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Topics - hwalther

Pages: [1]
Archived - Feedback and Comments / crash in GOVSS analysis
« on: December 28, 2006, 06:25:28 PM »
an input of "1:00" (meant to be 1 h) in the time field for the Threshold Power (with a distance of 12.8 k) yields a runtime error 13 and TopoFusion crashes.

no big deal. just letting you know.  happy new year!

Feature Requests / request - elevation information
« on: July 26, 2006, 11:48:23 AM »
would it be possible to add a feature that lets you see the elevation at the pointer location? if there already is a way -  i haven't been able to figure out how to do it...

i'd be nice to be able to compute the approximate elevation gain for a bike ride without having to draw a path for it.

also, it used to be possible to enter a minimum elevation gain in the Climbing Analysis tool without using the slider. that doesn't seem to  work anymore.


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: lap split display
« on: December 26, 2004, 06:20:26 PM »
one little feature which would make a huge improvement for runners would be a window to display the mile or km splits of a track and the respective average min/mile, mph speed, max speed, elevation gain / loss etc of the mile/km.

maybe it could be integrated as another tab in the property window for the track?

edit: duh! just saw that it's part of beta 2.11. cool.


Archived Support / a bug with Profile & Playback?
« on: December 26, 2004, 05:50:59 PM »
or is it a feature i'm misunderstanding?

i've got a single track displayed.

everytime i click on that track when in 'Profile & Playback'  the elevation data of the track gets added (again) to the Profile Window, so after clicking on the track 4 times the screen looks like this:

maybe this is intentional, so in case there is more than one track visible one can add elevation data selectively to the profile.

if so, how can i clear the Profile Display? just closing the window doesn't do the trick.

in any case, great program! well worth the $40.

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