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Messages - Krein

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Archived Support / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:12:09 PM »
Thanks for the log.

We've sent you v3.12 to try.  Since it doesn't work in Mapsource I  suspect something is wrong with windows (USB), or the GPS itself.

Make sure that the GPS is set to "GARMIN" interface mode in the settings menu.  (The other setting is NMEA).

TopoFusion Pro / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 21, 2008, 03:28:36 PM »
Hmm.  A bit of code has changed in 3.20 with respect to the GPS transfer.

My main GPS is a Vista CX, and it's still humming along (downloading near daily rides from it).

A few things to try:

1) go back to 3.12 (I can always email you the installer if you don't have it anymore) and see if it works

2) can you get Mapsource to download tracks from it, or to "see" the GPS in general?

3) email your topofusion.log file to and we'll take a look.


Archived Support / Unable to download tracks from Etrex Vista C
« on: March 21, 2008, 03:28:36 PM »
Hmm.  A bit of code has changed in 3.20 with respect to the GPS transfer.

My main GPS is a Vista CX, and it's still humming along (downloading near daily rides from it).

A few things to try:

1) go back to 3.12 (I can always email you the installer if you don't have it anymore) and see if it works

2) can you get Mapsource to download tracks from it, or to "see" the GPS in general?

3) email your topofusion.log file to and we'll take a look.


TopoFusion on other OS - Mac / Linux / TopoFusion working on Mac OS X!
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:00:53 PM »

I've been getting more requests for Mac support, or at least good emulation.

Any update with the latest version of Parallels and TF Pro?

I'm a little confused as to what broke it -- was it a new version of Parallels, or a new version of TF Pro?

If that latter, I'd like to figure out what happened.  Maybe debug it a little to see if we can't get it rolling in Parallels.

Any info appreciated.

Beta Testing / Thanks beta testers!
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:19:35 PM »
Just wanted to give a shout out to our strong core group of beta testers.  You guys really help move TF along, and especially make sure things are running smoothly.

V3.31 (full public release, out now) supercedes the current beta, with a few minor fixes.

TopoFusion Anouncements / V3.31 Released!  Power, 3D textures
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:53:14 AM »
Other notable improvements/fixes:

3.31 – [3/19/08] (Full Release)

Improved accuracy of adding elevation to tracks (Climbing Analysis)
Added average and max power/HR/cadence to lap/interval analysis
Added “interpolate to 1 second” function to Power Analysis
Fixed bug adding elevation to tracks while in Landsat mode
Fixed problem reading and saving newer Magellan .LOG files
Fixed bogus profiles when deleting points from track
Save as... now defaults to directory of original file
Fixed syncing issues with climb/power/run/lap dialogs on save as/remove files
Fixed Lap Analysis stats for tracks that cross UTM zones
Fixed track shading for highlighted lap intervals
Added informative message when running in DEMO mode with reg. info entered
Added Texture to bottom of 3D model
Drastically improved loading time for TCX files
Fixed invisible waypoints using Add Waypoint Tool in UTM coordinate mode
Fixed playback interpolation in landsat tiles
Fixed problem with TCX/CRS exports in training center (zero HR)
Fixed correspondence issues with mouse over in profile

Full revision list here:

Revision History

TopoFusion Anouncements / V3.31 Released!  Power, 3D textures
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:45:46 AM »

Also new in v3.31, a new setting in 3D settings is available: Texture Detail.

Basically this increases the size of your current map view so that you have a higher resolution map painted on the 3D model.  This is especially useful when you zoom in on the model, or as you explore the terrain.

As you move the slider the texture will update itself.  Note that the tileset will change according to your tileset settings.  So you may get a higher resolution tileset than currently in 2D view.  This is a good thing, though if you want to keep your tileset and exact view, you can always leave the Texture setting at 1.0.

The only downside is a brief pause while generating a 3D view.  So you can go as high as you're willing to pay in terms of waiting.  Also note that the size of the map is limited by your video card's maximum texture size, so it may not get much more detailed beyond a certain point (depending on video hardware).

Overall, this is a major improvement in the quality of 3D views.  I've been having a blast looking through old GPS files and re-exploring areas in 3d mode.

High res 3d exports

Previous versions of TF could only export the current 3D view.  Now you can arbitrarily set the size of the export - up to 4096x4096 on most cards (8192x8192 on newer ones!).

Here is a (large) example of a high res export from the Wasatch Mountains.  This will appear in the next issue of BIKE magazine.  

Wasatch 5 day trip

The Landsat tiles are really great for large scale 3D views like this.  Google Earth has some great high res imagery, but you get a nasty "patchwork" effect when you try to look at too much terrain at one time.  Landsat is very consistent.

TopoFusion Anouncements / V3.31 Released!  Power, 3D textures
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:44:20 AM »
TopoFusion now supports the Edge 705, including power enabled TCX files.  For more info on the power related features in TopoFusion, go to:

This is pretty exciting stuff since mapping power output really hasn't been done before.  The Edge 705 is going to make some of this easier, but even the newest PowerTap hubs won't be supported with the 705, so the "attach PowerTap data" function should be quite useful for some time.

More power features are planned (peak power intervals, BikeScore, etc!).

TopoFusion Anouncements / V3.31 Released!  Power, 3D textures
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:44:09 AM »
We are happy to announce the release of version 3.31 of TopoFusion PRO.

Download the latest demo version:

TopoFusion Pro v3.31 Free/Demo

Or, registered users refer to their registration email for download instructions.  If you've lost the download URL or your name/code, you can request it here:

Archived Support / Profile Issues
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:38:03 AM »

Thank you very much for helping us debug this.  Turns out there are two ways to bring up a profile for a track.

One way correctly dealt with deleted points (right clicking on a track and selecting Profile).  The other way, which you were using (the profile tool itself) did not handle them correctly and resulted in bogus profiles.

We've fixed the bug in the latest version -- v3.31, out today!

Thanks again.

Archived Support / Profile Issues
« on: March 18, 2008, 09:20:10 PM »
Just double checking, but those screen shots are not from v3.30 (you may have made them before you upgraded, I'll bet).

I'm still not able to reproduce the problem.  Can you email your TopoFusion.ini file to ?

Can't think of what setting could be causing it, but there must be something different.

Archived Support / Profile Issues
« on: March 18, 2008, 04:23:24 PM »
That really shouldn't be happening (bogus profile after editing the track in any way).

First though is to upgrade to the latest version of TF.

Second, if you can reproduce it I'd sure love to take a look at the track (with some description of what point(s) you are deleting).  I just deleted a point from a track and the resulting profile was OK (v3.30, though).

Yep, the stats are still for the entire ride.  We're hoping to get that functionality rolling soon.

As for jaggies, agreed for sure.  Smoothing is on the list too.

Thanks for the feedback.

Archived Support / GPSmap 60c not being 'seen'
« on: March 17, 2008, 09:04:00 PM »
Glad that was it.  I've forgotten it in the past too (like when I'm trying to download GPS data on new computer while out bike touring).

Or more embarrassingly, when trying to 'demo' TF on a friend's computer...

Archived Support / GPSmap 60c not being 'seen'
« on: March 17, 2008, 08:12:16 PM »
Did you install the Garmin USB drivers yet?

Beta Testing / 3.26 - Power in TopoFusion
« on: March 11, 2008, 02:04:25 PM »
Just a quick note that I put out a new revision - 3.261 with a couple fixes to saving files.  There's nothing that should cause loss of data in 3.26, but there was a (recoverable) error when saving out certain kinds of files.

Also, save as... wasn't always defaulting to the right directory.

Sorry 'bout the problem.

Beta Testing / So what is so special about the Power feature
« on: March 11, 2008, 09:00:49 AM »
Yep, lotsa new stuff since 3.18!!

You won't find the power stuff very exciting if you aren't a cyclist that's interested in training and measuring fitness.  But for those that are -- this kind of thing has not been done before.

I don't know about Terraserver.  I wouldn't hold my breath.

Beta Testing / 3.26 - Power in TopoFusion
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:50:17 PM »
The latest version of TF supports the Edge 705, including power enabled TCX files.

For more info on the power related features in TopoFusion, go to:

This is pretty exciting stuff since mapping power output really hasn't been done before.  The Edge 705 is going to make some of this easier, but even the newest PowerTap hubs won't be supported with the 705, so the "attach PowerTap data" function should be quite useful for some time.

More power features are planned (peak power intervals, BikeScore, etc!).

Beta Testing / New 3D stuff - 3.25/3.26
« on: March 10, 2008, 07:49:24 PM »

A new setting in 3D settings is available: Texture Detail.

Basically this increases the size of your current map view so that you have a higher resolution map painted on the 3D model.  This is especially useful when you zoom in on the model, or as you explore the terrain.

As you move the slider the texture will update itself.  Note that the tileset will change according to your tileset settings.  So you may get a higher resolution tileset than currently in 2D view.  This is a good thing, though if you want to keep your tileset and exact view, you can always leave the Texture setting at 1.0.

The only downside is a brief pause while generating a 3D view.  So you can go as high as you're willing to pay in terms of waiting.  Also note that the size of the map is limited by your video card's maximum texture size, so it may not get much more detailed beyond a certain point (depending on video hardware).

Overall, this is a major improvement in the quality of 3D views.  I've been having a blast looking through old GPS files and re-exploring areas in 3d mode.

High res 3d exports

Previous versions of TF could only export the current 3D view.  Now you can arbitrarily set the size of the export - up to 4096x4096 on most cards (8192x8192 on newer ones!).

Here is a (large) example of a high res export from the Wasatch Mountains.  This will appear in the next issue of BIKE magazine.  

Wasatch 5 day trip

The Landsat tiles are really great for large scale 3D views like this.  Google Earth has some great high res imagery, but you get a nasty "patchwork" effect when you try to look at too much terrain at one time.  Landsat is very consistent.

Beta Testing / Beta 3.25 testing
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:12:02 PM »
Looking at the logs, it looks like you never got the "new" 3.25.  All the uses of your code had an extra "space" at the end, so it was rejected.  So you likely just reinstalled the old 3.25 with the space.

I guess the lesson here (for me) is to go ahead and do a new version number to reduce confusion.

Try it again.

Beta Testing / Beta 3.25 testing
« on: March 06, 2008, 06:09:38 PM »
Doh!  Looks like I messed up a key part in the process and the old 3.25 was still there.  That's what I get for not changing the version number.

Try it now, still 3.25, but it should be fixed!

Archived Support / Photofusion Time/Date Error
« on: March 05, 2008, 09:14:47 PM »
Yep, it's a shame when things force you to get out on the bike for more "testing."  I know it well.

Let us know how it goes.

Beta Testing / Beta 3.25 testing
« on: March 05, 2008, 08:03:26 PM »
OK, yep it wasn't any specific setting, but I believe I located the source of the problem.  Having the .INI eliminated a bunch of other   things to try.

Get the latest 3.25, just posted, with the fix.  

Thanks for reporting this.  I'm still puzzled why both of my machines have yet to come up with this error.

Archived Support / Photofusion Time/Date Error
« on: March 05, 2008, 06:38:25 PM »
It sounds like you are downloading "Saved Tracks" (designated as such in the merge/delete dialog).  Saved Tracks, in Garmin-speak, do not have time stamps, thus the bogus date/time you are getting.

Only the "active log" has real time stamps, and it's generally not advisable to "SAVE" tracks on the unit itself.  Just let them sit there in the active log until you download.

What I'm not sure of is why PhotoFusion is reporting a 2038 year!  Do the files have time data (check for stats like moving time and speed in the main window)?

Beta Testing / Beta 3.25 testing
« on: March 05, 2008, 05:13:54 PM »
Text property is read only?  Hmm.

Can you email me your .ini file?  There must be some other setting mucking it up.


Archived Support / Garmin Etrex Configuration
« on: March 03, 2008, 07:59:48 PM »
Should work just fine with TopoFusion.

When you open up the GPS Dialog hit the button to open up the GPS config.  Choose "Garmin Serial" and then the com port (just try 1 and 2, they are the likely candidates if you don't know).

Then try to download tracks.

Archived Support / Microsoft
« on: March 01, 2008, 09:09:13 PM »
Here is the terms of use:

The biggest issue is that TF stores map tiles locally, which is not allowed, in commercial or non-commercial applications.

Otherwise, a commercial app needs to sign an agreement with MS.    It's not clear what that entails.  We would sure be interesting in adding new map content from MS live.  We could always alter the program such that maps are not stored locally (for MS maps).  If you're willing to look into what it would entail to get an agreement, I'd sure be interested in what you find.

Archived Support / Microsoft
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:01:32 PM »

Well, the short answer is that the terms of use / copyright are not he same for Microsoft Live as Terraserver and the other servers that TopoFusion uses.

It is worth checking and reading the fine print again, but I wouldn't expect it to be any different.  Same goes with all the high resolution imagery that google {maps,earth} use.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Pro Version 3.23 Out!
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:14:59 PM »
Version 3.23 was released today.

Major changes:

* Due to a change in the server, version 3.20 can no longer download Canadian Topos.  The latest release fixes this.

* Extensive support for Edge/Forerunner units:

  - downloading HR/Cadence data
  - profiling HR/Cadence
  - track shading by HR/Cadence
  - save/load files in .TCX/.CRS
  - upload tracks as "Courses"

Example of Heart Rate shading with corresponding HR profile:

* More FUSION in your TopoFusion.  You can now choose the tilesets you wish to combine in combo mode.  Examples include tiger/aerial, urban/aerial, urban/topo, etc.  Look for the tileset dropdowns in the Image Processing dialog.

Example combo Urban/Tiger tilesets:

* Smart merging of tracks - less use of the "reverse last segment" feature.

* The profiler in general got a makeover and is now more useful.

* Check out the "moving intervals" analysis in the Lap Analysis menu.  I've been having fun placing waypoints labeled with the amount of time spent stopped on my GPS tracks.  The results are sometimes quite surprising!

* many smaller additions, tweaks and general improvements.

From the revision list:

3.23 - [2/20/08]  (Full Release)

Fixed error connecting to Canadian Topo Server
Added Heart Rate/Cadence downloading for Edge/Forerunner units
Added Garmin .CRS/.TCX import (necessary to store HR/Cadence data)
Added ability to upload tracks as "Courses" to Edge/Forerunner units
Added new track shading options: Heart Rate, Cadence and Power
  - faster access to shading type in the "Map->Track Shading" menu
Added new statistics and "y-axis" options to profile window
  - including moving time, HR, Cadence, Power
  - Climbing/Descending stats now match main TF window
Added "Moving intervals" analysis type to Lap Analysis dialog
  - Use to place waypoints at each "stop" on a GPS track
Added "Export to Raceday" button to Run Analysis - exports running power
    data to Physfarm's Raceday software
Added "Place Waypoint" button to Goto Coordinate dialog
Forced waypoint dialog to stay open after invalid coordinate entry
Fixed bug with zero elevation in NMEA live tracking
Fixed bug when exporting 3D screenshots with "add profile" checked
Improved clipping/drawing speed for photo icons
Added warning message when uploading tracks that are too large
Fixed GPS dialog to keep file choice when choosing between options
Fixed problem with highlighted track point from file props not showing up
Fixed bug causing waypoints to disappear after editing
Fixed some minor profile details - stats, low heart rates, crosshair tracking
Fixed bogus name field in CRS/TCX files

3.21 - [1/28/08]  (Beta)

Added ability to change tilesets used in combo mode
  (eg: TIGER/Aerial, Urban/Topo, Urban/Aerial now possible)
Added "smart" merging (track merge tool)
  - also: holding shift is no longer required to merge
Added export of Garmin Course files (.CRS)
Forced onscreen message OFF when exporting
Added "open containing folder" button to export view dialog
Added true north azimuth output to track drawing tool
Added settings for UTM grid line width and opacity
Added setting for waypoint symbol size
Fixed problem with stray point added to end of drawn track
Improved interplay between other graphic intensive software (e.g. GE)
Fixed issues with D3D_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors

Beta Testing / Heart Rate, Cadence - v3.22 Beta
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:04:29 PM »
Thanks Larry.  Always good to know.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Server Issue - Canadian Topos
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:03:29 PM »
This issue has been resolved in the latest release of TopoFusion - v3.23, out today.

If you are getting an error when trying to download CAN topo's, upgrade to the latest version.

Thanks again for the patience.

Archived Support / Canada?
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:02:23 PM »
Just a note - version 3.23 with the Canadian Topo fix is out now.

Archived Support / Canada?
« on: February 19, 2008, 08:25:46 AM »
There's a problem with the Canadian Topo map server in version 3.20.  Version 3.22 will be out tomorrow with the fix.

More details here.

TopoFusion Anouncements / Server Issue - Canadian Topos
« on: February 14, 2008, 08:05:16 PM »
Version 3.20 of TopoFusion is experiencing trouble connecting to the Canadian Topo map server.  We are have a fix and are testing it in the latest beta.  We should have Version 3.22, with the fix, released within the next few days.

Thanks for the patience.  Until then you will get a "cannot connect to server" message when trying to download Canadian maps.

All other tilesets and map servers are up and functioning great.

Beta Testing / Heart Rate, Cadence - v3.22 Beta
« on: February 14, 2008, 07:51:46 PM »
Version 3.22 is now out:

There's a screenshot of a track with "Heart Rate Shading" turned on.  Also the profile is graphing Heart Rate.  

Quite a bit new in this version.  From the revision list:

3.22 - [2/14/08]

Fixed error connecting to Canadian Topo Server
Added Heart Rate/Cadence downloading for Edge/Forerunner units
Added Garmin .CRS/.TCX import (necessary to store HR/Cadence data)
Added ability to upload tracks as "Courses" to Edge/Forerunner units
Added new track shading options: Heart Rate, Cadence and Power
  - faster access to shading type in the "Map->Track Shading" menu
Added new statistics and "y-axis" options to profile window
  - including moving time, HR, Cadence, Power
  - Climbing/Descending stats now match main TF window
Added "Moving intervals" analysis type to Lap Analysis dialog
  - Use to place waypoints at each "stop" on a GPS track
Added "Export to Raceday" button to Run Analysis - exports running power
    data to Physfarm's Raceday software
Added "Place Waypoint" button to Goto Coordinate dialog
Forced waypoint dialog to stay open after invalid coordinate entry
Fixed bug with zero elevation in NMEA live tracking
Fixed bug when exporting 3D screenshots with "add profile" checked
Improved clipping/drawing speed for photo icons
Added warning message when uploading tracks that are too large
Fixed GPS dialog to keep file choice when choosing between options
Fixed problem with highlighted track point from file props not showing up
Fixed bug causing waypoints to disappear after editing


As usual, it's available here for registered users:

It looks like we'll have a quick turn-around to a full release due to the (just discovered) problem downloading Canadian Topo maps.  So, if you can, give it a bit of testing.

There's quite a bit to explain, but a few notes:

* If you download data from an Edge or Forerunner (and it has HR or Cadence data) TF will prompt you to save in .TCX rather than .GPX.  This is because there is no standard way to store that data in GPX.  TCX is very similar, and used by Training Center, Sporttracks, Motionbased, etc.

* There's not much difference betweent CRS and TCX files, so either are fine and both can store HR/Cadence.  The only difference, really, will be in how Training Center stores them once you upload.

* CRS and TCX files get different icons (rather than the standard globe that GPX files get) so you can tell which files are stored in those formats and can contain HR and Cadence data.

* Shading by power and also plotting (running) power in the profile window can only be done once you've done a "run analysis" on a run.  Then each point has power and these functions become available.  We're going to be developing this more in the future, esp. when Garmin units store power themselves.

* Finally the climbing numbers in the profile window match the main window!  This is because the profiler now won't count elevation that is gained when not "moving."  The addition of moving and stopped time is a great feature, too.  With larger files you should notice a speed up in the display of stats while you move the mouse over.

Archived Support / DEM Accuracy
« on: February 14, 2008, 04:48:42 PM »

In general, the accuracy of the "add elevation" function goes down the longer the track, but that doesn't really account for some of the numbers you are giving.

Have you tried looking at the 3D models that are generated in the area?

As you move the center of the view (little blue sphere) around the model the elevation at that point is displayed in the status bar of the application.  That might shed some light.

Otherwise, email us a track ( and I'll take a look too.


Archived Support / Selected trackpoint does not show
« on: February 13, 2008, 08:37:09 PM »
Excellent - the centering/highlighting of the entire file was the trick.

It was an easy fix once the problem was found.  Next version should be coming out soon.

Thanks a bunch!

Archived Support / Selected trackpoint does not show
« on: February 13, 2008, 07:44:44 PM »
I still haven't been able to reproduce it, and I've been using the program quite a bit lately.

Can you describe some of your most common operations?  Maybe something will strike a chord.  I'd really like to fix this for the next version.


TopoFusion on other OS - Mac / Linux / Someway to run in Linux
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:38:11 PM »

We have a user who has had some success getting TF to run on WINE, and he is still working on it.

There may be a couple minor mods to the code we could make (and we're happy to make them) to get it rolling.

If you want to get in touch with this user (he has also signed up as the new maintainer of the TF winehq page) send us an email and I'll get you in touch.

As for #3, I have ported most of the core code, for research purposes, but unfortunately there's no UI since that's all in VB.  Rolling a new UI would be quite a project, though not impossible.  We'll see how WINE goes first.

Thanks for the interest.

Feature Requests / Someway to run in Linux
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:38:11 PM »

We have a user who has had some success getting TF to run on WINE, and he is still working on it.

There may be a couple minor mods to the code we could make (and we're happy to make them) to get it rolling.

If you want to get in touch with this user (he has also signed up as the new maintainer of the TF winehq page) send us an email and I'll get you in touch.

As for #3, I have ported most of the core code, for research purposes, but unfortunately there's no UI since that's all in VB.  Rolling a new UI would be quite a project, though not impossible.  We'll see how WINE goes first.

Thanks for the interest.

Archived Support / Selected trackpoint does not show
« on: February 03, 2008, 06:08:29 PM »
I haven't been able to reproduce it here.  

One thing to double check is that you have a color set for "highlighted track point" in preferences->colors.

Sometimes if TF fails to load or something you can lose colors.  Just one thought.

Otherwise, I'm scratching my head a bit.  You're just opening TF, opening the file properties dialog, perhaps filling the table with the button, then double clicking, right?  Nothing else before that?

Archived Support / Selected trackpoint does not show
« on: February 03, 2008, 05:22:44 PM »
I'll take a look at this - I did notice it once myself recently, but couldn't figure out what caused it or was different.

It's likely a bug that'll be easy to fix.  Thanks for confirming that I'm not crazy.  ;)

BTW, what version are you using?

Archived Support / Help with Garmin GPS's
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:20:58 PM »
A further update on this - the position error was due to a different datum setting.

TopoFusion (I thought this was universal, since there's no way to tell what datum the coordinates are being sent over in) assume that things are in WGS 84, so you'll need to set the GPS to that.

The elevation = 0 was indeed a bug in the software which we fixed  for the next release.

Thanks again for the help diagnosing this problem!

Archived Support / GPS receiver for laptop navigation,
« on: February 01, 2008, 03:19:13 PM »
Here's a discussion about a couple good units that are confirmed to work with TopoFusion:

Laptop GPS

Hope that helps.

Archived Support / Canada?
« on: January 31, 2008, 05:28:35 PM »
Just ran into this and wanted to point out that we added Topo support for Canada in the latest release.

Archived Support / Help with Garmin GPS's
« on: January 29, 2008, 10:23:18 PM »
For future reference (in case someone stumbles on this thread in the future), it turns out that both the GPS III and GPS 12 (most older Garmin units) don't support the Garmin "live tracking" (PVT) protocol at all.  So, NMEA tracking is the only way to go.

We are investigating the position and elevation discrepancies now.

Beta Testing / Beta v3.21 - more fusion in your TopoFusion
« on: January 28, 2008, 01:39:11 PM »
Beta version 3.21 is out and available in the usual place:

Beta download page

New this time around is more options for the combo tilesets.  You can choose any of Topo/Aerial/TIGER/Urban to combo with anything else (if you choose the same for both the result isn't very interesting!).

Here's an example with Urban and Tiger in Tucson:

There are quite a few interesting combinations possible now.

Other additions/fixes:

3.21 – [1/28/08]

Added ability to change tilesets used in combo mode
  (eg: TIGER/Aerial, Urban/Topo, Urban/Aerial now possible)
Added “smart” merging (track merge tool)
  - also: holding shift is no longer required to merge
Added export of Garmin Course files (.CRS)
Forced onscreen message OFF when exporting
Added “open containing folder” button to export view dialog
Added true north azimuth output to track drawing tool
Added settings for UTM grid line width and opacity
Added setting for waypoint symbol size
Fixed problem with stray point added to end of drawn track
Improved interplay between other graphic intensive software (e.g. GE)
Fixed issues with D3D_OUT_OF_MEMORY errors

I can't believe we didn't have the "smart" merging until now - it only took a few lines of code, and it's so much easier to work with.  Basically it just does the reversing of tracks for you, based on distance from the current endpoint of the merged track to either end of the *just clicked on* track.  You can still right click and reverse should you want it the other way.

There are a few other long overdue minor things on there.  Hopefully the intended targets for some of those will be able to test them out.


Archived Support / Help with Garmin GPS's
« on: January 27, 2008, 05:23:30 PM »
There are a couple issues here, but I think the best thing to do is shoot for getting live tracking working using the "GARMIN" interface mode, rather than the NMEA setting, which may not be sending elevation and position data correctly.  This will also eliminate the reconfigure step.

So, if you would please, can you try starting a live tracking session  with one of the GPS's set to GARMIN interface mode, and the settings as works with the waypoint transfer.  If you get the same failure, close the program and email the TopoFusion.log file to and we'll take it from there.


TopoFusion Anouncements / v3.20 Released!
« on: January 17, 2008, 04:35:38 PM »
Unfortunately I don't see any way to turn elevation labels on, nor do I know of any external source to download them from.

Of course, you can add elevation to GPS points using Climbing Analysis, and 3D mapping also works in Canada.

TopoFusion Anouncements / v3.20 Released!
« on: January 16, 2008, 08:46:31 PM »
Dwight -

Funny, when you upgraded, all the Canadian Topos should have defaulted to enabled.  Glad you got it, though.

As for evelation labels, you are right - there aren't any, unfortunately.

Archived Support / export view
« on: January 14, 2008, 10:13:35 AM »
Hmm.  You should be able to go (at least) to the maximum texture size your video card allows.  Check your TopoFusion.log file - the max is output there.

You know you can edit the size to be other than the presets, right?  Try 2000x2000 (or 1500x2000 or something).

In any case, this is the only place where Pro suffers compared to Basic - assuming you don't have a fancy video card.  Many cards are limited to 4096 or 2048.  

We do still intend to remedy this (and go beyond what Basic can do) by stitching things ourselves.

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