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Messages - Glen

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Altitude graphic within Multi-track playback
« on: August 09, 2015, 06:20:13 PM »

Feature Requests / Re: Altitude graphic within Multi-track playback
« on: August 09, 2015, 05:49:03 AM »
Hi Scott, Yes, you can see the live altitude readout in playback mode, if you look closely, but what Im looking for is a readout in a static box in large numerals, so it can be read at a glance. Or a graph that shows the ups and downs in elevation synchronized to the gpx position. That would look cool when looking at an animated map of, say, a route up and down a mountain.
Thanks for the tip about CamStudio, I have downloaded it and will give it a try!

Feature Requests / Altitude graphic within Multi-track playback
« on: August 08, 2015, 07:37:04 AM »
I have worked out a way to animate TopFusion maps into videos.
First, load your GPX file into Topofusion, and set it to Multi-track playback.
Then, use IrfanView (freeware) as a screengrabber, set to every ten seconds or so. You can adjust the speed of your movements in Topofusion.
Then, with the resulting set of images, assemble them into a video as you would with a timelapse, I use Windows Movie Maker 6.1 but there are plenty of other programs that can do it as well.
Here is an example
Now, what would be really cool for all those steep ascents and descents, would be a synchronised digital altitude readout, via a small box on the side, or even a live graph, large enough to be read at a glance. The Dashware program has something like that but I found it difficult to set up and would be more convenient if this could be done entirely within TopoFusion Pro itself.

Feature Requests / Re: Multiplexing?
« on: December 04, 2011, 07:51:20 PM »
Thanks Scott! I think 'averaging' or multiplexing might be of useful to a wider audience because it should (in theory) improve the overall accuracy, and many of us own more than one receiver - I usually use two  GPSs on long trips, in case one fails due to a flat battery or whatever.
Can't wait to see what you might come up with!

Feature Requests / Multiplexing?
« on: November 06, 2011, 05:56:45 PM »
I own three GPS receivers: a handy Holux GPSport 245, a Vista HCx, and a GPSMap 76Cx. I love all three of them, they each have their own quirks and advantages. I like setting them to different log intervals - one to time, another to distance, and one of the Garmins to 'auto' - and, using them on a simultaneous trip, seeing the results, which are usually all over the place.  Of course some of these variations are due to the inherent receiver design characteristics, others due to the terrain and external conditions on the day. I have played around with TopoFusion's 'make network' feature to make a better 'average' track, but if your receivers backtrack over the same ground, you can't tell which fork was taken. I was wondering if there is a way of 'averaging' multiple logs taken simultaneously, or if TopoFusion might make it possible in a future update.

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