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Topics - Larry

Pages: [1]
TopoFusion Pro / Remove PhotoFusion option
« on: June 20, 2021, 02:01:46 PM »
Hi Scott,

I've discovered how slick PhotoFusion is for the documentation I do as part of Forest Service volunteer work. It saves a lot of text trying to explain what's what and where. One feature that would be handy would be a 'remove PhotoFusion' button where I might want to re-use the .gpx file but without PF.  I can do it with Notepad ++ but this would be easier. Or maybe the remove option is already there and I didn't find it!


Feature Requests / Correction for wrong date, Garmin Geko 301
« on: March 13, 2021, 02:42:07 PM »
Hi Scott,

I recently found a Garmin Geko 301 as a backup to my trusty Geko 201 which I still find is the best GPS for what I do in the Cascades.  Although the 201 works as it should, the 301 gives the wrong date in spite of updating the software to the latest version (2.70) with the Garmin Web Updater.  The problem is as described here:  Geko 201 Time and Date are Incorrect | Garmin Support

Otherwise the unit works perfectly.

I can manually edit the .gpx file generated by TF to correct the date but it's an inconvenience.  It turns out that if I import the file into Excel and add 7 x 1024 = 7168 to the Excel date, the correct date is generated.  I know this is a minor issue but it would be great if there were a way to correct or change dates (not the time, just the date) from within TF.
Or perhaps there is another solution I have overlooked.
Thanks so much for your continued work!


TopoFusion Pro / Server for marine charts?
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:36:58 AM »
Hi Scott,

Do you know of a tile server for US and or Canadian marine charts that will work with TF? Funny, but there are several sources for free topos, but its $$$ for digital marine charts; not worth it if one is just interested in this or that small area.

thanks so much,


TopoFusion Pro / Problem with 3D
« on: December 13, 2009, 05:50:58 PM »
Hey Scott,

I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with 3D for a friend and don't quite know where to start, other than to run dxdiag. On his Win XP machine with Direct X 9.x, (c I think) 3D was working properly until a few betas ago. After that point, the 3D surface will load, but it has not tiles overlaying it. Could this have anything to do with the Direct X version? (There is no Direct X 10 for XP.)

Where should I start?


TopoFusion Pro / A SAR related question
« on: September 16, 2009, 06:41:16 AM »
I wonder if one of the SAR people on this forum might update me on the current state of adapting standard SAR and/or Forest Service radios to transmit a gps lat-lon at intervals so that personnel could be tracked using TF.

Thanks in advance,


Feature Requests / Easy way to copy track stats
« on: August 20, 2009, 06:35:47 AM »
Hey Scott,

This is a minor request: an easy way to copy all the stats for a given track, so for example, they could be pasted into an Email. Maybe right click on the track file and choose 'copy stats' or something like that.

And the idea of being able to choose tile sets for PhotoFusion gets my vote too! Two or three votes. :) Now that the color tiles are available, this would be especially nice.


Beta Testing / v. 3.82 on netbook runing Win 7
« on: August 07, 2009, 08:20:31 AM »
Hey Scott,

I just thought I would let you know that the latest beta runs like a champ on my Eee PC with the Win 7 RC 1 OS installed. That's working *great* too.  With this setup, and my TF prefs set back a bit, I think TF is running perhaps even better on this little machine than when I first started using it several years ago on my desktop at the time. It's really quite amazing.


TopoFusion Pro / Resolution of download/cashe DEM
« on: June 21, 2009, 08:51:49 AM »
Hey Scott,

Just got to wondering if the download/cashe DEM resolution was as good as the stored ones on my HDD. These were generated some time ago, using the instructions on the website. Turns out that the original stored DEM files have a much higher resolution as compared to the download/cashe version. At least on my few tests. The later produces a very blocky 3D model when zoomed way in.

I was under the impression that the download/cashe files could create the same DEM resolution as before. What's going on do you think?


Feature Requests / Any progress on the load maps tool?
« on: June 01, 2009, 02:44:06 PM »
Hey Scott, any progress on simplifying the use of the load maps tool so that you can easily load all the files of a given type (especially the color tiles!) without any of the others? And while I think of it, would it be possible to add color tiles to the list of combo tile sets, so I can use the color tiles now instead of black and white blended with the topo tiles?

Hiking - exploring season is here!


Feature Requests / An easier way to use download tool
« on: April 01, 2009, 07:51:40 AM »
Hi Scott,

I wonder if there might be an easier way to use the area download tool. That is, to be able to quickly select one or more tile sets to download. Say I just want to download the new Canadian topos for an area. As I understand, currently I need to open preferences>tile sets, and uncheck all but the one or ones I want. If I don't do this, TF wants to download tens of thousands of tiles for a small area in Desolation Sound for example. (Or am I missing something?)   :-[

Maybe a right click menu when the cursor is within a selected area, or something in the download message box.


TopoFusion Pro / Canadian color tiles
« on: April 01, 2009, 07:01:49 AM »
Hey Scott,

Thanks for the instructions on inactivating my old Canadian topos. Worked fine. After I did this and started exploring some of the new maps, I found that the 'c' key brings up Google like color tiles at least well north of the Washington - BC border. North of  East  Redondo Island (a wonderful cruising area) for example. What's the real story about Canadian color tiles?

In case this has not been mentioned before, here's what I've found about using hot keys: to find the hot key for newer tile sets, try the first letter in the name that is not already taken. For Canadian topos, that letter is 'n'. Does this idea work consistently?


TopoFusion Pro / custom combo maps
« on: March 19, 2009, 08:32:58 AM »
Hi Scott,

Maybe this has been covered before, but I can't find any info:

I'd like to be able to use my own choice of tile sets for the combo maps. Is there a way to do this? Second choice would be to use hotkeys to toggle between the urban tile sets and the TIGER tile sets. (In effect I would get something like Google Maps, but no need for an Internet connection.)


TopoFusion Pro / Live tracking; removing black track line
« on: March 14, 2009, 07:42:01 AM »
Hey Scott, just got a gps dongle for my laptop. Works fine with TF, and quite amazing at that. One thing I have not figured out however. As the track is being drawn, it is shown as a black line. When I save the track, it lies directly under the black line, and is not visible. I was not able to figure out how to clear that black line so I could see my saved track. But eventually it disappeared (so I could see and edit my track); I just don't know how I did it.  :)

Is there a need for that black line to persist? How do I clear it?



Feature Requests / Favicon?
« on: February 22, 2009, 05:19:30 AM »
Hi Scott,

Now here's a simple request.  How about adding an appropriate favicon.ico to the TF website? I'll try making one for you if you don't have the time.   :)


Feature Requests / Tile date
« on: February 02, 2009, 07:58:31 AM »
Hi Scott,

I think this has been discussed in the past, but with the addition of color tile sets, all sorts of research is now practical. Backcountry campsite surveys come to mind, in keeping with my interests. It would be very desirable to know the date when a tile image was taken, say by right click over an exact area of interest.

I'm not sure if this is possible (if the tiles have this info) but it would be a great feature I think.


TopoFusion Pro / Resolution of color tiles
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:12:06 AM »
Hi Scott,

A quick question: what are the resolutions of the different color tile sets? My eyeball estimate was that the .003 color set had a resolution of about 1.6 feet (pixels were 1.6 x 1.6). What's the correct value for the different sets?


Feature Requests / Support for 3Dconnexion Space Navigator
« on: June 09, 2008, 07:10:42 AM »
Hi Scott,

If TF does not already support the 3Dconnexion Space Navigator

, it might be worth considering. The description of it really looks cool. I just noticed that Fiero (DevalVR) has just added support, so I'm going to get one. Can't resist.  '<img'> I can use it with Google Earth too.


TopoFusion Pro / Bearings using drawing tool
« on: May 24, 2008, 05:40:11 PM »
Hi Scott, hope you are having a nice trip!

I normally use NGS Topo! to generate the range and bearings I use in making my labeled panoramics, but Topo! does not cover Canada, so for my latest pan from the North Cascades, I'm trying to use TF to ID peaks across the border. For some reason, the bearings reported by TF did not add up with the pan (as do those from Topo!) so I did a quick check:

From Kitling to Joker, Topo! reports 357.7 deg (TN), while TF reports 356.1 deg. How does TF arrive at this figure? Could it be grid north vs true north? Is is a constant offset at least for a small area?

Any help greatly appreciated. I think I saw something about this in another post, but is it possible to get the elevations of contours on the Canada topos? It's rather hard to figure out what's going on without them.  '<img'>


Feature Requests / Increase zooming smoothness
« on: April 28, 2008, 03:42:22 PM »
Hi Krein,

Another minor request: in making html maps for documentation, it would be useful to be able to have one or two extra 'stops' when setting the zoom, so that you can show exactly the area you want, but nothing extra. I've set the Zooming Smoothness slider to the far right, but even more smoothness would be nice.

The html maps have been a big hit by the way! Once the topo.jpg file is generated, I've been opening it in my photo editor and annotating it. I've annotated some of the pics too. Then I open the index.html page in my html editor and tune it up to suit -- adding suitable text to the 'description', changing the title etc. Works great!


Archived Support / Removing HTML map icons, etc
« on: April 14, 2008, 05:33:21 AM »
Hi Krein,

I may be missing something, (now why would I suggest that?!)   but wanting to completely undo the addtions made by the HTMLmap feature, I found it awkward. I ended up finding a folder with no pics in it, and then clicking the 'place pics as waypoints' button.

Unless there is a way I missed, it would be nice to be able to click an undo button that would remove everything added; the icons, and the additional files added to the picture folder.


Archived Support / New 3D export options
« on: March 30, 2008, 10:38:41 AM »
Hi Krein,

Maybe I can figure this out by myself, but hey, I'm lazy.  '<img'>

My first experiment with a 4000 x 3000 max detail 3D export, printed with the 'poster printing', 2x2 on my printer was a huge success. This will be very useful for Forest Service documentation I think.

The black background at the top of the picture however adds no useful info, so I'm wondering how to fill it in so to speak.

If I just zoom out, increase the size even further and use max detail, and then crop the resultant .jpg, will that work?

If so, maybe you could save some trial and error by suggesting how much to zoom out (it will depend on tilt), and how much to increase the export size to keep the same res.

Oh, yes, and since I'm only going to crop the top I should change the export width to height ratio. Maybe make it one to one for prints that will eventually be 17 x 22 landscape?

Thanks, Larry

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Strange behavior with load maps tool
« on: October 23, 2007, 07:44:09 AM »
Krein, I finally decided to bite the bullet and dump my old maps.dat files so I could enable dx1 compression on a whole new set of tiles. As before, Vista Home Premium

I was hoping that I could just let the load maps tool run all night, but after loading files for a few minutes the internet connection fails; it appears to be blocked. No other app can then connect either. No mail, no IE. I have to restart to reistablish an internet connection.

The maps load just fine in the usual way with my current settings (10 to 20 connections, no persistent connections).

I tried reducing this to 1 connection, and still the same thing. Next I tried unchecking most of the tile sets, figuring that maybe I could just do one type at a time for a large area. This to caused the same issue after downloading for maybe 3 to 5 minutes.

Very strange that not only is my TF connection with the server cut, but entire internet connection is blocked. What's going on... any ideas?

Added: I was just now able to reproduce this issue by downloading a large number of tiles, continuously in the usual way. Some sort of ISP server related issue? On the other hand, I can download very large individual files. Something to do with the number of connections, and how long they are used?


Feature Requests / More colored tiles?
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:18:10 AM »
Hi Krein,

Just browsing on Microsoft's online mapping service  and I see that they have added more and more 1 meter resolution aerial tiles in color. At least fringes of the hiking and skiing areas around here are now included. The pics look great. Better yet, at one meter res the pictures are "courtesy of USGS" per the statement at the bottom of the map display.

Would this mean that TF should be able to access these images? Sure hope so, at least eventually.


Feature Requests / Convert track points to waypoints as batch
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:53:58 AM »
Hi Krein,

Here's something that would be useful for some: I still use NGS Topo! for trail maps in part because of the annotation features, print controls, etc. For gps work it has it's limitations, so I first download my tracks into TF and tune them if necessary. Then I transfer them to Topo! Currently the easiest way for me to do this is to upload the TF track to the GPS, and then download it in Topo!

Topo! v4.x will however import waypoints from .gpx files. Waypoints but not track points. I've found that I can convert trackpoints to waypoints in TF, but only one at a time. If I could do this as a batch, using the shift key to select all the track points, it would then make importing tracks into Topo! a snap.  Especially so in that Topo! offers to convert the points to a freehand route (at least I think that's what they call the result of the 'route' tool).

How hard would it be to have TF allow batch conversion of track points to waypoints, autonaming them with 6 characters or less?


Archived Support / Photo icons in html map
« on: August 12, 2007, 08:20:55 AM »
Krein, thanks for the tip about turning the track display off. You would have thought that I would have thought of that, but then again....  '<img'>

Still fiddling with the html maps, and I find now that there is no camera icon displayed next to the image file name. As I remember there was at one time, but it got in the way if pics were closely spaced. Yeah, that was a problem.

After I place pictures as waypoints, I can edit those waypoints by selecting 'properties' for the track, and looking in the waypoint tab. When I edit an individual waypoint, I see that the default icon is set to 'photo', but no icon displays, at least all the time. If I click on the file name, a small yellow dot pops up. That's handy when working on screen, but the precise location of the waypoint does not show in the html map.

I've put the symbols.bmp file in my TF folder, and I can choose any of the other icons I would like, and I guess I can even edit them in my photo editor, but to have such icons show in the html map, I'd have to edit every photo waypoint.

Am I missing something? In the improbable instance that I'm not, would there be a way to change the default icon added when you 'place pictures as waypoints' to the user's choice of the ones in the symbols.bmp file?


Feature Requests / Transparency setting for tracks
« on: August 11, 2007, 08:05:45 AM »

I'm just now doing some documenting for the FS using the 'generate html map' feature - which is absolutely great for the purpose - and had the following thought.

The track I took to take the pictures is not important; only where they were taken. It would be nice if I could adjust the transparency of my chosen track color(s) so that the track would be barely visable, or  perhaps invisible. Is that possible?


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Port scan upon tile download
« on: June 11, 2007, 07:43:36 AM »
At first I thought the port scans that Norton Internet Security 2007 has detecting since installation were all random, but on a closer look not so.

As soon as TF begins to download new tiles a portscan is triggered. NIS reports as follows:

 Details: Attempted Intrusion "Portscan" against your machine was detected and blocked.
Risk Level: Medium.
Protocol: UDP.
Attacked IP: LARRY_R.
Attacked Port: 49985.
The attacked port numbers vary.

There has been no problem with downloading tiles, but I'm curious about what's going on. So far I have not been able to figure out who the 'intruder' is. Maybe it's just the Terraserver checking to see what ports it can use.

Does anyone have more info on this?


Beta Testing / 3.09, error generating HTML ImageMap
« on: June 04, 2007, 08:05:36 AM »
Hi Krein,

This could just be me spacing out, but...

Using v. 3.09, I'm unable to generate an HTML ImageMap. I'm doing it the same way that has always worked in the past, but I get this error message: no images displayed in current map view...

I've confirmed that the times in the track points cover the times and date in the exif data. I'm using the standard PST time correction. No adjustment for daylight savings time; I've not needed it in the past. I tried an hour offset, but no change.

I tried several of my older tracks too; one generated the map, the others did not. I didn't see any obvious difference, but that's not saying much. ':p'

So I can definitely conclude, with the greatest of confidence, that its either me, or TF. I think.

(Vista OS as you know.)


Feature Requests / editable HTML imagemap template?
« on: May 07, 2007, 07:28:33 AM »
Krein, maybe I had mentioned this suggestion before and have forgotten, but how about having the html image map feature refer or have the option of refering to a template that one can edit with an html editor?

The html imagemap is a hidden gem. It's absolutely great for documentation and it saves having to write a very large amount of text explaining where and when pictures were taken, the surrounding geography, etc.

It would be nice to be able to create several custom templates that would be tailored to specific audiences. Unnecessary info, such as the elevation profile when the track is unimportant can cause confusion. ('Why is this here' some may ask.)

It's possible to edit the html file after generation, but heck, I'm lazy!


Archived - Feedback and Comments / HTTP persistent connection option
« on: April 07, 2007, 09:09:44 AM »
Hi Krein,

I wonder if you could elaborate on the 'persistent connection' option under preferences>internet.

With this option enabled (by default as I remember) recently I have found that right after opening TF, downloads are very fast, but within a minute or so, often the dowloading slows to a stop. A bit later TF will tell me that it cannot connect with the server.

I've been experimenting with this feature off - no persistent connections - and the problem seems to be solved. It's as if the server, after briefly handling my TCP requests on a persistent connection, has put remaining requests at the bottom of its to-do list.   ':p'

I found this explantion of persistent connections helpful:

And I wondered about this: "According to RFC 2616, a single-user client should not maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy."

I've been using anywhere between 6 and 30 connections - still experimenting. Could it be that the server might be trying to 'encourage' compliance with the reccomendation?

More detail about the internet options would be great!


Beta Testing / Results with Vista on new build
« on: February 03, 2007, 02:32:57 PM »

Have not been able to test the new features till now, I think because although I was running DX 9 my old vid card would only support DX 8.  So I just put it off.

I just finished my new build (Intel E6600, Raedon 1650 pro, Asus P5B E using AHCI mode with Seagate NCQ enabled drives) and have Vista installed. New, but mid level stuff. This just so I could really enjoy TF. '<img'>

I was expecting a significant improvement in the performance of TF, but all I can say on first look is that the results are *stunning*. You sort'a have to see it to appreciate it.

Haven't tried to break anything yet, but I have noticed that that in the files display at the bottom of the window, the color for the track is a series of small 'L's.

I'll test more when I get the computer setup finalized


Feature Requests / Skip tiles not enabled
« on: January 01, 2007, 06:37:39 AM »
Krein, a minor suggestion but it is something I find irritating. As far as I know, there is no 1 meter topo, and thus no 1 meter combo, at least for my area. Even though I have unchecked the combo 1 meter box in the tile set preferences, when I toggle through the  1 meter tile sets using the 'a' key and come to the combo, I see a blank page with the 'downloading' on the tiles. It would be great to just skip this if it is not enabled, because --- well I'm never quite sure if I've toggled to something that really will be downloaded or not.  '<img'>

I have to toggle through again to find out. Now if my memory was better....  ':p'


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Inappropriate posts; spam
« on: November 05, 2006, 05:19:10 PM »

I've been noticing more and more spam that somehow gets posted by 'new members' making their first post.

I suspect that automated bots can now register for some forums. It might be time to add another layer to the registration process, like having a field where people type type in as text what they see in a distorted image. Guess bots can't do that --- yet.  '<img'>


Beta Testing / Min speed in 2.93 beta
« on: August 22, 2006, 08:19:49 AM »
Krein, just tried out the new 2.93 beta; for hiking at least the 'minimum speed to be moving' feature is really slick! I haven't yet fiddled with different settings, but first tryout with max speed set to 3 and the min set to .5 mph really showed the sort of detail I was hoping for. You know, when I was dogging it, and when not.   '<img'>  And exactly where in relation to the trail grade.


Ps: sayyyyy, grade vs. speed - just asking for an equation (which I think you already have). An equation that could then be used to color code the track insead of speed. You could call it the 'am I lazy or what?' shading.

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Export now works
« on: March 15, 2006, 05:34:46 AM »
Just a quick note to say that the high res. export feature now works for me in v.2.85. No more hash at least up to the max size I've tried (3000 x 2500).  No other changes here.

Next step maybe: high res. 3D exports. Now that would be cool!

I've just begun to play around with the large exports to see what can be done to tune them up in Photoshop Elements. Perhaps others interested in this could post cookbook settings that work for their use. At this point I'm exporting as a bitmap, using the 'median' noise filter set at 1 or 2, then using Neat Image with various settings. Still experimenting!


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Google maps
« on: July 21, 2005, 06:29:25 AM »
Krein, found this on the Google site; based on what I read, I'll bet that Google would not object to your using their maps. I notice that they are reserving the right to add advertizing in the future, so that suggests what their business model will be for the product.

Google Releases Maps API for External Use - 29/Jun/2005

"I'm very happy to let you know that our friends who have created Google Maps have released an API so that you can post interactive, draggable, zoomable, maps (with satellite imagery) on your personal websites.

For more information, check out the Google Maps API page and be sure to join the Google-Maps-API Google Group. A huge congratulations to the maps team for doing this."

Archived - Feedback and Comments / HTML ImageMap feature
« on: June 12, 2005, 06:52:20 AM »
Hi Krein,

I've just discovered how useful the 'Generate HTML ImageMap' function can be.  It's a huge timesaver for site documentation. Just carry the GPS and take pictures.
One minor issue however is that if the pictures are taken in close proximity, unless you zoom way in, the clickable camera icons in the HTML file overlap, sometimes so that some are not accessible.  If one is trying to get an overview of an area, it my not be desirable to zoom in to the point where the icons are not overlapped.

Any quick and dirty solutions?  Perhaps one could edit the icon with an icon editor and make it smaller. Or maybe it would be possible to have the camera icon function as a callout with a line pointing to the exact spot the picture was taken as well as positioning itself so that it does not overlap any other icon. Another solution might be to place the icons in a bitmap file so the user could edit them.

For my part, it would be worth tinkering. For my latest little project, the HTML ImageMap feature generated an intuitive map that I can distribute easily and can be read by anyone with a browser. It explains the situation better than anything I think I could have come up with, and it took only a minute or two. I would have spent perhaps a whole day trying to do it myself.

I think this is a hidden gem!


I thought the example of the differences between 10 meter and 30 meter DEM resolution posted by Kanyon Chris was most interesting. Thanks!

For complex terrain being able to switch to 10 meter data would be quite nice.  '<img'> I think it would be most helpful in deciding whether certain proposed routes are practical, or impractical.

In that TopoFusion currently allows you to specify the location of the folder containing DEM data (under 'options'), would it be possible to add to this dialog so that one could specify separate folders for 10 meter and 30 meter data, and then also have an additional toggle button after the 3D button to select which data set will load?


Archived Support / DEM resolution, v2.5
« on: March 01, 2005, 08:54:43 AM »
I'll bet the answer to this question is somewhere in the documentation, but I'm lazy.  ':p'

I'm guessing that the auto DEM download gets the 100 meter resolution DEMs. My existing DEM files are also 100 meter. Is it possible to use the 30 meter DEMs? Can they co-exist with the 100 meter, say for an area of special interest?

Would it be possible to be able to select 100 meter or 30 meter for the auto download feature?

And if one can use the 30 meter stuff, would it actually help the display on the screen?



Archived - Feedback and Comments / Installing v.2.5
« on: February 21, 2005, 10:27:06 AM »
In case any others have a similiar experience:

I downloaded the 2.5 upgrade (the zip file) and overwrote the existing files as directed. When I started TopoFusion up, all I saw was a white screen centered on one of my existing .gpx waypoints that I had been using. Of course I thought that I had screwed up once again.  After doublechecking the files, I tried again, and finally noticed that the program was zoomed way out to the land-sat range. All I had to do was zoom in with the mouse wheel. Silly mistake. But that problem solved.

Then I could not get my existing DEM files to load. Must have messed that up somehow I thought. I looked through the various dialog boxes twice, and just didn't see an appropriate setting (in the 3D preferences dialog) till the 3rd time! Oh well. Just me I guess.  '<img'>  Now things are working, and I can explore the new features.

By the way, a brief note about the upgrade procedure for registered users on the download page might be helpful. I forgot just how I did it last time, and started to download the demo version before I remembered.

Larry '<img'>

Archived - Feedback and Comments / Feature request: 'digital fog'
« on: January 28, 2005, 05:52:48 AM »
Yesterday, as I was looking out across rather complex terrain when the valleys were filled with fog, I noticed how easy it was to identify the major features.

To help in getting a broad overview, would it be possible to generate a digital fog effect? Sort'a like an if - then statement. If the DEM value is less than a user set value, then the modified DEM will report the set value, and the color will be white or gray.

OK, so it's a wierd request! :-)


Archived - Feedback and Comments / Freeze up problem and solution
« on: September 25, 2004, 10:29:34 AM »
Thanks so much for a *fantastic* product. I am only beginning to explore what can be done with it beyond the obvious.

Although the program worked well when I first downloaded it, after a while I began having complete freeze ups at odd times, for example when using the scroll wheel to zoom, or perhaps changing the manification, or loading a new file. I reinstalled the program, which solved the problem until I started loading the gpx files I had generated. I deleted the ini file and reinstalled again when it dawned on me that this may be a memory issue.

I have an Abit MB with onboard video and 512 MB ram. Playing with the amount of ram shared with the video via the BIOS didn't help. (Processor is a Intel 2.4 )

The potential of the program made it well worth me trying a 128 MB AGP video card. Problem solved! Everything works as it should.

If I may, a  suggestion or two: it would be nice to be able to adjust the line size of GPS tracks and routes. Likewise it would be nice to be able to change the size of waypoint icons.

I look forward so much to future the development of TopoFusion,

Larry  -'<img'>

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