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Topics - MedWheel

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / How to Measure Existing Track Segment?
« on: February 17, 2009, 12:44:00 PM »
Hey Scott,

Hope you are having a good winter.  I can't find an answer to the following:

Is there a way to find out the length of a segment of a track without having to draw using the pencil?  In other words, is there a way to click at some point on an existing track, then click farther along on the same track and get a readout of the track distance (not the straight line) between the two points? For example, if I ride a lollipop loop, with one way in and out (the "stick" of the lollipop), it would be nice to be able to get a measurement of the loop without the "stick", or vice versa.


Archived Support / Can't Delete Trackpoints
« on: May 01, 2007, 12:52:22 PM »
Using TF3, latest version, I can select a track point, but can't delete any.  Running on MS Vista Home Deluxe.  This happens in several different GPX files.

Just tried it on an XP machine, and I can delete trackpoints on that machine in TF3.0.

The Vista system is using an Nvidia Graphics card with the latest non-beta vista drivers from Nvidia.  3.0 GB RAM.

EDIT - Problem fixed with 3.05 beta.  Never mind...

Feature Requests / Import/Export to Google Earth?
« on: April 11, 2007, 04:04:19 PM »
Hey Scott,

Any chance of an import/export ability to Google Earth (KML?) files?

Looking at this page it looks like it might be a useful capability down the road.

Archived Support / Tiles Downloading Slooooowly
« on: May 02, 2006, 07:36:01 AM »
I just installed TF on a new machine, which has a Pentium D dual core chip, 3 GB of RAM, and a new Nvidia 7600 GS video card with the latest drivers.  TF  doesn't seem to download tiles at all, or a new tile will pop up every minute or so.  This happens at all zoom levels and with all tile sets.  Also, if I try to resize the TF window, it takes a couple of seconds to redraw on the screen.

Also, the screen resolution is 1920x1200.  I was previously having the same garbling issue as in another post, but that was before I installed the new video card.

I'm using version 2.85 of TF.

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