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Messages - Krein

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Archived Support / Problem dloading tracks in v2.1
« on: January 18, 2005, 01:33:32 PM »
Do you have an Vista or a vista color?  That is, serial or USB?

There shouldn't be any problems with serial transfers, while USB does seem to occasionally fail and we are not sure why.  The garmin driver does not behave correctly unfortunately.  Trying the download again usually works with USB.

If it's serial we will investigate it aggressively.


Beta Testing / Auto-DEM download - new feature in next beta
« on: January 14, 2005, 03:04:33 PM »
Ok, version 2.17 with the auto-elevation download is out!  Please give it a thorough testing, then we can get a full release out, hopefully.

Alan did such an awesome job with the 3d engine with the only problem being the pain of downloading/converting DEMs.  Now it's awesome to see his work closer to it's full potential.

Beta Testing / Auto-DEM download - new feature in next beta
« on: January 14, 2005, 08:22:44 AM »
Actually it gets even better, the server has the NED dataset... which means they are nearly as good as having the DEM files in the US.  Outside the US we'll still have the SRTM which is still pretty good... but the difference is noticable if you make very small 3d models.

This is too cool.  I've already checked out many of my tracks (such as the great divide) in areas where I was too lazy to download/convert DEMs.  Now all I do is hit the '3' key...

Beta Testing / Auto-DEM download - new feature in next beta
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:20:10 PM »
A huge bonus of the nasa server is that it also hosts SRTM data for the entire world.  Since I spent so much time working out the qwirks on the landsat images it didn't take too long to work in automatic elevation data download.

Right now there is no 3dmaps.dat (the equivalent of maps.dat), it just asks for elevation data each time a 3d model is generated.  In my experience so far this is actually faster than sifting through DEMS and doing the various interpolations.

The only downside is that you can't do 3D without an internet connection (unless you have DEMS, of course).  But this feature is so useful that I want to get it into everyone's hands and a 3dmaps.dat filesystem and such can be developed later.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.1x crashes
« on: January 13, 2005, 05:13:39 PM »
Thanks for the info Steve.  I believe I have fixed it -- I somehow made it crash with an assert that could have done a windows error if I were not running it in the IDE.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: compress DEMs
« on: January 12, 2005, 07:18:54 PM »
Time table - possibly soon.  I'm working on the basic version now.

We'll still continue to support DEMs, yes.

Shaded relief -- possibly, but that will be a ways off.  It would be nice but we have other things to work on first.

Archived Support / Urban Photos
« on: January 12, 2005, 07:03:42 AM »
Can you provide the coordinates where this is happening?  I really can't imagine how this could be possible, but I will check it out if you can post the coords.


Archived Support / Elevation profile questions
« on: January 11, 2005, 04:41:46 PM »
Good, thanks for reporting back that it's working.

Note that TopoFusion can display coordinates in different formats so you didn't need to do the conversion.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.16
« on: January 10, 2005, 05:34:37 PM »
The only thing looking "under" the model can be useful for is comparing the 3d elevation of a tracklog to the DEM model -- sometimes it will be underground, so to speak.  This is somewhat of an esoteric feature (I imagine most people turn the 3d tracks off since they clutter the view), but I don't think it's that hard to get back to a reasonable view if you do it accidentally.  Going out of 3d mode and back in will do it, for example.

Zooming on the tilesets would be very cool.  I often wish I had a more detailed (higher resolution) map on the model.  This would take some serious work, however... but in the course of doing the larger-than-screen export it may be possible to at least make the texture larger to help with the problem.  It's worth some more thought, at least.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.1x crashes
« on: January 10, 2005, 05:31:23 PM »
Ok, thanks for reporting the bug.  I'll try to replicate it.

How long had you been panning around in Landsat mode?  Are we talking a few minutes or a half hour?

I assume you were zooming in/out as well, possibly switching to topo/aerial at times?

Archived Support / Elevation profile questions
« on: January 10, 2005, 05:21:39 PM »
Is it because I'm using the Demo version of topofusion or is there something else that I am missing? Also, if I do get this working and register and purchase the product will I get more up-to-date maps? The road maps are very out of date for my area.

No, the 'missing DEM' message is not due to a demo limitation.

And, no, you will not get more current maps with the full version.  Unfortunately we can only display the maps that Terraserver gives us, so it is up to them to update with more current maps.

Are you sure that the two DEM files cover the entire run?  Does the climbing analysis come up with 0 ft of climbing for all the various methods?

Archived Support / error in downloading total milage
« on: January 10, 2005, 08:11:43 AM »
I can assure you that the problem is not on TopoFusion's side.  The fact that you only have 250 points means you must have reset the watch (start/stop), which saved the track into the 'history' portion of the memory (otherwise known as 'saved tracks').

Now, since your ride was 98 miles I'm guessing it went over the time limit that the FR 201 is capable of recording.  Unfortunately this is simply a limitation of the unit.  However, I believe that later versions of the firmware have made positive changes to this limitation.  Check your firmware version, or post / read up at the 'GarminF' yahoo group -- that is the best resource for info on the forerunner

Good luck and sorry you lost some of your ride.

Archived Support / nothing but topo 2m and combo 1m
« on: January 07, 2005, 07:12:50 PM »
You must be in color aerial mode.  Does the drop down box in the upper right corner say Aerial 1M or does it say Urban 1M ?

If it's downloading topos for a particular area I can't think of any reason it wouldn't work for aerials as well.

Archived Support / nothing but topo 2m and combo 1m
« on: January 07, 2005, 05:27:56 PM »
Ok, thanks for answering my question.

White fuzz means there is no map from Terraserver at the current position and tileset.

Load up a gps file and double click on it to change your viewing position to somewhere that has tiles.  It's likely you're far away from the United States.

You might have entered a positive longitude in GOTO coord, whereas the US is all negative.

Archived Support / nothing but topo 2m and combo 1m
« on: January 07, 2005, 04:44:45 PM »
Yes, that's it (terraserver).

What comes up in TopoFusion?  Downloading tiles, white fuzz, or?'<img'>??  "Downloading disabled" etc?  Any error messages?

Archived Support / nothing but topo 2m and combo 1m
« on: January 07, 2005, 11:01:48 AM »
Some areas of the country don't have aerials, but most areas do.  Check the color tileset selector -- it's the little toggle that says "air" on it.  If you're getting white fuzzy tiles this is probably your problem, push the "c" key to toggle between color and b/w aerials.

The color ones are only available for some urban areas.

Archived Support / nothing but topo 2m and combo 1m
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:39:23 AM »
Hmm, this is very odd.  I've never heard of a problem like this.  Do the larger scale maps just come up with 'downloading' tiles?  If so, do you get a message that TF is having trouble contacting Terraserver?  Or, what happens when you try to view them?

Combo 1m works, but Aerial 1m doesn't??

Also, check options->preferences->tilesets, and make sure all the tilesets you want are enabled (checked).

Archived Support / display track in +GMT
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:37:11 AM »
Great, thanks for the posts.  There was a problem with some tracks outside the US, but it's been resolved in the beta as you saw.  Also, you should be able to get satellite images for your tracks now.  (the nasa imagery is available for most of the world)

Beta Testing / Beta 2.15 rev 2 Landsat 1024M tileset
« on: January 06, 2005, 07:37:10 PM »
Hey Steve,

I sent you an email earlier today, maybe on an address you don't check often (comcast I think).

I like the landsats for big picture type views, for web pages, perhaps.

There is just one tileset, that's correct.  And the 1024M isn't supposed to be there.  It does work, but unfortunately things get messy when the tiles start crossing zones, and they don't line up correctly.  So for now I've limited it to 256M.

The color -- yeah it's 'dull visual bands' which are the combination of a few different spectral bands.  I actually think it looks pretty good in most cases.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.15 Crashes when loading images
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:14:03 PM »

Thanks for reporting the problem.  There was a bug in selected either aerial or urban tilesets in the drop down selector, though switching using the keyboard shortcuts was working.  Try downloading the beta again -- it should be fixed now.

It's still 2.15 since the bug fix was minor and I believe sending out the beta notice email failed -- unless you got it?


Beta Testing / Reverse route for climbing analysis?
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:53:51 AM »
This is a good point -- it only shows climbing totals, not descending.  

The best way to do this is to use the 'v' key, then right click and save as... to a new .GPX file for use in climbing analysis.  When I rework the climbing analysis dialog I may add an option to reverse, or at least show descending numbers as well (this would solve your problem too, right?)

Beta Testing / Beta 2.15 out
« on: January 05, 2005, 08:51:40 AM »
Ok, we have a new beta version out.

It's at for registered users.

The overview:

* Incorporation of nasa satellite imagery
* Basic Print support
* Many logbook enhancements
* Runner, canoe and car icons
* Custom shading colors (tracks and profiles)

As always, we are looking for comments, suggestions, etc.

Archived Support / Downloading of Topos from Terra Server
« on: December 31, 2004, 04:26:33 PM »
Does it come up with a message saying "having trouble contacting terraserver", or does it just sit there with
downloading tiles?

If the latter, you need to look at where in the world are you centered.  Try loading one of the sample tracks (from brian head), then double click on it so that the map centers the view on the track.  It's possible you're over the pacific ocean or something.  Sometimes it will hang on downloading tiles in certain areas of the world.

Archived Support / Canadian use?
« on: December 30, 2004, 04:35:33 PM »

1 - Trail management will continue to work, as will display and other functions.  There just won't be any background maps.

The next beta (coming soon) has support for landsat imagery that covers Canada.  It's no topo map, but still pretty cool.

2 - Nope, sorry.  Garmin maps are vector which would require a whole different mapping engine.

Thanks for the interest.

Archived Support / a bug with Profile & Playback?
« on: December 26, 2004, 09:46:26 PM »
Sadly enough, this was intentional.  I did say "was" not "is".  We've fixed it to be more intuitive in the (about to be released) beta version.

I almost always use "right click on track -> profile" to get profiling rather than the profile tool.  

In future versions you'll be able to combine tracks like the current profile/merge tool foolishly does, but only by holding down "shift" with each click.

You can right click while in profile tool mode and do "clear all segments" to clear it.

Thanks for pointing this out.  It continues to drive home that we need to get a new version correcting this glaring problem.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: compress DEMs
« on: December 26, 2004, 09:43:17 PM »
It probably wouldn't slow down TF too much, but it would take some slow development time.

With the (soon to be released) NASA server capabilities, we are looking at automatic downloading of elevation data, which could make standard DEM files a bit obsolete.  

The 3D data would all go into a 3dmaps.dat file, which I suppose could be compressed.  We haven't worked out the details of this yet.


Agreed, we need a way to select a certain area and get stats on only that area.

The grade isn't quite as naive as you explained.  We do take the average over the neighboring 10 points (5 each direction), but it is still a bit too out of control to be extremely useful.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: lap split display
« on: December 26, 2004, 09:39:31 PM »
Yep -- it's already there.  I was working on it a bit more just now.

Hopefully we'll have a new beta out soon, then go with a full release after that.

Beta Testing / Beta 2.11 Released
« on: December 15, 2004, 08:44:48 PM »
Agreed, the default should be GPX (stored), and it should just keep your settings somehow.

Actually, it'd be nice to be able to configure it so the climbing stats on the main file list come up as what you set in Climbing Analysis.  Except that DEM probably shouldn't be allowed since it could get really, really slow.  So maybe it's not the best idea.  But I do agree there should be a set as default button.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: project tracks to 3D
« on: December 07, 2004, 08:59:40 PM »
You're right that it isn't in a very logical place.  There are a few other places where things could benefit from being moved around, too.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 07, 2004, 08:58:30 PM »
I added the ctrl-key panning and am already finding it incredibly useful.  The next beta will have it.

Thanks again.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 07, 2004, 08:53:04 AM »
re: ctrl key

I really like this idea.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Archived Support / Lost Aerial Photos
« on: December 07, 2004, 08:51:37 AM »
Hmm, yeah, I can't think of anything that would cause you to get white tiles in areas you've already downloaded, so it must have been something really screwy.

Let us know if you see the problem again.  Thanks.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: project tracks to 3D
« on: December 06, 2004, 09:08:46 PM »
Actually you can already do this.  See "climbing analysis."  There is a button that will add elevations to all track points in a file.  "Add elevation to tracks."

I use it all the time to add elevation to drawn tracks.

Archived Support / Exporting areas with grids
« on: December 06, 2004, 05:31:27 PM »
We're working on this.  Hopefully soon.

Better exporting and UTM grid lines.

Archived Support / Lost Aerial Photos
« on: December 06, 2004, 05:30:42 PM »
"Save all files" refers to GPX files, not maps.  All maps that are downloaded are always saved.

If you are getting snow aerials for an area that means that Terraserver does not have maps in that area -- and likely never has.  We do not save the fuzzy tiles (for obvious reasons) but instead TF will re-download those tiles the next time you run the program.  This is so that if new tiles are loaded on Terraserver you will be able to get them.  

But in this case, you must have never had the aerials in the first place.

Archived Support / Function of <trkseg> ?
« on: December 02, 2004, 07:59:21 PM »
Tracksegs are different pieces of a single track.  We use them (as well as other GPX programs) to store 'breaks' in tracklogs (loss of signal or turning off).  Such tracks have breaks that is information that shouldn't be thrown away, but for example you still want to profile the whole track together, rather than in pieces.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 02, 2004, 07:56:34 PM »
Actually you can use the arrow keys to pan around the map at any time, including when you are drawing a track.

You can also switch to hand mode in the middle, just don't right click or you'll clear the drawn track.  But I use the arrow keys often.

Archived Support / Topfusion Questions
« on: December 02, 2004, 07:54:39 PM »
Sorry, forgot to answer your last question.  Yes, all tiles downloaded and stored locally for faster or offline use.  That's pretty much the major function of the program.

Archived Support / Topfusion Questions
« on: December 01, 2004, 10:06:03 PM »
I think you're asking about:

It's only in the beta version right now, which for reasons mostly of our own convience, is only available to registered users.

I hope to get another beta out soon with more new stuff, then we'll look at a full release.

Archived Support / How to build on an existing 'Track'?
« on: December 01, 2004, 10:01:18 PM »
Seems like I'm missing something in understanding how the app works.   Intuitively, I would expect that once I open a .gpx file, all changes that I make will be applied to that file.

This isn't how it works, no.  You can have multiple files open and only changes applied to the data within a file will change that file.

Understood that when I open up TopoFusion, it automagically opens up all .gpx files in the designated "Default Tracks Directory".

No, it only automatically opens files that were open on your last session.  

I'm not sure why you want to have multiple tracks in a file?  The general design in TopoFusion is one track per file, for a number of reasons.  

Now, if you're trying to draw a track incrementally, you can draw different pieces, saving to individual files, then use the profile/merge tool to connect them all together, in order, and then save as.. to a new file.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Wish List:  Remember 'GoTo' requests
« on: December 01, 2004, 09:54:48 PM »
One good way to navigate around between different areas is to simply have trackfiles or waypoints at that area.  Load up the file, then double click on it on the active file list to go directly there.

Also, zooming way out and panning around if it's within the same state or region works really well.

But I like your idea of keeping previous goto requests around for easy access.  I'll think about it.

Archived Support / Long clocks, then 'Application Not Responding'?
« on: December 01, 2004, 10:00:31 AM »
Never really seen this before.  How many maps have you downloaded (how many maps.dat files?).  I'm guessing not large since you're on dialup.

Can you send the file 'topofusion.log' to ?

There may be a problem in the memory caching.  Any details on your machine appreciated, too.


Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 30, 2004, 08:23:56 AM »
I got it, no problem.  I'm able to get 2M and 8M tiles in that area, so there is some problem decoding GIF files on your machine.  It's odd that ExpertGPS is having trouble decoding the GIFs as well.

For now, I would just turn the tilesets off.  I will have to talk to the other author about what could be wrong with the GIFs and then get back to you.

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 28, 2004, 09:25:22 PM »
Can you send me a track of the area where the 2M are not working?  I can get 2M around Mcdowell no problem.  The 2M's are different in that they are GIF, not Jpeg, but since ExpertGPS is crapping out too I don't see what could be wrong.  One thing it that 2M are slower (gif decoding is slower) and not really necessary (they are more clear but are the same source maps as 4M) so you could turn them off in options->tilesets so that you won't hose your ability to download new maps.

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 28, 2004, 04:02:13 PM »
I don't think it's a problem on Terraserver's side.  It seems to be working fine here -- even around Mcdowell.  Is your internet connection working OK otherwise?  How about trying to look at maps on ?  Does that work well or is that really slow too?

You might try changing the internet options -- persistent connections on/off and the number of threads.  See if you can get some better performance.

Beta Testing / No Dems?  How about 3D with track elevation only?
« on: November 27, 2004, 09:03:01 PM »
Having to download, convert and manage DEMs can be a pain, so here's an attempt to do 3D without DEMs -- only with the elevation data available in the tracklogs themselves:

And here is what it looks like using the DEM:

This is the backside of Mt. Lemmon and it works fairly well since I have trails down the some of the ridges and in the CDO valley.  It won't predict peaks or valleys that it doesn't have data on, but it can be kind of cool if you've got a fair amount of data in an area.

It'll be in the next beta (hopefully soon) just as a different interpolation method in 3d options.

Archived Support / Downloading Disabled <NEW>
« on: November 27, 2004, 08:56:24 PM »
No, it shouldn't take long at all to download maps with a cable connection.

If a tileset is shown in the drop down that does not mean it is available for a particular area, but most areas have all the tiles available (with the exception of urban which is limited).

In any case, tiles that don't exist on terraserver usually come in as white noise tiles -- such as in areas where aerials don't exist.  Whereabouts are you looking?  Are you able to download any new maps now?

Archived Support / Exception in Network Analysis
« on: November 27, 2004, 04:30:43 PM »
I still cannot get it to crash.  Make sure you're using v2.1 and try the default settings for red/cont strength.

I've run it 4-5 times in the same session with no problems.

If it still crashes it could be the order the files are loaded, believe it or not.  Try removing them all, then adding "all" so they are added in filesystem order.

Archived Support / Exception in Network Analysis
« on: November 27, 2004, 03:57:08 PM »
Missed the first line of your post -- you are on 2.1.

I'll try it some more to see if I can reproduce the crash.

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