« on: June 07, 2009, 10:59:35 AM »
New version is great, and discovered that a little editing for each GPS file is in order to get rid of the points as it calculates the elevation in the elevation profile.
Three questions:
1. What have people found to be the most accurate measurement of elevation. I like DEM because it goes straight from the map data, but is it really the most accurate? If so, what settings provide the most reliable results with respect to total elevation gain?
2. With one track, I just noticed my stopped time was excessive. I rode two hours, with a about 15 minutes of stopped time for a flat. But the track showed 3 1/2 stopped hours. So I went into the track properties to look at the raw data points... I discovered that it actually showed three tracks, with the first two were at my house (listed as tracks 1, 2, and 3). But the points corresponding to my house didn't show up on the map, only track 3, which was the moving track did? Any ideas what is going on because it would a lot easier to delete the spurrious points from the map than looking at raw data. (BTW, I love that it is so easy to see the data points and edit them when necessary)
3. (MAIN QUESTION) What is the reason that you cannot select Color Aerial or Landsat in the combo maps. I would really like to have an option to select Color Aerial and Topo, with the topo set at 20% (that way you can see the contours if you focus, but you aren't limited).
If possible, may I request this as a feature request?