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Messages - Groundshine

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TopoFusion Pro / Re: linking seperate gpx tracks into one track.
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:46:29 AM »
Thanks for your help... not sure if I missed the "right click save as step" somehow but when I uploaded the new purplish globe track to my Garmin Vista HCX gps it filled all 20 allotted tracks.  I tried saving as a csv file then translating to a new track with no luck.... finally just traced the track with the drawing tool... that worked!

I have six days to do a section of the Trans Canada Trail.. from Vermont to Tomifobia Trail at USA/ Canada border to Route Vert/ TCT .... take this all the way to Frederickton New Brunswick.  I made it this far on my cross bike in my 2009 attempt.   this time I am taking my mountain bike and packing lighter and bringing a bit more bikepacking skill!  From Fredericton the TCT turns into a canoe trail ... so I will be hoping on 30km of single track and then riding off into uncharted paper company, coal mine, and swamps with questionable bridge crossings... lot of ATV trails... New Brunswick has millions of miles of ATV trails.  hopefully make it to Moncton NB then more ATV trails to bridge where you must shuttle across then all rail trail to Charlottetown, PEI then to the cottage for a week!

TopoFusion Pro / linking seperate gpx tracks into one track.
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:37:39 AM »
I am going on a BIG bikepacking trip and will max out my garmin hcx 20 track limit.  I have one section of single track that is broken into 36 separate tracks.... can I combine these into one?  There are not too many points in these all together...

Funny I looked for the answer in the forums and saw my ol' friend Davlexpct had asked the same/sim thing and if I could I'd ask him for more of an explanation on how to do this:

"You are right that all saved tracks come out red on the GPS.  I believe this is one little piece of code I have intended to write since adding per-track coloring a while back, but it keeps eluding me.  Will put it on the top of the list.

On combining multiple TF tracks, funny you should ask, I just added this yesterday -- long overdue really.  However, it will not get you around the 20 track limit, unfortunately.  Even if they are in the same file they'll still eat up a track each.  One thing you can do is upload to the active log -- the active log can have as many different tracks as you want, but is limited to 10k points.  Then, of course, you'll overwrite it as you go, so you'll have to be careful."

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