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Topics - pozzello

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / A few questions :)
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:23:07 AM »

I use TopoFusion to create custom mountain biking maps of trails and paths in my area using but have come across a few problems/irritants.

I use the Export View function in Topofusion to generate a kml file of an area, then extract the jpg from the file and modify it in Photoshop to draw trails and paths, add sybmols, etc. Once I'm happy with my custom map, I replace the jpg in the kml file with my own and use a seperate program to generate a set of smaller tiles so I can download it to my Garmin GPS.

2 problems:

Export View limits the resolution to roughly 4000x3000 and crashes at higher settings, so I have to manually scroll the map in Topofusion and export each area seperately, then use a seperate program to merge the various kml files.

When I extract the jpg from the kml file into Photoshop, the image appears streched horizontally, does TopoFusion use a different map projection? The problem is when modifying the file in Photoshop, any added image ends up getting squeezed horizontally when the kml file is reloaded in Google Earth or Garmin GPS.

Is it possible to change the projection of the exported maps? Can the Export View be modified to allow for higher resolution/larger images?


TopoFusion Pro / Topo maps of France
« on: August 25, 2010, 01:43:36 PM »
I just purchased Topofusion and would really like to integrate the IGN topo maps for France. A similar product CompeGPS Land offers a subscription to the IGN Maps:

Would these work with Topofusion?

I also read about a javascript API that can be used to view the maps,

Anyway this will integrate into Topofusion?

- Paul

TopoFusion Pro / Topo maps for Italy
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:00:11 AM »

I'm looking for a WMS server to generate some topographic maps of Tuscany. Anyone have any good suggestions?

- Paul

Pages: [1]