog in the latest beta -- 5.61.

Advanced Track Tools is a collection of algorithms generally geared towards those that are in the business of producing 'clean' GPX files.  Race directors, surveyors, tracking companies (raises hand!   ;D), that sort of thing.

It'll help you find errors/noise along the track, remove time data (important), add elevation, smooth elevation and simplify, among a few other things.

Also added a basic track naming on the map.  It's a new toggle.  It's quite useful for picking out which track is what when you have a bunch of tracks loaded.

Any issues, by email, or post here.  Thanks.  And drop a note if you're like to try out the new beta, or as always, have something you'd like the software to do.


Sorry I missed this and thanks for following up.

You are right, when you rename a file in TF it actually saves it back out using TF's save feature.  This can lead to loss of some GPX data fields.  Creator shouldn't be one of them though -- we preserve a couple "Author" fields -- from the original GPX spec.  Which field is going away?  Is it called creator?

TopoFusion Basic / Re: similarity to AllTopoMaps v7 software?
« on: April 27, 2020, 03:53:41 PM »
Ah, OK.

TopoFusion might do what you want.  Skip the print function itself and go right to File->Export View.  You can export a high resolution image at 8192x8192 (depending on the max texture size of your graphics card).  8192 at 300 dpi is only 27", I suppose, if that's the resolution of the printer.  Just use a graphics program or windows itself to print the resulting image.

But otherwise you can of course add lines and point data, and quads are put together seamlessly (use the myTopo layer) so "Big Topo" mode.  The export tool will let you do various sizes and layouts -- you just resize the main map window to the aspect ratio you want and what you see on the screen is what's exported (just at higher resolution).

Give it a try if you think 8192 is enough.  None of my machines go over 8192 for max texture size but newer nvidia ones can be 16384 which would be 52".  You might check.

Otherwise let me know if you have any other questions...

TopoFusion Basic / Re: similarity to AllTopoMaps v7 software?
« on: April 27, 2020, 11:31:02 AM »

That's a good question.  Interesting that they ceased supporting it.

On quick glance it seems like it was geared more towards survey / GIS applications.  TF can do some of that but is aimed more at recreation and trail work / design.  There is a 'land ownership' blend mode.

What sort of features did you use in AllTopoMaps?

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Jpeg user map loading without proper totation
« on: March 03, 2020, 04:31:49 PM »

It must be setting the 'flip' orientation on your jpeg, which indeed TopoFusion seems to be ignoring.  Best workaround I can think of is to load the image in a program like Photoshop or ACDSee and have it rotate the image. 

I do need to have a look if I can easily read that flag.  A flip button in TF is another option that might be useful beyond that, too.  That might be the way to go.


Feature Requests / Re: Shapefiles loading
« on: March 02, 2020, 09:06:16 PM »

Can't think of a way to do that. 

Certainly possible to crop out areas once loaded.  Is it a massive file you are loading?

Beta Testing / Re: Testing
« on: January 31, 2020, 08:40:22 PM »
Success.  Please let me know if you notice any issues with the site, but all is online, purchase, code lookup, download, etc!

Beta Testing / Testing
« on: January 20, 2020, 11:45:12 AM »

Server migration test.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: 5.54 - new Land Ownership
« on: October 31, 2019, 04:04:08 PM »

Small update in v5.57 which is out today, Halloween.  It restores access to the land ownership layer.

I personally love this one, being a huge supporter of and visitor to public lands.


TopoFusion Anouncements / Re: Want to register here -- send email?
« on: October 31, 2019, 04:03:01 PM »
Back open, we'll see how it goes!  :)

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