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Messages - ScottMorris

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Unfortunately those two servers do not use the straight up WMS protocol (myTopo is not WMS, and the Color is a combination of several servers, so it's not as easy as just creating a WMS and assigning the hot key.


I think that makes sense, yes.  Ideally if you're going to publish a GPX for someone to #1 peruse in their favorite mapping software and #2 upload and follow on their GPS, it should be one track, merged and running in the correct direction.  You can turn the arrows off if they are annoying, but they will show you when you've got issues with the track.

I do look forward to a real Sedona friggin' loop.  This year was practically an XC race.  Hook us up with the file!  Though there's no hurry.  I'm going to try to get Chad to change it to the fall so we can cross Oak Creek w/o worry.  Spring is too unpredictable.

Thanks Jim, the network tool might help John out at some point, and there is no size limitation as far as number of tracks go.

John -- looks like you found that you can highlight multiple files and combine them into a new file.  That seems to answer most of what you are asking here.

You can drag and drop waypoints as you discovered, too.  When you open a new "file properties" dialog it'll come up "on top" of the first one, but if you move it out of the way, you'll see the other one.  Or just alt-tab to switch back to it.  You can then drag and drop to copy waypoints at will.

Regarding skipping Garmin Connect -- next time try holding reset on the GPS before downloading.  Garmin Connect forces a reset when you download, which in my opinion is bad form since it can delete old data.  I'd rather have control over when I reset, not have the software force it every time.  But for you I realize it is confusing -- when it's totally empty there is nothing to download until you reset it.  Hopefully that makes sense.  Let me know if not.

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.12 - Spot Replay lockup
« on: May 06, 2011, 07:56:19 AM »
OK, great, thanks.

The data is only stored in memory, not saved out, so no worries there.  Well, actually the route file and .csv are saved right now (need to change that) but they are very small.  The actual SPOT histories are never saved out.

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.12 - Spot Replay lockup
« on: May 06, 2011, 07:28:23 AM »
So did the SPOT Replay dialog work this time, or did it pull up the GIS downloads window?

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.12 - Spot Replay lockup
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:22:20 PM »
Thanks for giving it another try.

If you still have some patience, try downloading (or re-downloading) one of the GIS layers (any one of them) in Window -> GIS Layers.  That uses the same code to download a file from, so might tell me if there's some problem there.

I have your (recent) .ini file, so I tried loading up your settings, but the SPOT replays still work like a charm for me.

Will have to try on another computer.

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.12 - Spot Replay lockup
« on: May 05, 2011, 07:51:41 PM »
No!  I assume your computer was connected to the internet still at the time, since you are posting here!

I'll see if I can duplicate that, but, shoot.

Excellent!  Thanks for trying it.

Hopefully that's the end of that error.

Beta Testing / Re: Beta 4.11 - new maps and SPOT replays
« on: May 05, 2011, 03:44:30 PM »
4.12 now released with the following changes:

4.12 – [5/5/11]  (Beta)

Added “Skip stopped time in all tracks” option to multiplayback dialog
Added ability to display Lat/Lon grid (options->preferences->units->grids)
Fixed new KML export to include <gx:TimeSpan> elements
(fixed tracks not showing up upon import to google earth)
KML no longer an “export”, but full save as… functionality
Fixed font issues (missing text) in multiplayback and SPOT replays when
  Waypoint shadow was disabled
Fixed further error 380 Form_resize problems with active file list splitter
Changed defaults for waypoint font

Alright, 4.12 is out.  Fingers crossed for no more #380 errors.

Thanks guys.

Here's a killer deal on the Dakota 10:

Perfect budget GPS for what you describe and can load custom maps.  However... for the whole the divide no Garmin units will be able to store enough custom maps to cover the route in full detail.  There is a garmin imposed limit on the size of a custom map.

Soooo... the VistaHCx might suite you just fine, just get some basemaps and the full track on there...

Thanks guys, I've got it fixed, almost positive this time!  Will have a new version out by the end of the week, with any luck.

Hi there,

VistaHCx is your GPS?  Unfortunately that GPS doesn't support the custom map feature.  :(

The unit doesn't have enough horsepower to resize/draw the raster imagery, so it's a no go.


TopoFusion Basic / Re: Update in Sedona Area
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:18:21 PM »
Hey John,

Thanks for supporting TF.  It's likely that any of the tilesets that are based on OSM (open street map) data will be updated -- OSM, Open Cycle Map and the new Mapquest layer.  The color aerials may also see a new view of Sedona at some point, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it.

Open Cycle might be your best bet for a base layer, not sure.  It is possible to do the OSM update yourself, if that's what it comes to.

Good luck.


TopoFusion Pro / Re: Waypoint text
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:36:37 AM »
Yep, if you open up the dialog for a waypoint's properties look at the "symbol" dropdown.  There's a choice for no dot (only text)

Wait, got it backwards!  Ha.  If you want to only have the symbol, just use a single space character for the name of the waypoint.



Ini file can be found here:

C:\Documents and Settings\*Your USER NAME*\Local Settings\Application Data\TopoFusion\TopoFusion.ini


Well, shoot.  I thought I had it taken care of, but it's been tricky since I can't reproduce it on my end.

Can you send me your TopoFusion.ini file?

Thanks a lot.

Beta Testing / Re: Export Bug in 4.x versions
« on: April 28, 2011, 12:15:46 PM »
I *think* I got this one fixed for now, but it's still perplexing me a bit.  LMK if you still notice it.  Thanks.

Beta Testing / Re: Load Maps Tool and Arizona Tiles from
« on: April 28, 2011, 12:12:25 PM »
Thanks for pointing this out, Steve.  Pretty sure all should be back to normal from v4.11 onward.  It was a rather dumb bug introduced a couple versions back.

Beta Testing / Beta 4.11 - new maps and SPOT replays
« on: April 28, 2011, 11:38:52 AM »

Got a new beta out -- details on changes below.  Find it in the usual place.

The new map choices are pretty nice.  Open Aerial seems to load faster (possibly in spurts) than the color tileset in most cases.  And the Mapquest tiles come in pretty quick as well, and are a different take on the OSM street maps.  Always great to have move map choices!

The Trackleaders SPOT interface is a pretty cool thing we've worked up with our SPOT event/race tracking biz,  For those interested in some of the events we cover, it should be interesting, and for new events coming up (e.g. Tour Divide) the ability to do instant replays will be very cool!

Lots of other fixes and additions, many from the forum here.  Thanks for the feedback everyone!

4.11 - [4/28/11]  (Beta)

Added new map types:
-Mapquest OSM: Mapquest's Open Street Map tiles (shortcut key = "A")
-Open Aerial: An worldwide "best available" color aerial layer
Added SPOT-based Replay interface to
-Load and replay SPOT data from any event on
-Follow current events in TopoFusion with latest position and instant replay
-Find in Analysis->Spot Replays
Added ability to read/write KML files with elevation/time data (gx:Track)
Added ability to read KML files with network linked lines/points (e.g. from 
Google myMaps export)
Added ability to customize keyboard shortcut for zooming in/out
  (Options->General at bottom of form)
Fixed error 380 Form_resize problems with active file list splitter
Fixed problems with default track directory "path not found" #76 errors
Fixed batch download tool for all non-MSRMaps tilesets (downloading incorrect
  tiles problem introduced in v4.0)
Fixed avg/max HR/CAD/Power numbers in Lap Analysis (Lap type)
Fixed Export View dialog not always getting current map size #'s
Fixed UTM grid numbers going off screen in exports
Added Bus, Radio Tower and Police icons/presets
Waypoint description now output in KML
Changed Landsat access strings to account for server changes (16* no longer blue
  marble tileset)

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Naming Tracks
« on: April 27, 2011, 02:47:50 PM »

Well, you can certainly name tracks in TF and that info is stored and exported, but currently there is no way to draw that name along with the track.

You can drop waypoints (with no symbol) that can stand as trail names and point out other features... but, the text cannot be rotated, so it always runs horizontally.

On some of the maps we produce (e.g. Sea Otter) we add other text features after exporting in TopoFusion (using Photoshop).  A lot of the horizontal text is done by waypoints, though.

Hope that helps.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: error 76 path not found
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:02:59 AM »
I've since discovered that TF is not tolerant of the "My TopoFusion Files" directory going
away.  I've changed it so future versions won't give that error, and will instead create that directory.

If you aren't up and running (I believe per email you are), let me know.  It'll be an easy fix (just creating the directory).

TopoFusion Pro / Re: topofusion and vista hcx
« on: April 21, 2011, 09:27:19 AM »
Ah ha!  I should have thought of that.

You are right that TF will load up GPX files (your whole history actually) when it is in USB mode (after hitting the Connect button).  But you won't be able to upload anything.

Glad you sorted it out, and thanks for following up with the explanation here.

Happy to help on elevation issues too...

TopoFusion Pro / Re: topofusion and vista hcx
« on: April 19, 2011, 09:19:41 PM »
That is very strange -- you can download tracks but get those errors when you try to upload?

I'd try a hard reset of the unit, and then updating the firmware on the unit (using webupdater from Garmin's site).  See if that helps at all.

Almost always if you can download and TF can see it, you can upload too.  Good luck.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: error 76 path not found
« on: April 15, 2011, 09:28:15 AM »
Best thing to do in this situation is delete your TopoFusion.ini file, to get rid of the erroneous path.

delete your settings file, it probably has a bad path.

To reset back to default settings, delete (or rename) the file TopoFusion.ini.  It should be here:

C:\Documents and Settings\*Your USER NAME*\Local Settings\Application Data\TopoFusion\TopoFusion.ini

I am not sure how a bad path is getting in there, but it seems it happened to Bob Bailey and to you as well.  Maybe send me your TopoFusion.ini file before you delete it and I can take a look.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Elevation Values
« on: April 13, 2011, 10:07:12 AM »
Yes, TF gets the raw values and that's the straight GPS number.  Though the GPS will also be using elevation values per second for its number, and depending on your tracklog setting, you may or may not be recording every second.  So there's that too.

No worries on the Q's, there are some subtleties to it.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Elevation Values
« on: April 13, 2011, 09:50:12 AM »
Right, so the GPS has its own algorithm for computing elevation gain based on the points it records.  In general they are more conservative than just adding up the change in elevation in the points (which is what "straight GPS" is).  The algorithm they use also sometimes changes with different firmware releases.  Make sense?

User Projects / Re: Snowboarding at the Yellowstone Club
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:37:09 AM »
Cool stuff!  Looks like a fun day.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: color aerial Very Very Black
« on: April 12, 2011, 11:33:18 AM »
Check Options->Combo Blending to see if the "enhance contrast" box is checked.  That can make some areas in the color tileset very dark.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Elevation Values
« on: April 08, 2011, 08:13:24 AM »
Most Garmin GPS's are a little too conservative when it comes to reporting total gain, IME.  This page might help describe some of the issues:

In general it is very hard to get any GPS/software combo to match up exactly. Best thing is to find one you like and then stick with that for consistency and comparison.  But it's a can of worms, for sure.  Take any "this ride has XXXX feet of climbing" claims with a grain of salt.

Nope, just ghetto synchronization is all I know how to do.  Maybe sometime down the line with TF....

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Mexico?
« on: April 07, 2011, 11:27:15 AM »
TF has a black/white aerial server pre-programmed in under the WMS servers menu.  It cover the whole country in pretty good detail. 

I am not aware of any online source for Mexico topo maps, but would love to learn of some.  Try the "open cycle map" -- in some places it has trails, definitely had roads, and contour lines too.

Here's a short video I put together using TF's playback and some helmet cam footage.

GPS playback + Helmet Cam from Scott Morris on Vimeo.

I did it by using a free screen capture program called CamStudio.  Then I combined the helmet cam and TF playback (with stats such as speed, grade, etc) in a video editing software.

Not a turnkey solution, but it didn't take that much work either, and others do the same, including some professional folks.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: DEM Directory different from Map Directory
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:32:06 PM »
Correct, yep.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: DEM Directory different from Map Directory
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:55:24 PM »
Hi Bill,

The DEM directory is only used if you want to manually download and use your own DEM files.  It's kind of a holdover from before TF could download it's own elevation data.

So, to #2, the auto-downloaded DEM data goes into the Map[n].dat structure, as you guessed.

Hope that answers your questions.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: waypoint label scaling
« on: March 28, 2011, 09:44:47 AM »
Nope, you're not missing anything... and the same thing has been bothering me lately.  Have been giving it some thought as to how best to scale.  Hopefully we have it for the next version.

Thanks for the post.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Mapping geotagged images
« on: March 18, 2011, 09:17:24 AM »
Hi Tom,

You should be able to create a new, blank gps file, (use File->New) then have PhotoFusion use that file.

Point to your photos with the JPEG directory, and make sure "place pictures as waypoints" is checked (it should be by default).  When you hit Begin PhotoFusion it will notice that you have EXIF coordinates already in your files and ask if you want to override them with GPS track data.  Hit "no", then you should see all your photos come in as waypoints in the new file.  Hit the photo toggle to see the thumbnails, etc.

The web page generation part of photofusion should be ideal for creating an offline interactive map -- no internet connection needed or google maps dependency.

Good luck and let us know if you have any other questions.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Map Calibration & Library
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:18:23 PM »
I do agree with your last point about it keeping the same aspect ratio.  I'll see if I can do that.

All files should be possible on point #1.

Point #3 is a little trickier.  Calibration could already have 3 points and then determining the point on the image you clicked is hard.  Not sure it'll be worth the effort.

#2 (how random order can I get?!) - yep, renaming would be great.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.  I'll see what I can do.

Beta Testing / Re: Export Bug in 4.x versions
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:15:50 PM »
This does appear to be a new bug that has come up.  I have noticed it, not with grids disappearing, but with tracklogs and WPs themselves going away.  Rest assured I will get it fixed, it's been driving me crazy too.

Many thanks for the report.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Error 380 Procedure Form_Resize
« on: March 08, 2011, 09:32:09 AM »
Good call on going back to 4.0.  That does take care of it (new bug on 4.1).  We'll get it fixed in the next version.  Thanks for the detailed report and the patience.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Two issues...
« on: March 04, 2011, 11:10:27 AM »
Hmm, looks like the grid numbers are going off the screen because the font is on the larger side.  We must not be checking the size of the font/box correctly.  I'll note that as a bug.

On #2, that is definitely our problem, I have noticed it as well.

I'll get both of these fixed in the next version.  Thanks for taking the time to send the feedback!

TopoFusion Pro / Re: track display on?
« on: March 03, 2011, 10:24:17 PM »
The yellow highlight is showing you which track you clicked on.  Very useful when you have multiple tracks loaded in an area.  To get rid of it, just right click anywhere in the map window.  That will deselect it.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Topo maps back
« on: February 28, 2011, 02:03:30 PM »
Looks like maps are coming in again, sometimes fast, sometimes with a few hiccups.... as of 2pm MST time.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Topo maps down
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:21:11 AM »

It looks like the server for the "topo" and black and white "aerial" tiles in TF is currently down:

Those maps won't load.  Downtime is usually only a few days at most.  We'll post updates here.

In the meantime, try the "MyTopo" server, which though the tiles load slower, in many cases the maps are much better quality and more current.

Thanks for the patience.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: Strange result from spline
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:24:17 PM »
It may be that over-splining caused the software to not count a lot of your track as "moving" due to points getting assigned the same time stamp.

Try stripping all timestamps from the track (in File Properties v4.1) and see if the number agrees.

Feature Requests / Re: Req: More options / locations on the GOTO menu
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:25:01 PM »
If you uncheck the box next to the layer in Windows->GIS Layers it should turn display off, but still read it for the "find" function.

The software will also read city-large.gpx if it exists in the GIS layers, so there's another option.

Thanks for the feedback, we definitely need some more powerful search options.

TopoFusion Pro / Re: topofusion and vista hcx
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:22:42 PM »
Probably no need for the "trip and waypoint" manager.  However, you will need the Garmin USB driver that is on that CD.  It's also available from, or may come with newer versions of Windows.  Otherwise TF should be all you need!

Interesting on the 2011 APC course.  I guess I did draw in the highway, so those points wouldn't have had time data associated with them.  However, if I was on the case I should have stripped all time data from the file before posting, then those gps units that need it would get fabricated time stamps.

I agree that a dialog with some control over the fake time stamps might be nice.  Are you thinking that you'd use it for virtual partner races?  Or just so that it shows up where you want it to on the Garmin?  Any other reasons?


TopoFusion Pro / Re: A couple questions from a newbie.....
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:52:17 PM »
You bring up some good points, and I should check out GSAK.  It seems they have some things really nailed.

I just had to copy/paste 8 waypoints for a SPOT event tracker, so your suggestion was timely.  It really doesn't make sense to have two fields for coordinate entry, and an easy way to copy a location to the clipboard would be great too.

Thanks for the thoughtful feedback.  I will see what I can do.

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