TopoFusion Pro / Re: Batch Download Fails then consumes massive amounts of CPU cycles
« on: November 02, 2011, 08:20:58 PM »
yep, batch download hits 98% complete, usually exactly 20 tiles short of predicted amount then stalls and cpu fan revs up (and I've let it sit at this point for hours) and ctr/alt/del is required. Much of the time all tiles come through anyway, but sometimes a whole scale may be missing. I could work with this, and was downloading terraserver topos 4m through 512m, but in the last 24 hours it's been freezing at 1% or so, no matter how small I make the batch area, though my last attempt miraculously unfroze itself and downloaded tiles again and froze at 20 tiles short. I'm running xp on an asus netbook.