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Topics - jmcglynn

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Split Track enhancement
« on: November 30, 2009, 06:22:05 PM »
Just tried playing with split tracks and two features came to mind.
1. My friends use Zumo's for their dirt bikes and I need to split their track log files by distance (ie each leg cannot be more than 20-25 miles long).  The Zumo will do a "gross" simplification of the route.  By gross I mean you lose a ton of detail in all the wrong places.

2. I use the Garmin 60cs and for it to work properly the logs all need to start with "active log n" where n is a sequential number.  I have not replicated my full process in TF yet so you may already support this.

Feature Requests / SPOT/ Chase vehicle support
« on: November 28, 2009, 08:03:58 PM »
My friends and I do long dirt bike rides and employ chase vehicles to support us.  We recently started using a SPOT GPS messenger to track team progress and determine chase vehicle location relative to the riders.  It would be great for the SPOT tracklog to automatically download from the internet into TF along with the ability to integrate realtime position for the chase team (via a laptop with wireless card).

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