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Messages - Krein

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Archived Support / Weird quirk uploading to the 'Active Log'
« on: January 06, 2004, 10:52:55 AM »
A further note on uploading to the active log:

There appears to be a bug in the Garmin firmware (at least on my Vista).  You cannot upload to the active log if you are in the "Tracks" menu on the GPS.  The first point will make it, but the remaining points will not be uploaded and the transfer will fail.  If you upload from any other menu or screen, it works.

Also note that uploading to the active log CLEARS it!  You will lose any collected data, so be careful!!  The nice thing about uploading to the active log is not only the capacity (10,000 points) but you can have as many tracks as you want and the breaks between tracks will not be shown as connected.  You can use this to upload a large network of trails, as a map, to your GPS.

Beta Testing / 3D coming soon....
« on: December 30, 2003, 05:21:46 PM »
The next beta version of TopoFusion will have 3D:

The track is displayed as a "roller coaster" using its own GPS collected elevations.  This allows a nice visualization of the difference between DEM, barometric and GPS elevations.

Unfortunately, users will need to supply their own DEM data (it is available free from many sites).  We're trying to make things as fast and intuitive as possible.  An announcement will be made when the beta w/ 3d is available.  Everyone's help in beta testing this feature will be greatly appreciated.

Archived Support / Large utm file
« on: December 21, 2003, 08:31:52 AM »
Looks like the limit is 100,000 selected points!  We'll make it dynamic for either the next beta or full release (probably beta).

No one could possibily select more than that right?  ':p'

This is one for the brown's list.  Thanks for pushing the edge of TF.

I am a bit curious why you want to move all these points?  Are you avoiding a reprojection or something (just doing it by hand?)..

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Public Trail Databases
« on: December 21, 2003, 08:27:57 AM »
We're still very interested in an online trail database and I think an algorithm like TF's network code is essential.  We are continuing to improve the network code which will hopefully see a beta test in the coming weeks.  

But, we haven't looked into the infrastructure (web interface, database) side of things.  We really need a partner (and I think there are plenty of others interested in this) to help.

You might want to check out trailregistry.

Geoff has a nice online map interface as well as the infrastructure to manage tracks.  He uses some hacks to figure out where trails intersect and he cannot handle overlapping tracks, unfortunately.

I'd like to see something along these lines, but using TF's network code.  

The Tucson Mountain Park project is about creating a database of GPS tracks in a single area.  The goal is not so much to map out every trail (I've already got them all, or at least all that I know of).  We'd like to know what types of use are going on in the park and where people are going.  Hopefully I'll be rounding up some more volunteers this winter.

Archived Support / Weird quirk uploading to the 'Active Log'
« on: December 14, 2003, 09:20:47 PM »
I noticed a weird quirk today with Garmin units and TopoFusion's track downloading:

I had been uploading a track to my Vista, and accidently selected "to Active Log" the first time (I always upload the saved tracks, not active log).  I canceled the transfer, then uploaded to saved tracks.  When I downloaded my track after the ride I noticed that I didn't have any time stamps!  What is this, the days of TopoUSA throwing away my time data?!

I thought maybe the Vista decided not to store the time since I uploaded a few points first on accident... but it was actually TopoFusion's fault.  Whenever you upload points (to anywhere) the unit will always throw away time data (so that you can tell the difference between collected and uploaded data, supposedly).  Anyway, when TF downloads a track, it only checked for valid time values on the first point of the active log.  Since the first few points weren't valid, it threw away the rest too.

I fixed it (will be in the next release).

Also, I changed it so the default radio button under upload track is "to Saved tracks" . . . why it was defaulting to ACTIVE LOG, I'll never know.

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