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Messages - red-haze

Pages: [1]
Archived - Feedback and Comments / Maps toggle disabled
« on: August 05, 2007, 08:53:37 AM »
sometimes I like to turn the maps on and off to see the tracks better. the Maps toggle button and menu item have no effect.


Beta Testing / toggle maps off, can't point edit gpx points
« on: May 18, 2007, 09:37:12 AM »
If I toggle map display off (without topo or photo maps) to just see the gpx lines and points and try to edit (select) points, it just doesn't do anything. turn maps back on and editing continues as normal. perhaps a design feature to keep one from editing without seeing where you are?


Beta Testing / photos on maps causes hang
« on: May 16, 2007, 09:51:19 PM »
log file:

TopoFusion 3.050 Log Begin
Setting internet settings..
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700" (ati2dvag.dll)
Direct3D : Display properties - 1920x1200, Format=22, Refresh = 60
Free Texture Memory = 165675008 bytes
Direct3D : Hardware supports rendering after flips (is relatively fast)
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX7
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX9
Direct3D : Hardware supports anisotropic filtering.
Direct3D : Hardware supports ALPHA pixels in textures.
Direct3D : Hardware needs textures sized on powers of two.
Direct3D : Hardware doesn't support antialiased lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports alpha blended lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports textured lines.
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Width: 2048
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Height: 2048
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
Direct3D : Hardware supports color conversion.
Direct3D : Hardware supports compressed textures DXT1.
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles....
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 2146652160
Physical Memory Free: 1638445056
Memory Load: 23 percent
Tile Cache Size = 1535
initMemoryPool: using DXT1 compression
Free Texture Memory = 160432128 bytes
Setting gbLotsOfVideoRam
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 59938
Time to sort index file: 0.03 seconds
Initialization Complete

createThumbnail: Error reading JPEG parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\My Documents\My Pictures\Arizona\Moab\04-30\topo\Sue 077.jpg"
createThumbnail: Error reading JPEG parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\My Documents\My Pictures\Arizona\Moab\04-30\topo\Sue 070.jpg"
createThumbnail: Error reading JPEG parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\My Documents\My Pictures\Arizona\Moab\04-30\topo\Sue 067.jpg"
createThumbnail: Error reading JPEG parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\My Documents\My Pictures\Arizona\Moab\04-30\topo\Sue 065.jpg"
createThumbnail: Error reading JPEG parameters: "C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\My Documents\My Pictures\Arizona\Moab\04-30\topo\Sue 061.jpg"

and then continues on adding MB of errors till I force topofusion shutdown.

hope this helps

Beta Testing / photos on maps causes hang
« on: May 07, 2007, 02:43:16 PM »
finally using the photofusion and picture features of topofusion. however, my system hangs when I mouse over a picture/waypoint  that has been placed by photofusion on the map. the pic will expand and return to its small pic on mouse over but from then on topofusion is inoperable.
using topofusion on Dell Inspiron 9100 with updated drivers

btw, trip to sedona and moab was great.

Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:43:06 AM »
but wait, there's more!

I've been using a secondary monitor (19" LCD) with my Dell Notebook and using the "Extend my desktop here" to have two screens and have noticed some interesting things when Topofusion is in the secondary screen.

The gpx tracks fade out when it zooms out. At 1:1.49 the gpx tracks appear, at 1:1.90 they disappear. Occurs in both the release version and beta version. I've been planning on using the secondary screen (actually S-video out to 56" bigscreen TV) this Friday to present the Sedona area at a party of those who might wanna come along. Was hoping to show the sedona gpx files I've picked up from motionbased. may have to look for updated video drivers, tho its an older video card and checked for updates a couple of months ago.

anyways, thought the secondary screen behavior might be interesting to ya.


Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:01:52 AM »
installed 2.99beta, export works better on all presets except for 4000x3000. doesn't hang anymore but makes an interesting picture,
resized for smaller file size.

3D generation seems faster now, nice!


ps, planning a mtb trip to Sedona this april, any recommendations?

Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: January 05, 2007, 12:05:58 PM »
beta 2.986 just d/l and installed

export error now says
"Couldn't create surfaces for export. Try smaller sizes next time!"
at 1024x768

doesn't hang the program but it did turn the font onscreen of my waypoints black! Options it still had white and would reset to normal when I "ok'd" the options screen.

does export with settings all at "current"


Beta Testing / user maps
« on: December 29, 2006, 08:17:08 PM »
pardon my enthusiasm but being able to add my own scanned maps and calibrating using dragable points and varying transparency is a great idea!


ps, haven't been able to break this feature, but the night is young...

Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: December 26, 2006, 11:05:19 AM »
more info.
exception handler comes up on all export resolutions, not just 4000x3000. tried using "current" detail setting instead of "max". failed there too.

rebooted (cause it's good for windows :)O
and still couldn't export anything.

log file (incase it didn't get emailed with the exception handler)
TopoFusion 2.985 Log Begin
Setting internet settings..
GPSMaster.ocx, Initialize...
Windows Major Version: 5
Windows Minor Version: 1
Windows Build Number : 2600
Windows Platform ID  : 2
Windows CSD Version  : Service Pack 2
Initializing Winsock
Initializing Direct3D
Direct3D : Driver "ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700" (ati2dvag.dll)
Direct3D : Display properties - 1920x1200, Format=22, Refresh = 60
Free Texture Memory = 155189248 bytes
Direct3D : Hardware supports rendering after flips (is relatively fast)
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX7
Direct3D : Hardware supports at least DX9
Direct3D : Hardware supports anisotropic filtering.
Direct3D : Hardware supports ALPHA pixels in textures.
Direct3D : Hardware needs textures sized on powers of two.
Direct3D : Hardware doesn't support antialiased lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports alpha blended lines.
Direct3D : Hardware supports textured lines.
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Width: 2048
Direct3D : Maximum Texture Height: 2048
Color Info : Sizes : R=8, G=8, B=8
Color Info : Shifts : R=16, G=8, B=0
Direct3D : Hardware supports color conversion.
Creating Surfaces
Creating Resource Tiles...
Creating Sprites
Successfully Created Surfaces
Initializing Memory Pool
Total Physical Memory: 2146652160
Physical Memory Free: 1784578048
Memory Load: 16 percent
Tile Cache Size = 1000
Free Texture Memory = 149946368 bytes
Setting gbLotsOfVideoRam
Initializing Threads
Initializing Index File
Sorting Index File.  Number of entries: 34201
Time to sort index file: 0.03 seconds
Initialization Complete

DirectX Error [.\master.cpp:6261]: D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE

Caught Exception:
 Function: CGPSMasterCtrl::OnDraw
 Exception: Access Violation

--# FV EIP----- RetAddr- FramePtr StackPtr Symbol

  0 .V 10030f39 1002dadb 0012e2fc 0012e2a0 DllUnregisterServer +143145 bytes    Sig:  DllUnregisterServer
    Decl: DllUnregisterServer
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: -exported-, file:

  1 .V 1002dadb 1000e780 0012e388 0012e2a0 DllUnregisterServer +129739 bytes    Sig:  DllUnregisterServer
    Decl: DllUnregisterServer
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: -exported-, file:

  2 .V 1000e780 00000000 0012e3c0 0012e2a0 DllUnregisterServer +1904 bytes    Sig:  DllUnregisterServer
    Decl: DllUnregisterServer
    Mod:  GPSMAS~1[C:\PROGRA~1\TOPOFU~1\GPSMAS~1.OCX], base: 10000000h
    Sym:  type: -exported-, file:


Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: December 26, 2006, 10:43:08 AM »
just tried the new beta, still failed but now the exception handler pops up, I filled in my email and sent the log file, a couple of times '<img'>

thanks again!

Beta Testing / Export Bug in 2.984
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:02:25 AM »
export at 4000x3000 works in non-beta but hangs in 2.984 beta. running on Dell Inspiron 9100 mobile radeon vid and 2 gig of system ram.

good news is that with the beta I can run at full screen but non-beta smears tiles at full screen resolution (1920x1200).

beta exports at lower resolutions.

once, the beta exported and din't hang but output a pic that was oriented vertically with big black bars on both sides.

why use 4000x3000? ah, have a printer that can go to 19"x13", and have access to another printer that does 4'x3'. have used topofusion to map our local trail system(s) and everyone wants a map '<img'>
exporting is the best way to get to the bigger print sizes.

thanks for the great program and its always getting even better!


Beta Testing / profile tool bug in beta 2.983
« on: December 08, 2006, 11:33:28 AM »
when using the profile tool in beta 2.983, after selecting a track and when the mouse goes over the profile window the program closes and I get the microsoft error reporting window.
using a Dell Inspiron 9100 notebook w/ 2gRAM, radeon mobility 64MB graphics card.
Only does it when using the profile/merge tool from the toolbar, if I just rightclick  a track and selet profile it works fine, the little bike guy rides the trail  '<img'>


Pages: [1]