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Messages - Krein

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Archived Support / GIS Layer problem
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:15:28 PM »
My next guess is that you're running some kind of firewall and you need to permit TopoFusion.exe to access on port 80.

To download tiles it needs to access, while the GIS layers are hosted on our site.

The download is failing right off the bat.

Archived Support / GIS Layer problem
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:49:54 PM »
Does the download finish?  The text box should turn into a progress bar, and you need to wait for it to finish downloading before checking the box to "show."

If you're getting zero length files that means the download isn't finishing.

What about the GIS layers that came pre-downloaded (states and NA cities)?  Do they display correctly or are they also sized zero?

Archived - Feedback and Comments / GOVSS -- Underestimating Power??
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:16:49 AM »
Oops!  The explanation that Dr. Skiba sent me on the GOVSS dialog got chopped off at the bottom.  It was supposed to have the following paragraph at the end:

Kcal: This is not how many calories the workout burned. This is the actual external work you have generated. Depending on your own personal variables you probably burned at least 2x as many calories.  

I've asked Dr. Skiba to check out the forum and help answer this and any other questions.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Alaska
« on: October 03, 2006, 07:10:55 AM »
I thought all of Alaska was covered with topos -- but just not all scales.  I believe it's the case that the 24k maps don't exist *on paper* let alone digitally.

As for aerials, have you tried the 16 landsat?  Not as detailed, but still useful.

No idea if more BW aerials are coming for AK.  You might ask the folks over at Terraserver.

TopoFusion Anouncements / TopoFusion and Direct3D
« on: September 29, 2006, 01:40:23 PM »
TopoFusion was originally written with DirectDraw7.  This made sense since it is primarily a 2D application.  However, DirectDraw is becoming antiquated and current versions of Direct3D have some cool features for doing 2D stuff in 3D mode.

The upshot of this is that we've moving TF to Direct3D.  One goal is to modernize it, but mainly we want to optimize and take advantage of some new cool features.

Some things we've been able to take advantage of so far:

Anti-aliased track lines (smoother, less jaggy)
Better control of line width, dashing, transparency
Bilinear filtered sprites (runner, cyclist, etc)
Rotating sprites (runner, cyclist)
Animated sprites
Faster on higher end cards (optimized for 3D)
Easy "combo" tiles - will support comboing of all types of maps
Much faster combo tiles
Faster text output (waypoint names, etc)

That's only the beginning though.  We plan on doing a lot more cool graphical stuff that wasn't possible before.

For a little preview, check out this movie:

It shows the runner icon both rotating along with the angle of the track and also running!!  We didn't think it was going to be as entertaining as it turned out to be.

Another note - the runner's legs move faster and slower depending on how fast the GPS track being played back is going, including going crazy at really high speeds.  We're working on a new bike icon with spinning wheels, too.

Stay tuned for more cool stuff and for a full release of TopoFusion in Direct3D.

Archived Support / Remove all?
« on: September 27, 2006, 10:36:42 AM »
Select them all with the mouse (shift click), right click and then choose "Remove".

The only way to delete files in TF is from one of the standard dialogs (like Open, Save as.., etc).  It's probably better done from outside the program.

Yes, singletrack playback can be found by profiling a given track, either with the profile tool or by right clicking and choosing 'profile.'

Archived Support / Saving runs
« on: September 27, 2006, 10:34:54 AM »
Yes, you will have to save out each file for each day if you want them in separate files.

It is downloading all tracks at once and you'll only need to do the download once.

I don't remember the name or link to the .hst -> GPX conversion program off-hand.  Search these forums or google and you'll find it.

Archived Support / Saving runs
« on: September 27, 2006, 09:53:30 AM »
Actually, the manual is old and needs to be updated, thanks for the reminder.

The next dialog that comes up (merge tracks) should have all your tracks split up.

Are you using the reset button between runs?  This could be the problem.  All your runs will come in merged unless you reset between runs.  You should do this anyway to maximize the detail of the recorded tracks.

Archived Support / Saving runs
« on: September 27, 2006, 09:06:34 AM »
I sent a reply to this question yesterday.  Did you not receive it?


When the Merge Tracks dialog comes up each run is split up, not only by day, but by run (if you turned the unit on/off during the day).  I am not sure how the very old files from the history show up in the 301.  If they are coming in as merged I'd like to fix it.

What about current runs that haven't been "reset" yet?


Because they are no longer on the unit.  Even though history data is there, no actual track points on stored.  No software will
be able to download it, unfortuantely.

There are options for converting from the garmin logbook to .GPX, if you have the data stored there.


Archived Support / tracks
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:48:16 PM »

Beta Testing / Beta 2.971
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:47:31 PM »
New beta up with an option to record a track in Live Tracking, and a button to save it.

It uses the same memory space as the "drawn" track, so both cannot be used at the same time.  

Also, right now, be careful -- right clicking will get rid of the track.  This behavior is bad for drawing tracks and especially in this case, so we will change it so the data is harder to get rid of.

Archived Support / tracks
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:37:10 AM »
Right, the manula goes to the website just because that's the most up-to-date version, and most people that use the program are connected to the internet anyway.

It can be easily saved out (as I guess you did) for off-line use, if desired.

Thanks for the compliment.  Most of the program is in C, yes.  A couple of things are in C++, and the UI is in Visual Basic, but C is hard to beat for speed.

Archived Support / tracks
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:00:58 AM »
Ah, a GPS mouse.  OK, so you are using the live tracking feature in NMEA mode.

Currently TF does not record track points from Live Tracking.  It really should... and it's not going to be very difficult to implement.

Let me see what I can do about putting out a beta with logging in it.  Stay tuned.

Archived Support / tracks
« on: September 26, 2006, 07:05:34 AM »
Which GPS are you using?  Is it USB or Serial?  

USB units don't use the "follow map" feature, so your track won't be shown as it downloads.  Can you see trackw when the "Save Tracks" dialog comes up after download?

When you say only hand drawn tracks are showing up, the only real difference between hand drawn and real tracks are that real tracks have time and elevation components.  So, it could be that your gps tracks are being shaded by elevation or speed, making them hard to see on the map.  Just an idea.

But when the save tracks dialog comes up, shading is turned off for those tracks, so they should be there.

Beta Testing / Beta FAQ
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:16:00 PM »
What's the beta program?

The TopoFusion Beta program is pretty simple.  When we have a relatively stable version of the software, we make it available to our users.  It's not considered a full release, but it has passed certain tests of functionality.

Users get to check out new features and we get testing, feedback and assurance that things are working.  Win-win.  Sometimes we're not the best at determining how a new feature should work, or be implemented, so it's nice to have some other users to bounce ideas around with.  Our "power users" have often shaped the program in the past.

How do I join?

Just send an email to  We'll add you to our beta mailing list.  All of the discussion happens on this board -- the mailing list is only used to notify beta testers that a new version is available.  (It's an extremely low traffic list, that only TopoFusion developers post to).

Do I need to be a registered (paid) user?

Unfortunately, yes.  We only release one version of the betas and it requires a name and code.  We do this mainly because our most dedicated users have purchased the program and don't want to see the demo tiles.

If there are beta features you'd like to try out and leave feedback on, we can produce a demo version of the beta.  Just send us an email and let us know what you're interested in.


Team TopoFusion

Feature Requests / Give us your ideas for improving TopoFusion
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:04:26 PM »
Some of the best features (my favorite, anyway) have come from our users.  We pride ourselves on being a small company that can respond quickly to user input.

With that said, how can we make TopoFusion better?  What's missing or needs improvement?

Even better, what hasn't been done yet in the GPS/Mapping/Athletics/Cool Graphics world?  The crazier the idea, the better.

We're all ears.

TopoFusion Anouncements / New Release - v2.97
« on: September 25, 2006, 09:57:56 PM »
We're pleased to announce the release of version 2.97.

New in this version:

GOVSS - This is very exciting research by Dr. Philip Friere Skiba.  Basically it allows runners to accurately gage how hard a given run/workout was, in terms of stress on the body.  Dr. Skiba has been researching this field and has validated the GOVSS score.  We were excited when he approached us about implementing GOVSS in TopoFusion.  He and his athletes were already using TopoFusion to download from their Forerunner units and to correct the elevation data.

But the whole process was rather cumbersome, requiring two steps in TopoFusion, conversion using GPS Utility and finally cut 'n paste into an Excel file that did the GOVSS calculations.  Now it's all contained in TopoFusion.  Just download, correct elevations and look at the outputs in the "Run Analysis" dialog.

To learn more about what GOVSS and for help on how to get set up, see:

GIS Layers - TopoFusion now comes pre-loaded with a North American city database file, the state boundaries and continent boundaries.  Using the GIS Layers dialog you can download more layers -- roads, more extensive cities and even wilderness boundaries.

Layers can be toggled on and off in the dialog as well.  We here at TopoFusion are particularly excited about the wilderness boundary file.  We've found it to be very accurate and up-to-date.  It's been a constant struggle, trying to plan and GPS map long distance trails like the AZT, CT, GET, etc, when the underlying USGS maps either don't show wilderness boundaries or are out of date.  Now it's real easy.

By the way, GIS layers are just .GPX files.  They are auto-loaded using the GIS dialog, but you can load them just like GPX files too.  We'll be adding more GIS layers and enabling a few more features like displaying the names of wilderness areas and roads.

City Search - With the new city GIS files, we added a search function.  Previously it was hard to navigate over large distances.  Now it's as simple as hitting CTRL-F and typing in a name.

For smaller towns it's recommended that you download the city-large file using the GIS Layers dialog.  The database that comes pre-loaded with TopoFusion only has major cities.

Stay tuned for more TopoFusion developments!

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Tracks won't shade
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:28:55 AM »
When you profile using the profile/merge tool the track remains highlighted (default = pink) so yes, you cannot see any shading.  If you right click in the map window the highlight will go away.

Alternatively, don't use the profile/merge tool, just stay in "pan" (hand) mode, and right click on the track you wish to be profile and select "profile."  The track will stay highlighted when the right click menu is open, but it will go away after you select profile.

Beta Testing / Font setting for new City name overlay
« on: September 22, 2006, 08:42:55 PM »
Should be fixed now -- 2.965 just up.  Thanks!

Beta Testing / New self install package
« on: September 22, 2006, 08:42:20 PM »
Try out 2.965 --

It will not create new start menu items if TopoFusion.exe and TopoFusion.ini are found.

If said files are found, it will read the default tracks dir and install the GIS files into "GIS" directory under default tracks.  The auto-downloader will now also default to this directory instead of the app.path.

Thanks for the ideas.  I like the way it works now.

Beta Testing / CitySearch
« on: September 22, 2006, 08:40:23 PM »
No advanced tab yet, but it will now search city-large if it exists.

Try v2.965

Results from city-small are first, so if it's a major city the first results will likely be the best.  Seems pretty intuitive to me.

Beta Testing / Font setting for new City name overlay
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:09:03 PM »
Super.  I know what's going on and how to fix it.


Beta Testing / Font setting for new City name overlay
« on: September 22, 2006, 01:28:06 PM »
Strange.  Can you post a screen grab?

The cities are using the same font as the scale bar, which, as you noted, can't be changed.  Is your scale bar (the B/W one that draws in the lower right corner) messed up as well?

Thanks for the report.

Beta Testing / New self install package
« on: September 22, 2006, 10:03:07 AM »
#1 - I'll see what I can do about a checkbox for creating a start menu group.

#2 - Hmm, yeah, it should be possible to change the GIS directory.  Perhaps it should go in the "Default Tracks Dir"\GIS, rather than the application program directory.

Unfortunately the installer is still only going to know about the app path, and not any different default tracks directory.  I guess it's possible to find the default tracks dir in any existing .INI file.

I'll think about it some more.  Thanks for the feedback, as always.

Beta Testing / CitySearch
« on: September 22, 2006, 09:57:50 AM »
Correct, it's only searching the city-small file (that is included with the installer).

There will be an "advanced" tab that will let you select to search in both, or even in other loaded GPX files.

Only problem with the city-large file is that there are so many cities that you get a lot of duplicates.  E.G. there are 5-6 Denver's throughout the country.  By default I'd think most people can get close to where they want to go in the small city file.

However, it would make sense to search the big city file if the small one doesn't return anything... Plus new users won't have the big city file to confuse them.  That might work until we have more time to flush the search function out (advanced mode).

Beta Testing / Beta 2.96!
« on: September 21, 2006, 12:27:56 PM »
2.96 marks the beginning of some drastic changes to TopoFusion.  Adding native support for some bigger data files like cities, roads and wilderness boundaries caused us to re-evaluate some of the design decisions made early on in the development of TF.

We've sped quite a few things up, adding clipping algorithms and general intelligence for viewing large amounts of data (especially when zoomed out).

It's still in progress, but we're pretty excited even about the current beta release: 2.96.  It's available here for registered users:

Since we auto-load a cities database, we can now search it!  CTRL-F opens the search dialog and I've already found it to be mucho useful.

The other big addition is the "Run Analysis" dialog.  This was added with the help of Dr. Phil Skiba who has done research on computing power and relating it to overall exertion for runners.  His website is (which explains his process in detail):

Before it took a 6 or 7 step process to compute GOVSS scores for a given run.  Now it's all contained in TF.

From the revision history:

2.96 - [9/19/06]
    Added GIS Layers window - auto download and display of roads, cities,
      state, world and wilderness boundaries.
    Added Run Analysis dialog, including GOVSSā„¢ and power calculations
    Added basic .kml file reading
    Added city search / goto dialog (Goto->Goto City..)
    Various speedups and improvements

Feature Requests / Feature Request - Combo options.
« on: September 21, 2006, 12:20:59 PM »
Yep, combo'ing user maps (and some of the other map types already supported) would be very cool.

We are planning to move to a newer directX version which should allow us to do a lot more cool things that graphics cards are already good at doing quickly.  Blending, streching, rotation and the like...

It's going to change the way a lot of TF works (for the better) and hopefully combo will be both faster and more versatile.

Thanks for the idea.

Archived Support / Saving files
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:22:37 PM »
Save selected files -- all files selected in the "active file list" will be saved out.

Save selected as -- same except that each file will be prompted for a new file name

Save all -- every file that is loaded will be saved.

It is a little bit confusing.

Contrast -- yep, just use the drop down and select "default topo/aerial combo."


Archived Support / Copy/Paste Trackpoints
« on: September 07, 2006, 03:32:34 PM »
You can cut tracks up using the scissors.

Then use the profile/merge tool to form a new track (holding shift down).  

Right click -> save as.. to save out the finished product.

Archived Support / Looking for % grade tuning/accuracy
« on: September 07, 2006, 12:13:16 PM »
I agree, the Garmin units with barometers are quite accurate.  So I'm a little puzzled as to why the grade numbers are seemingly random on your track?

I just looked through a few tracks and found that the grade numbers in the profile window are better than I remembered.  They seemed quite reasonable, actually.

Still not sure I agree about gradually increasing numbers.  Trails, roads and the earth in general are quick to change steepness.  Even if it doesn't seem like that in real life, at the average spacing of a GPS point the transition can seem "sudden."


Archived Support / Topofusin.msi ??
« on: September 07, 2006, 11:36:18 AM »
Interesting.  We don't use MSI files (from 2.95 on), so you must have not uninstalled your previous version of TF before installing 2.95.

Yep, try uninstalling any TopoFusion entries in Add/Remove Programs, then run the 2.95 installer again.

You might want to back up your GPS data and any maps downloaded.

Archived Support / Looking for % grade tuning/accuracy
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:38:17 AM »
Grade calculations on GPS tracks are, in general, not very accurate.  This is mostly due to errors in the elevation dimension, compounded by errors in 2D position.

Believe it or not, we already do some amount of smoothing to get more accurate results.  It was even worse before.

The grade should not necessary increase as you progress on a climb.  The actual elevation number has nothing to do with it.  Climbs can get less steep as they go on, right?

Also, grade is defined with respect to 2d distance, not terrain distance.  Rise/run.

All that said, I'd like to make grade numbers more useful/accurate, too.  Perhaps it's time for an option to turn a more aggressive smoothing algorithm on.

Archived Support / What does "point restart" do?
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:21:54 AM »

The "point restart" function is actually in multitrack playback, not single track playback.  It allows you to start the playback for all tracks when they are nearest the point you click on the map.

But you can also start a single track playback at some point in the middle by using the slider.  I see now (testing) that the slider does go back to the left side when you start (or resume) playback, but the playback is actually starting where the slider *was.*  I'll mark this as to be fixed.

Have you noticed that photos are viewed as playback proceeds?  Is this useful at all for your purposes?


Archived Support / 2.95 - Slideshow of photos during track playback
« on: September 06, 2006, 03:10:37 PM »
Multiple tracks may be a problem.. I'm not sure.  Obviously it should work regardless, but it may not be well tested.

Try merging them all into one track.  I'll have a look at the code.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Version 2.95 Released
« on: September 06, 2006, 03:07:23 PM »
We released a new version of TopoFusion this week.

Registered users should refer to their registration instructions to download the the full version of 2.95.  Demo users can upgrade by uninstalling / reinstalling using the new version available:

Note that settings, GPS data and downloaded maps will not be lost during uninstall / reinstall.

We are using a new, faster and more simple install program.  When upgrading from a previous version users should uninstall first.  This is to avoid any conflict in the Add/Remove Programs dialog.  

The new installer is smaller (3.6 mb vs. 7.0 mb) and it will eliminate some of the problems we were having with windows installer complaining and trying to repair an installation.  The best part is that the build process is much faster for us, so we should be able to deploy updates more quickly.

In the future upgrading will be a snap.  Just download and run the installer -- no uninstall or copying files required.

2.95 - [9/04/06]

Added user setting for minimum speed (used in moving time calculations) (preferences->units)
Improvements to Grid Feature (tick marks, user settings, etc)
Improved speed with large # of waypoints loaded
Added name labels to tracks in multi-track playback (use "Author" field)
Fixed bug trying to save file with all waypoints deleted

2.92 - [7/31/06]

      Added UTM Grid Lines (options->prefs->units)
       (Color set in prefs->colors)
      Added track shading by grade
      Added ability to export elevation profile at bottom of exported maps
      Multi-line waypoint descriptions are now supported
      Added "set stats" button on waypoint dialog
      Name of GPS unit and software version now recorded in "description"
        for GPX files
      Fixed crashes when "desc" field is displayed for waypoints
      Fixed GIF crash introduced in 2.91
      Fixed crash in playback of 76CSx files (from Garmin bug)
      Quite a few other fixes

2.91 - [7/18/06]

Added speed shading for tracks (preferences->fonts/colors)
Added speed limit - throw out bogus speeds (prefs->units)
Added slideshow of photos during track playback (photofusion)
Added Clear button to photofusion dialog
Added "Download DEM" to climbing analysis (no more forced downloads)
Fixed bug opening eXplorist track files (.log)

Archived Support / 2.95 - Slideshow of photos during track playback
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:56:36 PM »
You are using playback in the profile window, right?  Not multi-track playback?

Make sure your profiling the correct track -- one that has photos attached to it.

Are there multiple tracks in your file, by chance?

Archived Support / 2.95 - Slideshow of photos during track playback
« on: September 05, 2006, 07:41:55 AM »
1) Load a track with a photos attached using PhotoFusion
2) Profile the track
3) Start Playback

As each photo is encountered on the track it will be displayed using whatever viewing software you have set for jpg (in windows).  I use ACDSee.

With two monitors this is especially cool.

In future versions we plan to have photos displayed on the map and have then become larger or less transparent as the playback proceeds.

Archived Support / Color Ariels?
« on: August 30, 2006, 09:07:29 AM »

Archived Support / Color Ariels?
« on: August 30, 2006, 07:41:15 AM »
Color aerial photos are only available in some urban areas.  More are being added as time goes on.  Look on Terraserver's site for a list of the cities covered.  I'll see if I can find it and add it to TopoFusion's site.


Archived Support / manual pictures
« on: August 30, 2006, 07:37:16 AM »

PhotoFusion hasn't been updated yet, but hopefully soon.

The only manual method would be to find the time of a GPS point on one of your tracks and set that time in the EXIF header of the jpeg.

Possible, but definitely a pain.

Beta Testing / Min speed in 2.93 beta
« on: August 23, 2006, 10:19:31 PM »
I agree, that's an interesting idea.

Speed relative to grade -- could make for further cool visuals.

Or "Am I lazy or what" shading.   Heh.

"Effort" shading, maybe....?

Archived Support / Limit of 250 points?
« on: August 21, 2006, 03:42:49 PM »
Definitely not a limitation of the garmin or TopoFusion.  There are a few things that could have happened.  Probably your track got "saved" out to the 250 point truncated version at some point on the hike, then your active log (limited to 10,000 points) got cleared.  Or some variation of that.

Losing data sucks, but it happens.

Beta Testing / UTM Grid Feature
« on: August 18, 2006, 10:54:44 AM »
Hey Steve,

Thanks for the continued feedback.  Try the latest (2.93).  Tick marks are where they should be.  The grid will also now turn off if you zoom too far out.  Before that it will only display the last 3-4 digits, if the labels are overlapping too much.

I also improved the display speed when you have a lot of waypoints loaded, but not actually shown.  Pretty embarrasing that a check for this wasn't in there from the get-go.

Beta Testing / UTM Grid Feature
« on: August 16, 2006, 01:54:29 PM »
Sorry Steve, guess that's what new version numbers are for (would have caught this particular mistake!).  Try it again.

5. I've thought about something along these lines, with the option for including stats on a track in the image also.  I'll keep datum in mind too.


Beta Testing / UTM Grid Feature
« on: August 16, 2006, 11:05:20 AM »
2. I made it so that the waypoint font (including size) is used only on export and only if not using the "current" setting.  This way "current" is still WYSIWYG.

4. Added tick marks and a forced grid setting.  Let me know what you think.

It's still 2.92 (didn't bother changing versions, though I should have).


Beta Testing / UTM Grid Feature
« on: August 14, 2006, 12:54:29 PM »
Quote (sanewcomb @ Aug. 14 2006,2:29)
1. I like the ability to just click on a checkbox to add the grid to the export for printing. I don't find much use for the grid on screen. The mouse shows the coordinates anywhere on the screen and I only use the grids while out in the field.

2. There needs to be some way to control the font size, either automatically sizing depending on export size or user selected. Being able to export higher resolution images for printing is a great feature, but the way it's implemented makes the grid labels too small to read. I've been using the 2500x1875 export size with the screen scale set to around 1:7 (scale marker about 4000 ft) for printed maps that work well in the field.

3. BUG: When the preferences are set to Lat/Long and NAD 27 United States, the grid becomes fixed (does not move with moving the map) and displays wrong values.

4. Something to think about. While reading a position using a printed map, I find it easier to have the grids set 1000 meters apart, with grid ticks showing 1/10th divisions (with a bigger tick at 1/2 grid box). It's easier to eyeball and do the math since the UTM is a decimal system. Half a 500 meter grid box is 250, a fourth is 125 and so on... Plus it would reduce the clutter of grid labels. These preferences are based on using printed maps with grids out in the field.

Thanks for the feedback, Steve.

1. 'zactly what I was thinking.

2. You're right. How about if we just use size of the waypoint text?  Chance are if you want to read any waypoints on the exported map you'll want both font sizes increased.

Ideally we'd have more options between the two, but I think I'll stick with this solution for now.

3. Doh!  Thanks for the bug find.

4. Some other users are requesting the ability to be able to manually set (and always force) the same grid spacing.  If this happens you could fix yours at 1000.  Would this work for you?

Intermediate tick marks shouldn't be too hard, I'll see how it goes.

Feature Requests / request - elevation information
« on: August 13, 2006, 09:58:49 AM »
Quote (Larry @ Aug. 13 2006,8:46)
Krein, while I think of it, would it be possible to have the 3D map regenerate 'sooner' when you move it around? That is, without having to move it until the blue ball is at the edge of the map?  For route planning, it's awkward to have to move the map further than needed, and constantly using the R key seems, well, sort of distracting.

If the blue ball represents some sort of hot spot, could you just increase the size of the hot spot? An adjustable size would really be cool!


I can see some advantages of having it regenerate without going all the way to the boundary, but it also might lead to more unintended regens and confusing behavior.  Do you see what I mean?

I already end up unintentionally moving off the model sometimes and wishing it didn't regenerate and change my zoom / position settings.

We'll keep it in mind for when we update the 3D code (happening sometime soon).

Sorry about the error message from the board here, it's from the emails that it is trying to send out.  As you saw, the posts go through even with the error message.  The notification emails just aren't working.  Something's amiss on our server...

Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 13, 2006, 09:43:16 AM »

Well, I'm back a little early.  Being a mere mortal myself, my legs got pretty exhausted after ~280 miles and an insane amount of climbing.  Dealing with thunderstorms at 11,000+ feet (above treeline) EVERY DAY got a little old too.

Anyway, do you have any update on Edge problems?  Every time it "crashes" does it just whisk away with no error messages and nothing meaningful in the log, or have you seen an actual error message / crash?

If it's just blowing away it's going to be very hard to figure out.  I may just have to set myself up with a full Edge / HR / Cadence setup.


Beta Testing / Downloading crash in v2.91
« on: August 03, 2006, 11:05:08 AM »

Nuts!  Well, thanks for the report.  I thought we had these issues taken care of, but evidently not.

That's so strange that it just blows away without an error message or anything.  Very puzzling.

I'm off to ride the Colorado Trail for ~10 days, but I will start looking at this issue as soon as I get back.  Until then, I guess you'll just have to be patient with it.  Sorry about the problem.

Archived Support / Camera and GPS time problem
« on: August 02, 2006, 09:33:43 PM »
An update on this issue --

Aaron sent us his files and it turns out his camera was just set to 2005 instead of 2006.  Easy to miss!

Sometimes you just need someone else to take a quick look at it.

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