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Topics - fulmar2

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Select Points tool - can it select waypoints also?
« on: September 24, 2022, 04:42:09 PM »
If it's not too difficult to add, I was wondering if the "select points" tool (the one that has the dashed square with an arrow in the bottom right) would be able to select waypoints.  Right now, that tool selects tracepoints, but it would be helpful for "batch deleting" waypoints.  My use case is that I sometimes download multiple GPX files to put them together into one route.  Sometimes there are a lot of waypoints that I don't need which are off of the route.  If it is a long route, that can mean I exceed the 200 point limitation. It's possible to manually delete them one at a time, so this is kind of a low priority ask...  But if it is easy to implement, it would be helpful.

TopoFusion Pro / Fatal Error: Cannot Read MapIndex.dat
« on: April 10, 2022, 08:22:05 AM »
Hi guys; I have a rare problem that isn't critical to be solved, but I'm interested in trying to fix it.

I use a Mac and virtualize Windows...ONLY for the sake of using Topofusion.  But, now and then it is handy to have a Windows Machine. 

I prefer to use Windows XP for Topofusion because it boots very quickly, but I'd been using the Windows 10 VM for convenience (other stuff works too).

So, Both VMs share the same Topofusion folder, including maps. Both copies of Topofusion are 5.72... However, when I open Topofusion in the XP copy, it gives me "Fatal Error: Cannot Read MapIndex.dat".  Opening the same source in Windows 10 works fine. 

Any ideas on what may be causing this? I can remove the link on XP and start a new tiles folder... but I've downloaded 50Gb of tiles in the other folder and ideally would use that folder for both VMs.  Thanks!

TopoFusion Pro / Is DEM server down?
« on: August 05, 2018, 04:50:57 PM »
Hi guys - For some reason, DEMs are not downloading.  I have 5.48 and cannot see elevation.   Maybe I have the settings wrong?

Feature Requests / Generate HTML Image Map Feature Request
« on: June 05, 2011, 10:29:25 AM »
Hi -

I really like the generate HTML image map where you can super-impose photos on a map image.  One request I have: when you click on the photos, have them open up in a light-box sort of thing.  There is free code here:

My recommendation would be to use the "grouped photo" example because then it jumps into a slideshow:

I use this code on several of my pages, and it is robust, and works cross browser.  It probably wouldn't take you that long to copy and paste the example code into the Topofusion code generator.  Often, people who view my topofusion generated HTML pages complain about constantly having to click the back button frequently to navigate to the next picture.

I did write a slideshow script, but it is troublesome to go back in there and manually edit all that HTML; it would be neat if it was already implemented.

Thanks so much!!

Feature Requests / Heart Rate Interpolation
« on: October 21, 2009, 09:17:58 AM »
Sometimes, my Garmin does not record heart rate data for every track point.  This would happen occasionally with my 205 and 305... but it happens a lot with the 310.  Anyway, Topofusion displays this errant data as large spikes.  I was hoping that Topofusion could "ignore" this errant / lack of data (if it is outside of a reasonable range) when displaying the heart rate plot.  I will attach an image of what I'm seeing now.

TopoFusion Pro / Garmin 310 + A.N.T. does it work with Topofusion?
« on: October 18, 2009, 05:35:48 PM »
Hi -

Has anyone been able to get the Garmin 310 to work with Topofusion?  The only way that you can connect this GPS to your computer is via A.N.T.  When I go to download tracks with the A.N.T. USB stick plugged in, the A.N.T. agent running (or not running) Topofusion is unable to connect.  Garmin Training Center can connect.  TF is so much better than Garmin Training Center - but it sure would be nice to be able to use the 310 (swimming).

Feature Requests / Swimming Icon in Log Book
« on: September 26, 2009, 10:16:40 PM »
This one is pretty simple.  In the log book, we have the "Edit Stats" feature, which includes hiking, biking, running, etc...  But now that Garmin has released the 310X, I think a swimming option+icon is now due!

Feature Requests / Log Book - Summary by Activity Type + Equipment Logging
« on: February 23, 2009, 12:57:25 AM »
It would be neat to track the mileage placed on various equipment in the log book.  I like the compute summary feature of the log book - it would be neat to filter by activity type (or by equipment).  That way, you could compute a summary of just your running (or just your biking) mileage.  Also you could compute a summary of the miles on your running shoes, so you'd know when it is time for a new pair.

Feature Requests / Mac Support
« on: February 11, 2009, 05:40:27 PM »
I love Topofusion, and with a fair amount of research, I've been unable to find another program that has all the features that one could wish for, is constantly being improved, and is a great value.  Only Topofusion fits this bill.

There are a growing number of Mac Users, and many of us are willing to use Parallels to use great PC software. (actually, the only reason I use parallels is for TopoFusion - the rest of my applications have a suitable Mac equivalent).  The problem is that - even with Parallels 4.0, we cannot run Topofusion Pro very well.  Topofusion Basic works superbly, but all of the new development is focused on the Pro version.  I purchased more RAM, allocated 2GB (of 4GB) to the PC, and topofusion ~works~ but it frequently crashes (upon startup, or while zooming in and out of maps).   I know this is probably a tall order - but it would be really really neat to be able to use Topofusion Pro on the Mac.  Thank you for considering my request; meanwhile, I will continue to be pretty happy using and spreading the word about TopoFusion basic (and Pro to my PC friends).

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