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Messages - haroow

Pages: [1]
Beta Testing / 3.0
« on: February 04, 2007, 05:51:09 AM »
I have used the photofusion It works, Pics as waypoints etc....I'm not sure what the the user map feature is about...I 'll search the threads...

Beta Testing / 3.0
« on: February 02, 2007, 08:31:39 AM »
Based on my system which at times Scott knows can be issues...I have little or no problem.

-I did have a ghosted screen upon start up, I went to the shading section on the image processing and messed with the topo-aerial etc shading, it seemed to remove it. However it may also be something to look at. If I send it one way or the other it will work for that map tileset. But if i mess with Contrast to brightness sliders it will darken or lighten the entire screen, ( the whole monitor...Including windows and any other program running...Not cool.)

Just checked under 2.991.. It does the same thing....It messes with the monitor settings....Yah Got a fix coming...I don't like program interfering with other programs....No errors to report on trouble log...

Beta Testing / delete and insert
« on: January 21, 2007, 06:34:31 AM »
I had DMa and Pio problem,,,All window Xp related....It works fine now under the Topofusion Pro..

Beta Testing / delete and insert
« on: January 15, 2007, 09:35:11 AM »
aerial  mode.

Beta Testing / delete and insert
« on: January 13, 2007, 06:19:06 AM »
I was messing with some of the tracks on my lastest version of Topofusion, and when I selected tracks with the all encompassing bound box, and hit delete it would not delete or insert. I went to previous version it worked fine.. I have given up on placing photos, as i have no idea why it will not work.  ':O'

Beta Testing / profile tool bug in beta 2.983
« on: December 10, 2006, 06:00:42 AM »
Yeah got one too.. Hmm...

Archived Support / Possible GIS location for Forests?
« on: November 18, 2006, 11:21:39 AM »
Thank god, you will be getting shape files soon, the FS here is wanting our trails directory, and I have tp print it off for them so they can digitize to ARC.  '<img'>

Archived Support / Possible GIS location for Forests?
« on: November 18, 2006, 11:20:35 AM »
Thank god, you will be getting shape files soon, the FS here is wanting our trails directory, and I have tp print it off for them so they can digitize to ARC.  '<img'>

Beta Testing / TopoFusion Direct3D - 2.98
« on: November 02, 2006, 10:54:08 AM »
Quote (m38a1guy @ Nov. 01 2006,6:25)
Well I Hope you can find a way. why is 18mb too large to add? The ALL roads is 30mb and I load it with no issues?

Haroow, Tell him what type of latop. it may not work on real old ones or maybe certain thrid party cards?

Not running laptop only desktop....I have sent them the sys info and then trouble logs...I am not worrried they will figure it out.....Thats why it is a Beta

Beta Testing / TopoFusion Direct3D - 2.98
« on: November 01, 2006, 10:00:38 AM »
Didn't work for me...I sent you both bug logs and the photos...ON the third try it tried to open but left an oval on the area where the map was... It's so close....

Beta Testing / TopoFusion Direct3D - 2.98
« on: October 16, 2006, 01:43:11 PM »
Well I tried to run the newest beta... Zilch... I got a an error as posted theopeing screen... told me to

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Topofusion\GPSMaster.ocx" Which I did..
I did install the newest direct x also... Any Ideas..

Feature Requests / Give us your ideas for improving TopoFusion
« on: September 28, 2006, 01:10:24 PM »
When using the Goto for a coordinate, have a dot or some symbol show the coordiante in its  position on the map. that would be great for geocaching.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Continuous Trail Network
« on: June 30, 2006, 11:41:07 AM »
If you look at the segments on the map, with the straight line connections form point to point, it is because the profile reads a certain direction.. I have had this difficulty many times awhile back, however you can fix it. When making a network and connecting point to point. Select the segment you want change and use the profile and playback tool (purple) with arrow icon, right click Select the segment and select reverse segment.. Remember that the GPS records the track as you used it originally biking, hiking etc... It works for me....then save it....little time consuming but it works very well.

I load into my 60cs and have not had the reconnection data, that you seem to have...pictured above...

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Continuous Trail Network
« on: June 30, 2006, 11:39:02 AM »
If you look at the segments on the map, with the straight line connections form point to point, it is because the profile reads a certain direction.. I have had this difficulty many times awhile back, however you can fix it. When making a network and connecting point to point. Select the segment you want change and use the profile and playback tool (purple) with arrow icon, right click Select the segment and select reverse segment.. Remember that the GPS records the track as you used it originally biking, hiking etc... It works for me....then save it....little time consuming but it works very well.

Archived Support / Waypoints
« on: April 28, 2006, 07:06:06 PM »
If all  is set and the times match, then what you will get will be little picture icons-- along your rouute that match the time based on camera and the time that is equal to it on on your GPS. No need to set any waypoints, just track and go. so at 1:21:03 seconds you took a pic then at 1:21:03 on your gps it will show the pic icon at that moment.. Pretty cool feature.. Hope that helps

Beta Testing / waypoint problem
« on: February 09, 2006, 08:29:56 AM »
Quote (Krein @ Feb. 09 2006,1:50)
If I'm understanding correctly it sounds like you have TopoFusion set to display the symbol name, rather than the name field.

In Options->Preferences->Fonts/Colors->Display you can choose which text component of a waypoint is displayed on the screen.  Apparently yours is set to "symbol" when you want it to show the "name."

Thanks....I am looking for brain transplant as the one I had has many flaws....many flaws

Beta Testing / waypoint problem
« on: February 02, 2006, 08:38:11 AM »
Quote (Krein @ Feb. 01 2006,8:59)
I'm not sure I understand.  What exactly isn't being saved?

Instead of the name you type in the name field you get "waypoint" ?

Or in the symbol?

In the field when inserting a waypoint, You name: "1"
you then have to go down to the symbol: and type "1" for it to work. In other words, it will not let you name a waypoint without the symbol being the same name. It does not change the name to reflect the name change.

1 to 1 =1 (what it does now if I name the name=symbol)

1 to waypoint = (no "1") it says waypoint/summit etc...( if i don't change  name=symbol)

Hope that helps I am running 2.78 clear as mud...I sent Scott the print scrn...

Beta Testing / waypoint problem
« on: January 24, 2006, 11:00:34 AM »
Was working on a map, and trying to insert waypoints, BUG: If you enter the name( feed station) of the waypoint and press ok and have the symbol marked (waypoint etc..) then save.. it only save and places "waypoint" etc...Not the name of the waypoint(feed station).. quick fix:...I place the name of the waypoint (feed station) in the symbol box; it then it saves and places the name of the waypoint (feed station)...This has occurred since the last 2 betas I think...

Beta Testing / v2.76 - Export images LARGER than the screen!
« on: January 01, 2006, 12:50:56 PM »
I am hooked up on wireless and rate between 156 and 300k of speed not dsl but it is better than dial up...I have my tileset cache size set to max 50% and the DEM at 200 ...I i have no idea why I have the issues...

My video:
DirectX* Version:      9.0
Physical Memory:      509 MB
Minimum Graphics Memory:   1 MB
Maximum Graphics Memory:   96 MB
Graphics Memory in Use:   95 MB
Processor:      x86
Processor Speed:      2992 MHZ
Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller

I have it set at 32 bit per Scott... 16 v 32 was never an issue with this system.

I do notice though, if i run the tilesets that i wont receive images and do 3d w/o topo they will present the 3d image correctly, but with no topo maps just checks or no checks if i enable the download button.

I guess i have no idea... but I still love the software and the new map if i can play a movie clip from a gps location that would be cool......but you guys work hard enough on other stuff.. let us know what you come up with...

Beta Testing / v2.76 - Export images LARGER than the screen!
« on: December 31, 2005, 01:17:35 AM »
Using 4 meter tilesets i can can use the standard 1600 x 1200/ use current but nothing larger..if i go higher there is check marks.

Using 4 meter combo tilesets i can go as high as the preset of 1024 x768 and as high as custom 1274 x 1274. any higher check marks..

Messing around with the preference section...i excluded the following :combo 1,topo 2, topo 8, topo 32, topo 56 and all color aerial (urban)...while doing so I can zoom to the pixel gets fuzzy but it will zoom... Interesting enough...I was using this while using my Kodak image software digcam....I the purchased the Adobe and photoshop and can make maps as larger than than i was able to....Clarity Ehh..I have yet to print it off on a plotter... Still no images on the the other maps as described in emails...

Beta Testing / v2.76 - Export images LARGER than the screen!
« on: December 23, 2005, 10:57:55 AM »
AGHHHHH....It works in some respects....I attempted to change to range through different numbers..I get check marks...but the image is large..

So far the best large topo, combo, size I can go is the  twice the screen size 2560x2048..

 I still have issues with not being able to view all topos as discussed and emailed before and this does not make the issue go away.

The aerial maps they work great in fact i successfully at this time set up the numbers to be 3x the normal size 3840 x3072 and it work fines no check marks. I placed the image in a web document in word, and it works and good detail...

I have no idea the limitations of this computer since I supposedly  have a system faster than what the designers are using...I know it has to do with the reading certain images...gif vs others...I have successfully in the past few weeks pulled the maps i have and exported the images and then brought them into adobe photo and panorama them into one large picture....It works but a alot of work...I will keep working with it, and give more info...but I would really like the lack of topo availibiity worked out....But your defintlaey on the right track....It's probably the video driver since this seems to be an integated shipset I beleive...NO more riding for you all till this gets figured out...(just kidding..I want no virus sent to me...clear your mind)  ':p'

Beta Testing / v2.75
« on: December 21, 2005, 10:09:31 PM »
AS long as your were riding...your forgiven.....:;): ':p'

Beta Testing / v2.75
« on: December 21, 2005, 01:11:27 PM »
CGIWrap Error: Execution of this script not permitted



Am I doing something wrong?

Archived Support / Datum Sets
« on: October 24, 2005, 02:48:15 PM »
Thsi is the email I sent to Scott...

Scott, I am still having no luck with the 8m maps...I have tried changing the setting from 32 to 16 and vice versa. You mention a GIF decoder problem? Is it in the software or my hardware? Are their fixes...I know I can view anything I know of GIF in my other programs...So I am little confused.

Here is what I know:

No    2m topo maps
 Â      8m topo maps
   32m topo maps

No combo Maps at 1m

Though it does show downloading check..and if the download check is removed or left it will produce a white form 3d topo image in those 4 map tilesets.

So apparently the gif is read by the program for the 3d effect but not 2d format?

I do have 256m tilesets  though...


It's weird and the 8m tileset for the size trail system is what needed to get good normal map size. Other wise I have to rotate my monitor... etc.. The program is awesome... We the SCGMBA are mapping out the traill system and also using it to set up our race for the spring... SCGMBA

It's a work in progress and eventually we will map out more trails, I have 10 day  offs start in the morning..and plan on riding as much as possible .....

Archived Support / Datum Sets
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:45:53 PM »
Hello all ....I'm new to all this GPS and Topofsuion stuff, though, i always have been very good at using maps, and what not. But, I have some questions?

What is the difference between datum maps WSG 72 and WSG 84 and NAD 27? is it age, detail, etc....

How many other users have difficulty, loading the 2 8 32 topo tilesets and combo 1m....  I have contacted them, and tried the fix of 16 v 32 colors...(GIF problems) No go...I am unsure whether S.M. recieved the email i had sent for a BETA I see the server was down..I know your busy so I am  trying to see what other remedies are available..

 Scott by the way i was able to enlarge a map to fit to export by rotating the screen 90 degrees.. Ah the power of flat panel displays..How are those arrows for maps coming?

In Photofusion, it describes changing the offest  time to accomodate for the GMT and Camera time. Apparently for the time stamps to be equal.. Is there more detailed instructions for Dummys... ( I being the latter)  

Is there BLM maps on a server across the country, which give private and state property lines...???

I guess this is all I have now...

Beta Testing / 2.74
« on: October 22, 2005, 01:27:34 PM »
What are NMEA sentences? Sorry for my Ignorance on such matters.

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