Archived Support / Downloading Track from Vista C no workie
« on: January 27, 2005, 11:43:03 AM »
My Vista C won’t seem to download. I start the Download, selecting Tracks only and unselected "log" and "follow on map". I am using USB to a laptop. Laptop supports USB 2.0. The download seems to work fine. I can see the track appearing on the map in the background. At the end, the GPS shows "Transfer Complete", but TopoFusion says an error has occurred in communication and to check Preferences. I have version 2.1, downloaded from your site about 2 months ago.
BTW, I sent this message several days ago to support@topofusion.com and am disappointed to have received no reply.
BTW, I sent this message several days ago to support@topofusion.com and am disappointed to have received no reply.