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Topics - KanyonKris

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Set zoom level
« on: October 04, 2017, 08:44:29 PM »
Is there a way to set the zoom level?  I'd like to set it to 1:4.88 for some custom maps I maintain and use a screen shot to output the same bitmap as the trail system changes. Perhaps the zoom level readout box in the upper right could be changed to an input box so I can type in the zoom I want.

Thanks for considering this request.

TopoFusion Pro / Open Aerial & Mapquest OSM tiles watermarked
« on: October 02, 2017, 10:32:29 PM »
I got an API key for these Mapquest tilesets, but each tile has an obnoxious (very unsubtle) watermark along the bottom. There's a big white oval with "mapquest" in it and copyright text. Frankly it makes these tilesets unusable. I didn't see these watermarks mentioned anywhere as a "feature" of the free plan. Is there something I need to do (other than moving to a paid plan) to remove the watermarks? Is there a way to fix this?

Beta Testing / Track outlining doesn't go away
« on: May 15, 2007, 10:14:26 PM »
I have version 3.05 Pro. When I select a track with the Profile tool then switch to most other tools, the track stays highlighted as if selected for profiling. Even if I disable or remove the track (GPX file), the highlighting remains. If I select the Draw Track tool, the highlighting will go away once I move the mouse cursor over the graphic (map) area. Otherwise I have to exit TF and restart to get rid of it. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

Archived Support / Climbing Analysis DEM warning
« on: October 17, 2005, 10:23:37 PM »
I often use the Climbing Analysis tool to add elevation to a hand-drawn track. Seems to work reliably with the auto-download 30m option, but I ran into a problem using DEM data. I traced the route of the Porcupine Rim trail near Moab, Utah. When selecting the DEM dataset in the Climbing Analysis window it warns me that the track covers missing DEM files. So I use the 3D view to look along the whole trail and it falls on good, 3D terrain from the DEM files. The eastern-most point of the trail does come a bit close to the edge of the Rill Creek DEM file and I see the "edge of the world cliff" in 3D mode due to the missing eastern adjacent Warner Lake DEM. So for good measure I download the Warner Lake DEM and now no more "edge of the world cliff" to the east but Climbing Analysis still gives me the missing DEM warning. What could be wrong?

I watch when TF generates the 3D view and it says it's using the DEM files. Is the 3D view a good way to check for complete DEM coverage? The 3D settings window allows the selection of "use DEM files if available" for the data source - does TF drop back to auto-download 30m data if it finds missing DEM data? If so I'd prefer to have another option to force TF to use only DEM data so I can more easily check for areas where DEM data is missing. TF needs to supply more feedback so the user can see where the DEM data is missing.

To explain a bit further, I'd be happy to use the 30m auto-download dataset, but I found it to be quite out of registration with the 2D topo and aerial datasets such that the trail along the edge of the Porcupine Rim dropped off the edge a few times - really messes up the track elevation profile. The DEM data is aligned better (and has higher resolution) - that's why I'm trying to use it for the elevation data (via Climbing Analysis) for the trail track.

(Sorry for the double post. I got an error the first time.)

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Universal coordinate input
« on: April 19, 2005, 09:46:26 PM »
I find coordinates on websites, maps, etc. in many different formats. It would nice if TopoFusion were able to decipher pretty much any coordinate format. It would also be nice if the Goto Coordinate function had an option (check box) to mark a waypoint at the location in conjunction with centering the screen on the place. I would love to be able to copy coords from a website and paste them into one dialog in TF to create a waypoint there. Quick and easy.

It seems to me that there aren't that many valid coordiante formats and code for parsing them should be doable.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / World Wind
« on: April 07, 2005, 10:50:39 AM »
Played around with a program called World Wind last night. Pretty cool - kind of like Keyhole. Starts with a view of the globe you can pan and zoom. Multiple data sets to choose from. As you zoom closer more detailed tiles are loaded from servers on the Internet. Elevation data is included so you can view in 3D (with adjustable exageration). Not real useful for planing routes and such, but sure a cool toy to play with. Maybe some of these data sets could be used by TF?

Waypoint management could be improved. Seems most features of TF center around tracks, which are cool, but I still use waypoints quite a bit.

First, when downloading waypoints from a GPS, it would be nice if TF let you choose the points you want to import and select a file to put them in - much like the dialog you get when downloading tracks. I store a lot of waypoints in my GPS, but usually I only want to download the ones from my most recent trip into TF. So as TF is now I have to download all of the waypoints and then delete the ones I don't want.

I would also like to be able to cut/copy and paste waypoints between GPX files. Sometimes I put a waypoint in the wrong file and it would be slick to be able to select that waypoint, cut it then paste it into another file, rather than have to edit the GPX files manually.

It would also be nice to have a way to project a waypoint to the elevation (DEM) data to use that elevation for the waypoint. GPS doesn't measure elevation very accurately, so the DEM data should be better. Not a terribly useful feature, but might have some uses.

Archived Support / OnEarth blocked?
« on: March 25, 2005, 02:00:07 PM »
Ran TopoFusion today and got an error when I tried the 3D mode - said something about Error -5 decoding PNG file. Went to the JPL OnEarth server and found only an error page. Is the service just down or are they moving or taking the service down because of TF users?

I can't help but comment that if the 3D data was cached I'd still be able to view 3D in areas I've already downloaded.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / coordinate display behavior
« on: March 18, 2005, 10:11:49 AM »
A minor suggestion:

When the mouse pointer moves off of the map graphics area/window I'd like the lat/lon display (in the toolbar) to indicate the location of the center of the map. Right now it shows the location where the pointer left the area (edge). It would also be nice if you could copy the lat/lon to the clipboard for pasting into other applications. Perhaps right-clicking the lat/lon area of the toolbar would pop-up a small menu with "Copy to clipboard" being an option.

Better yet, in Pan mode (and perhaps other modes) how about a right-click pop-up menu to grab the lat/lon under the pointer? Sure would make it easy to quickly grab coordinates of a map.

Yes, you can accomplish this with waypoints, but it's more cumbersome.

Archived Support / Garmin GPS-III+ tracks missing data ?
« on: March 10, 2005, 01:00:50 PM »
A friend has a Garmin GPS-III+ that he used to record a mountain bike run. When we downloaded the track data we saw some tracks that had time stamps and elevations but other that didn't. Obviously this data is useful in Topofusion for many of the analysis features. Anyone know why this happens? Is there a setting in the GPS unit?

Archived Support / No Maui ?
« on: March 03, 2005, 10:54:53 PM »
After using Topofusion to look around Oahu, I went to go look at the other Hawaiin Islands. For some reason only the east edge of Maui shows up but then disapears when you move west. Go to this coordiante and then pan left and up to see what I mean:

20° 15.677' N
155° 52.564' W

Easiest to see in Topo 64m or higher. Seems like the longitude is screwed up here. Is this a zone boundary issue?

Overall I'm very impressed with Topofusion and this new version in particular. So much so that I finally stopped "evaluating" and paid the paltry $40 registration. Keep up the good work!

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: compress DEMs
« on: December 07, 2004, 09:26:30 AM »
With the (fairly) new 3D features in TopoFusion, I'm starting to collect a good set of DEM files. While hard disk space is cheap these days, at close to 10 MB per "quad" I already have more DEM data than map tile data. A while ago I ZIPed up a few DEM files to send to a friend and noticed that they compress pretty good - down to 2-3 MB or so. I'd like TopoFusion to compress DEM files - either as an option or standard - unless it would slow down TF too much to do the decompression.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: project tracks to 3D
« on: December 06, 2004, 09:02:46 PM »
I have a feature request:

If I have DEM files for a particular area, I'd like to be able to project a track onto this 3D "surface". This would be handy for drawing a track by hand (2D) then adding the 3D info of the DEM to generate an elevation profile. I have wanted to do this several times when looking for routes in unknown terrain. The 3D view is very handy for this, but an elevation profile for a proposed route is better.

I would also like to use this feature for tracks imported from a GPS. My GPS doesn't have an altimeter and often has poor elevation data. I'd like to be able to convert these tracks to use the DEM elevation data.

Archived Support / website OK ?
« on: November 16, 2004, 02:31:45 PM »
Is the TopoFusion website OK? It came up this morning for me but was unreachable since Saturday.

Archived Support / Add to tracks ?
« on: October 31, 2004, 08:02:02 PM »
Is there a way to add track points? My GPS shut off a few times so there are gaps in the tracks and I'd like to add some points and also join the two ends.  Can this be done?

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