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Topics - 3034

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With the 100 tile limit, Mtn Biking (cover lots of area in 1 day)  and my desire to have .003 color maps
The rectangular selection method  picks up to many areas that are not useful.
(for example a riding area on one side of a meandering river athat your not going to cross at all)
I would like to
1. draw a polyline around the areas I want exported
2. select export view and choose .003 color  (or any map type) to KMZ  to garmin GPS

or as an alternate method of selecting
how about multiple rectangular areas to build a 'set' then 'export view'

So I'm using v3.95 on my oregon (latest firmware).
I create a nice custom view in TF and keep it less than 100 tiles.
export to the custom maps folder on the Oregon and it works great.

I do  different map in a different location
same as the above (different file name)
and it wont display.

I'm I correct in assuming that there is a 100 tile limit total for all the maps in the custommaps folder ?

thank you

TopoFusion Pro / zoom box ? Why so weird ?
« on: November 26, 2009, 08:02:24 AM »
Why cant it be like every program I've ever used for the past 25 years?
pick a corner,
hold button down
release on other corner ??

I'm sure there must be a reason for this. But
how about an option for a normal zoom box ?

Been using the program for a while but now that I can export
the maps to my garmin oregon a precise zoom box is needed.

Feature Requests / windows mobile - smart phone version
« on: October 05, 2009, 07:22:51 AM »
I searched and did not see a request.
I would upgrade my phone is I could run topofusion on it.
any chance a windows mobile-smart phone version is in the pipeline?

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