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Topics - JStuartWarner

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Basic / Uploading a merged GPX file to my Oregon 450
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:56:28 AM »

It's me again.  Sorry but I can't seem to work this out by myself.  I want to upload the merged file from TF to my Oregon.  I believe I followed your User Manual instructions accurately.  However, instead of getting the merged file into my Track Manager on the Oregon, I get a vast multitude of files with different names but NEVER see the name of the merged file.  It's a giant pain to delete these files from the Oregon...but I can do this.  I need your help in getting my new, merged file into the GPS.

What am I doing wrong?


TopoFusion Basic / Saving files to my computer
« on: December 08, 2013, 10:00:05 AM »
I have checked the boxes of all the files in the right hand window and then checked FILE>SAVE SELECTED FILES but nothing happens.  No window opens asking me where I would like to save them. Whassup?  I would really like to SAVE SELECTED FILES AS... in order to compress a multitude of files into one big file.  No window opens for that choice either.

Pages: [1]