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Topics - redpete

Pages: [1]
User Projects / Snowboarding at the Yellowstone Club
« on: April 10, 2011, 02:01:31 PM »
I threw my GPS in my pack and went snowboarding for a few hours.  Nothing special, but pretty easy to put together.

Feature Requests / More tweaks
« on: July 08, 2009, 08:04:36 PM »
Here are some requests that I have been amassing in my use of TF:

1. Control over position of waypoint text.  Ex:
Sometimes I may
want to break the
text into manageable

2. Create custom waypoint symbol labels & icons

3.  In the profile area, more stats:
a) Min Elevation*
b) Max Elevation*
c) Max Speed
d) Ability to show the above on track and/or profile

*I know you can get min/max elevation from the shading scale window, but it seems to make more sense to have it in the profile window.

4. Instead of merging two tracks, would it be possible to just select the existing track, then the draw track tool and make a simple addition?

5. spin map orientation a la Google Earth

6. save the configuration of the height/width/layout of the file browser at bottom after closing.  Right now, I have to change it every time after restarting.

7. ability to merge tracks like merging waypoints (drag and drop trackpoints)

8.  When in log book, if I edit the stats of a ride, then hit compute summary, TF crashes.

TopoFusion Pro / Combine Multiple Waypoint Files
« on: June 02, 2009, 09:05:27 PM »
I am trying to map a large area of mountain bike trails by marking waypoints at all trail junctions.  Since this is a large area, it spans multiple rides.  How do I combine 3 (or more) separate days worth of waypoints/gpx files into one master file?

Feature Requests / Blue Sky in 3D Mode
« on: May 24, 2009, 02:32:40 PM »
How about a simple blue gradient in place of the black sky when in 3D mode?  Or at at least a toggle to do so?

Feature Requests / Google Maps: Terrain
« on: April 06, 2009, 08:02:22 PM »
Any way to integrate a new map, similar (or using the actual one) to Google Maps Terrain view?

I also noticed that the search "Choose a board to search in, or search all" area appears behind the submit button in Firefox 3.  More of a website feature request, but hey...

TopoFusion Pro / drawing profiles
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:56:16 PM »
Forgive me if this is already covered or is a feature request--I've searched but found nothing and am a newbie.

It seems that I cannot Draw a track, save it and then examine the profile--it's always flat.  Does TF gather elevation/profile data from GPS only, or is there a way to draw a track first and then examine profile?

Pages: [1]