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Topics - SargeDev

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Archived Support / A cry from Europe
« on: April 10, 2007, 04:30:46 PM »
Hi All,

I just downloaded the TF 3.0 Pro demo and wanted to give it a try before buying.

I also own a Garmin Forerunner and got the TF up and running and imported some logs from the Forerunner in no time - BUT -
when loading a track (a 5 kilometer run in the area around where i live in Denmark) and right-clicking this in the lower right list of the imported tracks and selecting "Center map on file" i just get a completely useless overview!!!

In the top right corner "Landsat .6225" automatically gets selected and the scale (the bar in the lower right corner of the map is set at "4 km"

I can see my track on the map, but if I didn't know where on earth i made this run i would have no idea even in what country i was!!!

Where is all the nice "pictures" of the buildings and other surroundings? - it's just a very "blurred" image, and even if I zoom out and set the scale at 7 km. i get an idea of where I am (mainly because i live close the ocean on one side and a big lake on the other side).

I can see on the TF webpage that Topo data is only available for the US - and all that I can select for my area/country (Denmark) is "Landsat" data, but if the resolution is like this the TF is of no use to anyone here - unless you want to play with a logfile when driving from country to country in Europe and just want a fat colored line drawn on a big map covering multiple countries  ':p'

Am I doing something wrong? - can i do something with the properties to "sharpen" or enhance this? ..... or should I just forget the whole thing and consider this product another "US-only" data application?

- SargeDev

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