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Messages - william mcgarvin

Pages: [1]
Archived Support / Compatibility with Holux GPSlim236 BT
« on: April 14, 2007, 04:55:42 PM »
Okay,  I got it now.   I just needed to set the blue tooth connection to a different port than the gps.
So its official; the HOLUX gpslim236 does in fact work with TF.

Archived Support / Compatibility with Holux GPSlim236 BT
« on: April 14, 2007, 08:05:50 AM »
oops I found it .  I can change the COM to anything on TF through OPTIONS>GPS etc.  
Now the problem is that TF says "NO WAY,  BLUE TOOTH IS USING THAT PORT".   or something to that effect.
any suggestions beside get another gps?

Archived Support / Compatibility with Holux GPSlim236 BT
« on: April 13, 2007, 10:28:55 PM »
I too have the Holux gpslim236 and Im having a little trouble getting it to do live tracking with TF.
I'm connecting through Blue Tooth and do not seem to have trouble at that point.  The Holux viewer software works fine and recieves data just fine.  The problem is that my Blue Tooth will only allow use of COM9.   It seems that all would be fine If I could get TF to let me connect throughanything greater than eight when NMEA is chosen while setting up the live tracking mode.
and yes, the 236 does output NMEA and I can set the baud rate on it to pretty much anything.
Any suggestions?

Is there any way to add COM port options to TF?

Feature Requests / Java App.
« on: April 13, 2007, 09:32:33 PM »
I'd like to see a TF LITE version for my phone.   I've got an Motorola  L7 which does Blue Tooth as does my new Holuxslim236....
OH,  and also,  It'd be nice to be able to adjust the width of the "DRAW TRACK" lines to offer a cleaner look when I've got muliple tracks drawn.
Either way I love TF!

just dreamin,
 Â                 Bill

Pages: [1]