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Topics - greensie

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Basic / Track randomly loses segments
« on: January 05, 2013, 01:17:29 AM »
I've just downloaded Topofusion and I'm playing around with it, and some of the things the program is doing don't make sense to me.

First off, as soon as I set the first waypoint, I have to save the file.  Ok, but then I try to draw a track from home to work, and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop drawing a track except to right click and save.  But I can't save the track to the same file I created my waypoints on, because if I try to save the track to the same filename, it tells me that file is already loaded.  Ok, so I unload the file and save to the same filename, and my waypoints are now lost.  That's annoying.

So I finally get my waypoints and track on the same file, but I notice that the track I've just drawn has 4 segments missing.  That's odd, since all the segments are drawn one right after the other with a series of left clicks, so I can't exactly "forget" to put in a segment.  Fine, I'll just use the "Join Tracks" tool, only when I do this, it forces the track to become a loop, creating a single, straight-line segment from the end of one of the tracks I'm trying to join to the end of the whole track.  Then I can't use the Cut Track tool to delete the 1.2 mile segment that just appeared between the middle of my track and my work.

What gives?

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