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Topics - Payton MacDonald

Pages: [1]
GPS, Trails, Training / How to move a route from Google over to GPS?
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:52:26 AM »
I've plotted out a bike route using Google and would like to see if I can move it over to my Etrex 30. I'm wondering if Topofusion or Basecamp would be able to do this?  Feel free to shoot me over to a tutorial about it.  I presume this question has been asked before thought I didn't see it here.  Thanks,

TopoFusion Basic / Etrex 30 question
« on: March 01, 2012, 08:44:05 AM »
Hi guys,

I purchased Topofusion Basic and it's amazing.  I'm very impressed with the program.  I also just got my first GPS, an Etrex 30.  I mostly understand it and was able to move a gpx file from Topofusion over to the Etrex with no problem.  But what I don't quite understand is how to get more detail on the Etrex.  The file I moved over (The Allegheny Mountain Loop file) clearly shows the route on the etrex, but when I zoom in there's hardly any detail at all other than major interstates and a few rivers.  So it's useful in the sense that I can see in a general way if I'm on track, but not in terms of making more detailed decisions.  Same with when I use the GPS for cruising around my town on my bike.  What I was hoping for is that the Etrex would give me some of the same detail I see on my computer when looking at Topofusion.

Do I need to load up some kind of base map or something that has all the roads, trails, rivers, etc for every state?  And then the gpx files go "on top" of that?

I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but I would appreciate your help.

Thanks so much,

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