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Topics - alimamo

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Can all "Open" caches expire on demand?
« on: May 22, 2011, 07:47:27 AM »
Enjoying the new Open Cycle Map and MapQuest OSM layers.

To celebrate  ;) I decided to expire my Open Street Map tiles (it had been a while). I noticed that the two new Open layers didn't expire and don't have corresponding buttons.

Will you eventually have a way to expire all the Open layers? Individually or collectively?

Open Cycle Map doesn't seem to update as often as the others do, but I think the MapQuest layer should have an option to expire the map tile cache, like the current one for Open Street Map.

Maybe one button with check mark options for the specific tile sets you want to expire.

Thanks for your hard work.

Jama rek,


Feature Requests / More maps ... ?
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:38:15 PM »
First off, I am not in the US and consequently don't use those map tiles Topofusion offers, so I am not sure how these map tiles would compare. But with OSM tiles now available in Topofusion, I thought I would throw out this information in case you find a use for it.

MapQuest offers open aerial tiles in a similar format to their MapQuest OSM tiles. See the last section of this post:

There are other "open" services they offer, too.

Safe rides,


TopoFusion Pro / Openstreetmap tile cache expiration?
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:01:08 AM »
Being outside the USA, I am grateful that Openstreetmap tiles have finally made it into TopoFusion. I do have a question, though.

Seeing as Openstreetmap is always a "work-in-progress", the newest version of the tiles would of course be the best to have displayed in TopoFusion. Right now the tiles do cache, but is there a way to dump the OSM tile cache so one can have a newer set of tiles?

Not having the tile cache expire could actually be problematic. For instance, in one session you view the OSM tiles to a certain distance from a center point. On a subsequent session, you extend your viewing further out from the same center point. If the OSM data had been changed in the mean time, roads on the tiles pulled on the second session might not match those from tiles pulled and cached on the first session.

I was just wondering if you have thought about whether or not (and for how long) to cache OSM tiles?

Thanks for the great program.

Jama rek,


Feature Requests / KMZ to User maps
« on: February 13, 2010, 02:53:11 AM »
Didn't see this in a quick search, but might have missed it. This is just a thought ...

The exporting of TopoFusion imagery to a Garmin custom map is certainly useful to have, but how about going the other way, also.

If you already have a kmz file with raster imagery, it would be really useful if you could load it up as a user map in TopoFusion. (Again, especially for us non-western hemisphere folk.)

There is already a wealth of kmz data available around the Internet, and we can already load vector data from kmz files, so what do you think? Could this be do-able?

Thanks for the program and the great support.


Feature Requests / Open Street Map ?
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:20:20 AM »

For those of us not covered by your fine selection of maps, is there any way you could add the tiles to the list? Sure, they may not always be complete, but hey, a little bit of something may often be better than only the LandSat 0.0625 tiles.

Besides, this could also potentially help with additions and editing of OSM which would then be available to make Topofusion shine even more.

You might try the site for info or possibly since they also provide API tools for OSM. tiles would also be great especially since they contain Topo data.

Thanks for your product and continued enhancements to it.


Archived Support / Show stopper bug
« on: July 01, 2007, 07:42:14 PM »

Since I am running the demo I hadn't updated Topofusion Pro for a while. I got online and downloaded the latest version, 3.12, and installed it over 3.0.

When the new version runs the splash screen comes up and I immediately get an error.

"Run-time error - 383"
"Text property is read only"

I am pretty sure nothing in the folder is set to 'read only'.
Clicking the 'OK' on the error box closes the error box and the program continues, but I get this:

Rather odd. The drop-down boxes work, but selecting an item doesn't. I click the X to close the program and the window goes away, but the splash screen is still there and the program is still running if I look at the task manager.

Running XP SP2 on a NON-English Windows system (Korean).

Luckily I got the data out of the GPSr before I tried to update the program. Looks like I'll have to stick with 2.97 on the old computer for now. (... the new computer is so much faster.  '<img'>  )

Thanks for any info or help.


Archived Support / Making Networks
« on: March 13, 2007, 06:04:25 PM »

Just a quick question about the sliders in the Network dialog. The manual mentions the sliders work in meters, but is that an absolute scale, one tick mark for one meter, or is it some kind of relative scale?



Archived Support / Run-time Error '383'
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:49:57 PM »

So you know, this is the demo version of Pro, ver. 3.0 non Beta, (I was just about to go registered, but you went and improved the program on me, so now I'll have to wait a bit to register '<img'>  ).

This is a new install on a new machine (XP Pro SP2). I was testing things out to see what the new version looked like before installing over the previous version on my primary computer. This was not the first transfer from the GPS, but it was the first time I let the program log the track.

When viewing the Log Book, I pressed the '-' to go back a month (I don't know why, there is no data there) and got the error which shuts down the program.

Run-time error '383':
'text' property is read only.

The error also occurs when I click the '+'.  I tried deleting the track from the log and trying everything again, but it repeats.

I am sure this error is not too important, after all only us "not-too-bright" people will try to go forward or backward in the log when they know no data is there, but I thought I should mention it just the same.

Thanks for the great program and I will register as soon as I can.



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