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Topics - AWelch

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Archived Support / Photofusion Time/Date Error
« on: March 05, 2008, 11:18:20 AM »
I am using TFPro v.3.20 and am having trouble getting the Photofusion feature to work.  The error message I get when I try to place photos as waypoints is:

"Latest Picture: 2008-03-03 - 17:29:25
 Earliest Trackpoint: 2038-01-19 - 03:14:07 GMT"

The time/date for the picture looks to be correct.  I don't know where the trackpoint came from with the year of 2038.  I have checked the time/date settings of the handset ( Garmin Map 60CSX ) and it is showing the correct time and date.  I also checked the time date settings for both the camera and my PC and they are showing correct.

Anyone have any idea why the track is showing a date of 2038? And how would I offset 30 years?

The other funny thing I have noticed is when I Merge/Delete Track window displays after doing a transfer, it shows 5 different tracks that start on the same day, Sat Dec 30, 1989.  And they all have the same start time.  There should be 5 tracks, 2 different start days but 5 different start times.

Any and all help would be appreciated.  

Thanks in advance!

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